Fundamentals of Qualitative Phenomenological Nursing Research. Brigitte S. Cypress

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Название Fundamentals of Qualitative Phenomenological Nursing Research
Автор произведения Brigitte S. Cypress
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119780090

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Dedication Page

      5  About the Author

      6  With a contribution from

      7  Foreword

      8  List of Tables and Figures

      9  Preface

      10  Acknowledgments

      11  How to Use this Book

      12  I: Framing Qualitative Phenomenological Research 1 The “What,” “Why,” “Who,” and “How” of Qualitative Research 1.1 Why Do Qualitative Research? 1.2 Who Does Qualitative Research? 1.3 What Are the Characteristics of Qualitative Research? 1.4 What Are the Methods Frequently Used in Qualitative Research? 1.5 What Is the Process of Conceptualizing and Designing a Qualitative Research Inquiry? 1.6 Conclusion References 2 Exploring the Philosophical, Paradigmatic, and Conceptual Underpinnings of Qualitative Phenomenological Research 2.1 Nature and Design of a Qualitative Phenomenological Study 2.2 Paradigms and Worldviews 2.3 Phenomenology‐as‐Philosophy 2.4 Phenomenology‐as‐Qualitative Research 2.5 Conclusion References

      13  II: Methods of Phenomen‐ological Data Collection, Reduction, Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation 3 Collecting, Organizing, Analyzing, and PresentingQualitative Data 3.1 Ethical Considerations 3.2 Data Collection Strategies 3.3 Forms of Data 3.4 Data Recording Procedures 3.5 Data Analysis and Presentation 3.6 Data Collection, Analysis, and Presentation, Challenges, Tips, and the Importance of a Mentor 3.7 Conclusion References 4 Data Analysis Software in Qualitative Research 4.1 Brief Historical Overview of the Use of Software in Qualitative Research 4.2 To Use or Not to Use Qualitative Data Analysis Software? 4.3 What Is Qualitative Data Analysis Software? 4.4 Computer‐Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software 4.5 Two of the Current Top Mainstream Software Packages 4.6 Challenges in the Use of CAQDAS, and the Importance of Training and a Mentor 4.7 Conclusion References

      14  III: Enhancing the Rigor and Validity of Pheno‐menological Research 5 Rigor or Reliability and Validity in QualitativeResearch 5.1 Rigor versus Trustworthiness 5.2 The Rigor Debates: Trustworthiness or Reliability and Validity? 5.3 Reliability and Validity in QualitativeResearch 5.4 Exemplar: Reliability and Validity as Means of Ensuring the Quality of Findings in a Phenomenological Study in the ICU 5.5 The Rigor Debate Continues: How Do We Move Forward? 5.6 Conclusion References

      15  IV: The Art of Phenomen‐ological Writing, Reporting, and Publishing 6 Qualitative Phenomenological Writing 6.1 Ethical Considerations in Writing 6.2 Approaches in Qualitative Writing 6.3 Phenomenological Writing 6.4 Writing and Rewriting 6.5 Conclusion References 7 Publishing Qualitative Phenomenological Research Findings