Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care. Группа авторов

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Название Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119743026

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      Second Edition

      Edited by

      Anita Atwal

      Associate Professor London South Bank University London, UK

       Edition HistoryBlackwell Publishing Ltd. (1e, 2009)

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      The right of Anita Atwal to be identified as the author of the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with law.

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      1  Cover

      2  Title page

      3  Copyright

      4  Contributors List

      5  Introduction

      6 1 ReflectionChapter OverviewProfessionalismKnowledgeConceptions of PracticeEvidence-Based PracticeClinical ReasoningReflection in PracticeCritical Thinking Is Not Possible without ReflectionReflection and ReflexivityCase Study 1 – Interprofessional Collaboration: Differing Assumptions Informing IdeasReflection Is Not Only an Individual ActReflective Models, Settings, and ToolsModels of ReflectionCase Study 2 – Individual Reflection (Model of Reflection): Realisation that Not as Evidence Based in Practice as First ThoughtCase Study 3 – Individual Method of Reflection (Post-Graduate Study): Didn’t Find What Was Expected but Found MoreService User Perspective and Reflection – Shani Shamah

      7 2 Care and Self-CareChapter OverviewWhat Is Care?The Science of CareWhy Self-care Is ImportantStress and BurnoutMethods of Self-CareBoundariesResilienceReflective Practice and Schwartz RoundsChaplaincy ServicesOrganisational CultureService User Perspective: Shani ShamahSummary

      8 3 Ethics and Professional PracticeChapter OverviewPersonal and Professional ValuesUnethical BehaviourFitness to PracticeStandards of Conduct, Performance, and EthicsStandards of Proficiency for PhysiotherapistsQuestions to ConsiderEthical TheoriesUtilitarianismScope of PracticeDeontologyWhistleblowingVirtue EthicsThe Virtue of TrustworthinessThe Principle-Based ApproachRespect for AutonomyAutonomy ReflectionNon-maleficenceNon-Maleficence ReflectionBeneficenceJusticeJustice ReflectionSocial JusticeReflecting on the Four PrinciplesMoral Dilemma: Case StudyAutonomyNon-MaleficenceBeneficenceJusticeSummaryEthical DisagreementThe Second Victim PhenomenonMoral DistressDisruptive and Uncivil BehaviourSummary

      9 4 Culture and Allied Health Professions Service DeliveryChapter OverviewBackgroundCulture and Professional PracticeSociocultural Perspective of the AHPsBelonging in AHPsPower Dynamics and Equalising SpaceWhy Do You Need to Know about Culture as AHPs?Race, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion-Relevant Legislation for Service DeliveryHow do AHPs improve their ability to attend to cultural aspects of person-centred care? A checklist to take action to changeChecklist for Action – What to Do

      10 5 Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and LeadershipChapter OverviewLeadershipQuality Assurance and Change Management ModelsImplementing ChangeService User Voice in Quality ImprovementStage One: Making the Case for the ProjectStage Two: Building the TeamStage Three: ObservationStage Four: Recruitment of Professionals and Service UsersStage Five: Co-Designed GroupsStage Six: Communicating OutcomesAudit

      11 6 Allied Health Professionals and Interprofessional PracticeSummaryTeamsBe Able to Communicate and Have a Strong Professional IdentityDocumentation and CommunicationElectronic Care RecordsUnderstand and Have Knowledge about the Role of Other Professionals and Support StaffKnow How to Manage DifferencesShow