
Все книги издательства Ingram

    The Man with Two Left Feet - The Original Classic Edition

    Wodehouse P

    This is a very unusual collection for Wodehouse. The stories in The Man With Two Left Feet are very unlike his usual style. Most take place in New York, one is told from the first person perspective of a woman, and one is even told from the point of view of a dog. However, every one has the classic humor and expectedly unexpected happy ending that Wodehouse is known for, and each is a delightful read. As usual, Wodehouse will keeo you smiling throughout ~ even with only a brief visit from our old friend Bertie. <p> Man with two left feet is a delightful book. People have been raving about Wodehouse for a long time and if you have enjoyed watching Jeeves and Wooster this could well be your first venture beyond Jeeves. <p> This book is a compilation of fourteen short, amusing and sometime poignant stories. It is very easy reading BUT cleverly written. <p> A favorite in this book is actually not The Man with Two Left Feet but rather At Geisenheimers.

    The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln - The Original Classic Edition

    Browne Francis

    In 1863 a delegation came to the White House to complain about President Lincoln?s conduct of the Civil War. The beleaguered president listened patiently and replied: ?Gentlemen, suppose all the property you were worth was in gold, and you had put it in the hands of Blondin to carry across the Niagara River on a rope. Would you shake the cable, or keep shouting out to him? No! You would hold your breath as well as your tongue, and keep your hands off until he was safe over. The government is carrying an immense weight. They are doing the very best they can. Don?t badger them. . . . and we?ll get you safe across.? <p> Such stories abound in The Every-Day Life of Abraham Lincoln. Francis Fisher Browne, a prominent Chicago journalist of the day, interviewed Lincoln?s contemporaries to get a candid view of the man before he was enshrined in legend. <p> This early biography describes how Abe looked, acted, and talked in countless situations. It follows him from his birth in a cabin in Kentucky to his work as a lawyer, legislator, and orator in Illinois, and on to his destiny in Washington, DC. All the great events of Lincoln?s public life?from his debates with Stephen Douglas to the Emancipation Proclamation?unfold in a personal and historical context. <p> He is seen as a son, husband, father, and friend. Browne gives an authentic sense of the melancholy, humorous man whose love of stories never precluded rigorous thinking and whose oratory led Americans through years of terror and crisis.

    The Jungle - The Original Classic Edition

    Sinclair Upton

    Originally published in 1906 by Upton Sinclair, THE JUNGLE sent shockwaves throughout the United States that resulted in cries for labor and agricultural reforms. It is indeed rare that a book should have such a political impact, but although Sinclair may have been surprised at the results, it is apparent while reading this novel that his words form a political agenda of its own. It should be noted that Sinclair was a devout Socialist who traveled to Chicago to document the working conditions of the world-famous stockyards. Sinclair originally published this book in serial form in the Socialist newspaper, The Appeal to Reason. But as a result of the popularity of this series Sinclair decided to try to publish in a form of a novel. <p> Sinclair widely utilized the metaphor of the jungle (survival of the fittest, etc.) throughout this book to reflect how the vulnerable worker is at the mercy of the powerful packers and politicians. Mother Nature is represented as a machine who destroys the weak and protects the elite powerful. To illustrate his sentiments Sinclair wrote of family of Jurgis and Ona who immigrated to Chicago from Lithuania in search of the American dream. They arrive in all innocence and believe that hard work would result in a stable income and security. But they soon realize that all the forces are against them. During the subsequent years Jurgis tries to hold on what he has but he is fighting a losing battle. It is not until he stumbles upon a political meeting that his eyes upon the evils of capitalism and the sacredness of socialism. <p> If one is to read THE JUNGLE, then they should do themselves a favor and seek out this version. It is the original, uncensored version that Sinclair originally intended to publish. It contains much more details of the horrifying conditions of the meatpacking industry that Jurgis and his family were subjected to. <p> THE JUNGLE is an important book on the labor history of the United States, the non-fairytale immigration of foreigners into the melting pot, and the history of Chicago. Recommended, but not for the faint of heart.

    Kidnapped - The Original Classic Edition

    Stevenson Robert

    Classic historical fiction by R.L. Stevenson <p> Originally written as a boys adventure novel, modern readers will probably consider it more a book for adults. <p> The plot is fairly straightforward: Our Hero, David Balfour, is tricked out of his rightful inheritance by an evil uncle, shanghaied, shipwrecked, partnered with a historical figure (one Alan Breck Stewart) and caught up in the events of an unsolved historical mystery (the Appin Murder). The body of the novel is a day-by-day description of their flight through the Scottish highlands, on the run from the Redcoat troops searching them out. <p> Overall, the novel succeeds in creating some degree of tension and suspense, especially in the first half or so, with some classic melodrama elements. The latter half of the novel drags a bit, though, and would probably be less appealing to younger readers and more enjoyable for readers more interested in Stevensons prose style. There is a great deal of Scots dialect, but the most obscure words are footnoted. <p> Overall, Id recommend this highly to a fan of books like Sir Walter Scotts Waverly or Rob Roy, or to anyone who had a particular love of historical fiction set in the 18th-century scottish highlands.

    Anthem - The Original Classic Edition

    Rand Ayn

    Ayn Rand, in this book written in 1937, expertly refutes collectivists schemes; such as, Communism and Fascism and shows the utter peril that collectivism poses to individual freedom. <p> This is a short novel about a man who escapes a society from which all individuality has been squeezed. Written a full decade before Orwells 1984 Rand expertly shows how collectivism is destroying individuality and is being practiced throughout the world including the New Deal programs in the United States. During this time in world, history people are becoming serfs to the state as F. A. Hayek, the noted libertarian economist would put it. Rands philosophy is really quite simple; planning is a synonym for collectivism and collectivism is a metaphor for Communism. Rands literary style is easy to read and understand, youll love how she uses the third person plural in the book until the hero finds his ego at which time she switches over to first person singular. <p> Its final two chapters are (according to Rand) the anthem–the celebration of the human ego. This is not done in logical terms, but in pure emotional exultation. Rands writing throughout the book is skilled, passionate and evocative, but in the last two chapters she really shines. <p> For presentations of Rands philosophy, Objectivism, in logical form, read Atlas Shrugged. For a ruthless, beautiful evocation of the emotional aspect of Rands philosophy of egoism, read Anthem. If you have socialist leanings, or simply have always assumed the many is more important that the one, the book may disturb you greatly. It will change the way you feel, and Rands later work will change the way you think. <p> This is a book that should be read by all who wonder what role the government should have in our lives. <p> Highly recommended. This book is often misunderstood, but if you read it with the understanding that it is a poem, and not a book, your understanding of it will be enhanced.

    Hard Times - The Original Classic Edition

    Dickens Charles

    Like all Charles Dickens novels Hard Times features some great, memorable characters. The setting of the industrial city of Coketown is vividly described as a miserable, polluted town. There are some strong themes of class struggles between the working men in the factories and the harsh upper classes who seek to exploit them. Nearly all of the upper class characters are depicted in a negative light while the real heroes of the story are from the working class. As always, Dickens finds an entertaining way to shine a bright light on the social problems of Victorian-era England. <p> Hard Times isnt like Dickenss other novels, Dickens endured himself much further to with this novel as he has his characters perform Thomas Carlyles enduring philosophy. <p> The novel follows the Gradgrind family who is raised adhering to FACTS and living in a society which worships the manufacturing machine. As the novel progresses, connections are made and broken, and the characters come to the realization that there is much more to reality than the material facts. <p> Hard Times is told so compassionately. The reader cares for these people and their tragic lives. The story is also told with biting humor that still cuts at todays society (this novel feels really modern), and the underlying philosophy is one which is so needed in our post-modern world. <p> You will thoroughly enjoy this novel and highly recommend it.

    Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson - The Original Classic Edition

    Emerson Twitchell Ralph

    Mighty thoughts that can shake your life! <p> This is one of the greatest books you will ever read. Many people dont like to read essays of any kind, but Ralph Waldo Emerson is simply different! Nobody has the gift to write essays and analyze life like him. <p> His words and ideas are so powerful and deep that we soon realize that they didnt come only from a brilliant mind, but also from a warm-hearted soul! <p> Thats exactly what this book is about: Its sentences break through your brain and penetrate right into your soul! Emersons optimistic view on human beings and life can only reinforce our courage in mankind and, especially, in ourselves! <p> His speech is direct, he defends all the good values, tell us to have confidence in ourselves and show us that passing through life with dignity is a matter of choice and courage, and that it simply doesnt change with time. It was like this a thousand years ago, it will probably follow the same rules a thousand years from now. <p> This is the book youll grab to comfort your spirit when you are having difficult times… :) It is a guide that make us believe that anything is possible when we really want it! Self-Reliance , one of the essays inside this book, is a masterpiece in its own and should be made compulsary reading in high school. <p> This book can shape your spirit and your mind. It is also possibly THE BEST self-help book you could ever own and, yet, a great literary work. <p> This book is ageless and future generations will be still interested in it, in the same way we are in ancient Greek and Roman texts. <p> This is precious culture and food for your soul as a bargain! Do not waste more time. READ IT!!!

    The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth ? Volume 3 - The Original Classic Edition

    Wordsworth William

    Wordsworth is a beloved writer of many. They love his passionate and direct descriptions of Nature, his reflective calm, his deep moral sense, his simplicity and beauty of language. They love the thoughtfulness of his poetry, and its music. <p> His lines are memorable lines and they evoke sensations sweet felt in the heart. He is a poet who brings with him a sense of both the sublime and the simple combined. <p> There are of course many non- memorable lines and many poems which seem at times to be versified prose. But in the great Wordsworth there is the Literature which makes us Love Life More. <p> At some point in their lives each and every reader can be uplifted by this great poetic soul. <p> Those readers of poetry who discount Wordsworth as merely a poet who worships Nature and holds emotion over rational thought are giving him only a shallow reading and relying on the obvious. When Wordsworths work is read as a whole, and in context with his contemporaries and historical events, then one can begin to appreciate the depth and significance of the philosophical thought behind his poetry. <p> His reliance on Nature comes not from a worship of it, rather from the belief that philosophical and social issues can be found and answered in Nature. This does not contradict modern scientific thought, which relies upon the observation of the natural world through experimentation. It also eliminates the need for a rigid religious structure, because divinity can be found in Nature. Wordsworth teaches us that we learn, and grow, once we accept that we are part of the natural world, and that Nature does not exist to be conquered. <p> The feeling and emotion is a natural reaction, and therefore should not be discounted and inhibited. His poetry is an expression of this. It is not an attack on rational thought–it is a belief that one can learn through observation of the natural universe, not merely the reading of books and dead forms. <p> Wordsworth was a master poet and a genius. He is well-worth the time it takes to study him.

    Macbeth - The Original Classic Edition

    Shakespeare William

    Macbeth comes out as one of William Shakespeares darkest and murkiest plays, most likely as a result of being written during one of Shakespeares darkest times in his own life. This play strays away from the more common Shakespearean formula that contains a hero and his demise resulting from a specific tragic flaw. <p> In MacBeth, the title character is not a hero, but rather a villian. MacBeth murders the king of Scotland to bring truth to a prophecy given to him by three witches (the famous toil and trouble sisters). After assuming the throne, MacBeth returns to the witches and requests to hear the circumstances of his own death. The witches tell MacBeth he cannot be killed by any man of woman born. Under a false assumption of near immortality, MacBeth relaxes his gaurd and perhaps displays his own tragic flaw of over confidence. <p> Focusing on the power corrupt and merciless villain MacBeth and his dastardly and influential wife Lady MacBeth, this play works as a twisted look into a mind poisioned with greed and hate. Though pessimistic and disturbing, this play must not be dismissed. It contains some of the most poetic language and beautiful lines ever to be written. <p> It is no mystery that MacBeth stands as one of the most quoted works in literature. It is however a mystery that Shakespeare could create something so magnificient in a period when he saw life as …a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. <p> Get this book, and have a good read! Then get more Shakespeare from the same series: you wont be sorry.