
Все книги издательства Ingram

    The Metamorphoses of Ovid - The Original Classic Edition

    Naso Publius

    This edition has really come a long way. The text has been translated into a more modern voice, making it much more user friendly and fun to read. And its written in verse form (as is should be). The organization is top-notch: not only is it divided into books, but is further divided into the individual stories with appropriate headings (like Mars and Venus and Pyramus and Thisbe), so its easy to find your favorite myth and know where you are in the epic. <p> Theres also an excellent introduction to the entire work as well as introductions to each individual book, providing insights and background information. The notes in the back of the book are very comprehensive and helpful, adding greatly to your understanding of the work. On top of all that, theres a glossary of the characters in the back which not only tells you who they are, but where they are featured in the epic. <p> Needless to say, this edition is chock full of stuff to please both casual readers of the work and scholars looking to get a little more in-depth. I believe this is one of the most important and influential works of Western civilization, and everyone should have a copy. Its especially great for those who love Greek and Roman myths, since its packed full of just about every classical myth ever conceived. And since its broken down so nicely into individual stories and books, you can read a story here and there instead of the whole thing at once, if you choose. Though since all the stories are connected and flow seamlessly into one another, reading it through from beginning to end is very rewarding and highly recommended.

    In the Yellow Sea - The Original Classic Edition

    Frith Henry

    This is a high quality book of the original classic edition. <p> This is a freshly published edition of this culturally important work, which is now, at last, again available to you. <p> Enjoy this classic work. These few paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside: <p> I was well known on the beach; the sailors, with a tender regard for me and my pocket,?which they did not wish to see either too heavy or too light,?indulged me to the top of my bent; and I believe had I suggested a voyage to France, or the Channel Isles, old Murry and his son Tim would have carried me off in their boat, which I called a yacht when describing her. <p> …Tim was certainly very warm when he stepped into the small boat, and when he was seated old Murry sculled us over to the Osprey, a small yacht, if one may say so?a fore and aft sailing-boat, boasting a little recess which was covered by a hatch, and called the cabin. <p> …The Osprey could stand rough weather, as I well knew, and when we hauled up the mainsail, and set the jib and foresail, I felt happy for the first time that day. <p> …Ye see, its this way: the tides agin ye, and when ye weather the Ratcham yell want all the luff ye can find to fetch Greystones this wind, anyway?and its a squally bit down that gully. <p> …Father he was stoopin forrad, amost in the water, and mother she was steerin, when smack come the lightnin and kill her stone dead, settin up like a statoo, she was; and when father shouted at her to keep up, she set, and set, until he went on savage, and then found her struck.

    The Kingdom of God Is Within You - The Original Classic Edition

    Tolstoy (graf) Leo

    Thank you Leo Tolstoy for giving the world such a profound gift. This book was banned in Tolstoys homeland, Russia, because it was considered revolutionary, it inspired Mohandas Ghandi to align his life with the Truth at any cost, and with the insanely universal dependence by nation states upon the military option, this book remains as relevant as it was on the day it was published in 1894. <p> Admittedly, this is not a quick read. At times, one can feel bogged down in Tolstoys meticulous arguments. But taken as a whole, it is an inspired and inspiring work which will without fail prod the attentive reader to scrutinize ones life – beliefs AND actions. <p> I believe this book will resurface time and again in the non-violent mass movements of the coming century. Read it. Absorb it. Assimilate it. The truth as revealed in this book will indeed set us all free! <p> This is the book which sparked the spiritual revolution in Ghandi, and helped make him the unbelieveable man he was. Ghandi raved about this book in his autobiography, and I couldnt agree more. This could quite possibly be the best book I have ever read. <p> I am saying I would suggest you get this book RIGHT NOW! You are ready to hear what he has to say, and it will make you a better person and thus making our world better. Tolstoy is a remarkable spiritual revolutionist, and he will open your eyes to the works of others that have been suppressed throughout time. Good luck to you and take care out there!

    Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex - The Original Classic Edition

    Freud (Hg.) Sigmund

    This is an excellent work for Freud enthusiasts. The work discusses the theoretical underpinnings for behavioral characteristics popularized by Freud. <p> For instance, the proclivity to forget is related to a personal motivation to suppress unpleasant memories. Dreams tend to depict unfulfilled wishes. Pain and disgust are more frequent aspects of dreams than pure pleasure. The author explains how childhood experiences both good and bad may resurface in our dreams. Our memory can be challenged to recall things long dormant. Night hallucinations can be due to perceived rejected sexual impulses. <p> Freud explains how seemingly contradictory thoughts can coexist side by side. The concept of psychological tension may be related to a displeasure or aversion. Freud discussed sexuality. For instance, he noted that bisexual tendencies could be interpreted within the context of a female brain in a male body. The book brings out many aspects of human behavior that we rarely dwell on consciously. It is perfect for a class project in science, psychology or medicine. Freuds theories tend to be very complex. <p> This work reduces some of the deepest complexities to simple English. Finally, the book helps us to understand the dynamics of why we behave as we do. <p> This book explains important strategies to the classic flight/fight phenomena and accomodative strategies aimed at reducing behavioral tensions/conflicts.

    Lord Jim - The Original Classic Edition

    Conrad Joseph

    This is one of those books that anybody who has been through high school should have been exposed to. I remember being assigned this book as a junior or senior and bluffing my way through without really reading it. I even got a literature degree without reading it. Finally, after many years, I felt that I should give the novel its due, and picked up a copy. <p> The novel is the story of Jim, an overly romantic seaman, who during a moment of crisis loses his courage. He is first mate on a pilgrim ship bound for Mecca and after the ship collides with an unseen object and is in danger of sinking, he abandons ship leaving the human cargo to fend for its own. He is dogged by his guilt and spends years drifting around the East trying to find the right occasion by which he might redeem himself. Eventually he ends up in the forests of Malaysia where he becomes a god-like protector of the indigenous people and is given the title of Lord. But no matter how successful Jim might appear to his followers, and to the omnipresent narrator of the novel, he still cannot forget his moment of weakness. Jims self-centeredness prevents him from moving forward with his life and condemns him to a life of voluntary exile, all the time proclaiming that he is not good enough to live in the outside world. He is willing to risk all future happiness and fortune to be able to face his demons once again without losing his nerves. Ironically, it is his last heroic act that destroys all the good that Jim has painstakingly built up, essentially bringing chaos to his Eden like world. <p> Published at the very beginning of the twentieth century, Lord Jim, in many ways anticipated the experimental writing techniques that would be brought to fruition in the works of Joyce, Faulkner, and others. Conrad is not only interested in telling a tale, he is interested in different points of view, nonlinear narrative techniques, and solving the complexities inherent in a tale within a tale formula. Although some readers might find Conrads prose a little tedious, perseverence and careful reading will reveal passages of unexpected beauty that will cause the reader to pause – then slowly re-read.

    How to Live on 24 Hours a Day - The Original Classic Edition

    Bennett Arnold

    Time, our most precious commodity, is yours to cherish – It is hard to imagine that this little book could be so persuasive. I consider it a classic, and an early precusor to many others that have attempted to demonstrate how time is our own and ours to manage and expand our boundaries of our selves. In the thirty minutes it takes to read, you will be left forever vigilant, and will never sit idle, unless you consciously choose to sit idle, while you ride a train, wait for plane, or drive home from what once may have been a routine. Read it, study it, and live again. <p> A timeless self-help book that can work for everyone – How To Live addresses the inadequacies, frustrations, disappointments of people today in all walks of life and it does so with humor and wisdom. A daily dose of How To Live is at least as nourishing for the brain and soul as a multi-vitamin for the body. Arnold Bennett created a classic of its kind, a self-help book that really helps.

    An English Grammar - The Original Classic Edition

    Witt William

    So many slighting remarks have been made of late on the use of teaching grammar as compared with teaching science, that it is plain the fact has been lost sight of that grammar is itself a science. The object we have, or should have, in teaching science, is not to fill a childs mind with a vast number of facts that may or may not prove useful to him hereafter, but to draw out and exercise his powers of observation, and to show him how to make use of what he observes.... <p> And here the teacher of grammar has a great advantage over the teacher of other sciences, in that the facts he has to call attention to lie ready at hand for every pupil to observe without the use of apparatus of any kind while the use of them also lies within the personal experience of every one.?Dr Richard Morris. <p> The proper study of a language is an intellectual discipline of the highest order. If I except discussions on the comparative merits of Popery and Protestantism, English grammar was the most important discipline of my boyhood.?John Tyndall.
    <p> What various opinions writers on English grammar have given in answer to the question, What is grammar? may be shown by the following? <p> English grammar is a description of the usages of the English language by good speakers and writers of the present day.?Whitney <p> A description of account of the nature, build, constitution, or make of a language is called its grammar?Meiklejohn <p> Grammar teaches the laws of language, and the right method of using it in speaking and writing.?Patterson <p> Grammar is the science of letter; hence the science of using words correctly.?Abbott <p> The English word grammar relates only to the laws which govern the significant forms of words, and the construction of the sentence.?Richard Grant White <p> These are sufficient to suggest several distinct notions about English grammar? <p> Synopsis of the above.<p> (1) It makes rules to tell us how to use words. <p> (2) It is a record of usage which we ought to follow. <p> (3) It is concerned with the forms of the language. <p> (4) English has no grammar in the sense of forms, or inflections, but takes account merely of the nature and the uses of words in sentences. <p> This book covers three divisions:? <p> Part I. The Parts of Speech, and Inflections. <p> Part II. Analysis of Sentences. <p> Part III. The Uses of Words, or Syntax.

    The Tao Teh King, or the Tao and its Characteristics - The Original Classic Edition

    Laozi Laozi

    The Tao Te Ching, Dao De Jing, or Daodejing, also simply referred to as the Laozi, whose authorship has been attributed to Laozi, is a Chinese classic text. Its name comes from the opening words of its two sections: dào way, Chapter 1, and dé virtue/power, Chapter 38, plus j?ng classic. According to tradition, it was written around the 6th century BC by the sage Laozi (or Lao Tzu, Old Master), a record-keeper at the Zhou Dynasty court, by whose name the text is known in China. The texts true authorship and date of composition or compilation are still debated, although the oldest excavated text dates back to the late 4th century BC. <p> The text is fundamental to the Philosophical Taoism (Daojia (Pinyin: Dàoji?)) and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism and Neo-Confucianism. This ancient book is also central in Chinese religion, not only for Religious Taoism (Daojiao (Pinyin: Dàojiào)) but Chinese Buddhism, which when first introduced into China was largely interpreted through the use of Daoist words and concepts. Many Chinese artists, including poets, painters, calligraphers, and even gardeners have used the Daodejing as a source of inspiration. Its influence has also spread widely outside East Asia, and is amongst the most translated works in world literature. <p> The Wade?Giles romanization Tao Te Ching dates back to early English transliterations in the late 19th century, and many people continue using it, especially for words and phrases that have become well-established in English. Daodejing is the pinyin romanization. The pinyin originated in the mid-20th century, and it is becoming increasingly popular, having been adopted as the official system by the Chinese government.

    Riders of the Purple Sage - The Original Classic Edition

    Grey Zane

    One of the truly great Westerns – Her fathers death has left Jane Withersteen in possession of the richest land holding in the Cottonwoods, a Mormon village on the 1871 Utah frontier. Most importantly, Amber Spring runs through her property and so she controls the water supply that makes possible the rolling fields of purple sage. But now the Mormon church wants to gain contol of the spring by forcing an unwilling Jane to marry Elder Tull. Theyve been steadily increasing the pressure on her and as the novel opens, Tull and his henchmen have come to arrest Venters, the Gentile foreman on her ranch. Outnumbered and outgunned, Jane prays for deliverance. Just as Tull is about to whip Venters, a rider in black appears–Lassiter, the scourge of the Mormons. <p> Lassiter is an archetype of the mythic Western hero. In him we see the origins of both Shane and Ethan Edwards (from The Searchers, Amos in the novel)–a lone gunmen fighting for Justice, he has descended upon Mormon Utah with a vengeance, obsessively searching for the sister who was kidnapped by a Mormon proselytizer. <p> Jane takes him on as a ranch hand, but makes him swear to forsake violence. Inevitably (as in High Noon), events force her to release him from his oath. <p> Despite an extremely harsh view of Mormons, this is one of the truly great Westerns; a must read. <p> GRADE: A

    Amusements in Mathematics - The Original Classic Edition

    Dudeney Henry

    Intriguing math teasers for ages 11 up, brilliantly answered. – This excellent collection of teasers has inferential problems in arithmetic and algebra, and includes geometry, mazes, magic squares and a lot of chess-board tours. The answers are often gems in themselves – things mentioned in passing and left to the reader to establish – e.g. … of the twelve ways that eight queens can be placed on a chessboard without attacking one another… <p> At twelve years old I spent many an hour finding those twelve ways. I still find challenges in it in spite of my Masters degree in Mathematical Physics! <p> With 430 puzzles, problems, paradoxes, and brain teasers, this book is a mammoth puzzle collection, compared with most math teasers and puzzles book available. But what is important is not the quantity, but the quality and charm of the problems presented. Each problem is presented with a full length solutions that makes the book absolutely an instructive experience for the reader. In some cases the author even discussed on how others had attacked and failed the problems. <p> You, your freinds and family will spend many hours trying the vast array of puzzles prented in this book.