
Все книги издательства Ingram

    Finance (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    Finance is a matter that surrounds everybody's day-to-day life but not many people really understand how it works. The core definition is «the management of money and the speculation of its future value». It sounds complicated, but in reality the concept is simple. For example: whenever you purchase something with a credit card, the bank temporarily foots the bill. They give you a certain amount of time (which is usually about 30 days) to pay the balance in full. Even if you can't pay the full balance right away, you can always make payments with a little interest. It's a benefit for both sides. This benefits you if you can't pay right away and this benefits the bank because they make money on merchant fees and interest. ?

    Essential Oils (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    Essential oils are potent, concentrated oils extracted naturally from various plants. They are often used in aromatherapy, and massage therapy, and are occasionally taken orally. Essential oils can be used to treat emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and lethargy. They can also be used to treat medical problems such as poor circulation and respiratory issues. Additionally, they are used in cosmetics to treat dandruff, acne, and other skin conditions. Essential oils are great because they are powerful in small doses, making them easy to carry. Although they are powerful many essential oils can be used therapeutically without professional assistance, making them cost efficient and convenient.

    English Grammar & Punctuation (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    English grammar and punctuation are how we make ourselves understood in a clearer way. Using proper grammar makes sure that everyone reading a text or listening to you speak understands your meaning. Punctuation helps us distinguish between parts of a sentence, such as a side thought in commas, and tells us when one thought ends and another begins. Without punctuation, how would we know when a question was a question? Grammar and punctuation work together to make everything clearly organized and easily processed by others. Without standard grammar and punctuation, it might feel as if we were all speaking different languages.

    English Common Core (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    Common core English focuses on sentence structure and recognition of words in their main usage roles. This particular curriculum demands a mastery of noun, verb and modifier word recognition. Basic sentence structure that is vital for multilingual comparison is also required. A flowchart of of English words, their uses with different forms of identifiers, and how they are modified is extremely useful to the English-as-second-language learner. Visual charts showing the most universal modifiers like -er, -ier, -es and -ize help to make English accessible to a wide range of students.

    Endocrine System (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    The Endocrine System is the body's bridge between nervous and glandular functions. All chemicals released in the body likely do so through an endocrine response. In order to design exercise, dietary and supplement regimens to aid the body's performance, a basic knowledge of the roles of each element of the Endocrine System is required. Illness and other physical maladies are most evident in the body through the performance of organs and glands. Endocrine System analysis and regulation is key to provided the best environment for a healthy body.

    Ekgs And Ecgs (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    EKG or ECG are both acronyms of the word electrocardiogram. An electrocardiogram records the electronic impulses in your heart. This way you can be checked for a murmur, possible heart attack or stroke. Viewing and studying a chart that shows all the different readings for each one can give you an idea of what the electronic impulses are like for each. A chart will even show the impulses in a normal heart. Learning about what all an EKG does is important in the health field

    Frontiers and Ghettos

    James Ron