Tektime S.r.l.s.

Все книги издательства Tektime S.r.l.s.

    Cooking Out Of Love

    Massimo Longo

    In this culinary book you will find 10 recipes and 2 topping recipes, all easy to prepare. I have focused on the result: here you will find only premium dishes, as I have left outside any mediocre recipe with a questionable realisation, like those that sometimes appear on certain culinary books. Moreover, you can receive help in the preparation of these dishes via Facebook messenger; just forward me any doubt or problem you have to the address given at the end of the book. All my recipes do not envisage the use of pre prepared flour mixes, as most of the time, they do not contain genuine ingredients. I will only use pure and natural flours, and I will disclose all the secrets that usually make gluten-free dishes difficult to achieve. In this culinary book you will find 10 recipes and 2 topping recipes, all easy to prepare. I have focused on the result: here you will find only premium dishes, as I have left outside any mediocre recipe with a questionable realisation, like those that sometimes appear on certain culinary books. Moreover, you can receive help in the preparation of these dishes via Facebook messenger; just forward me any doubt or problem you have to the address given at the end of the book. All my recipes do not envisage the use of pre prepared flour mixes, as most of the time, they do not contain genuine ingredients. I will only use pure and natural flours, and I will disclose all the secrets that usually make gluten-free dishes difficult to achieve. You will not even realise that you will be eating gluten-free: I can guarantee that you will not believe your palate. Why? Because I am not gluten intolerant myself. I became a gluten-free cook for love. I cook for my wife, who has been gluten intolerant for many many years now, in order to bring her the original flavour of the products of our region, Sicily. Even if you are not gluten intolerant yourself, but you want to amaze your soulmate or maybe your nieces and nephews with a tasty dish, you have come across the right book! It is aimed at all those like me that do not have time to waste but do not want to give up on culinary delights.Here you will not find complicated preparations, odd measuring systems or long leavening times. For all those that say ”why can't I do it?”: I used to be one of those to whom cooking gluten-free seemed impossible. Forget all that good-looking on the outside, yet disgusting on the inside. I can guarantee that my dishes are fantastic both on the inside and the outside. I am not a chef, but growing up I worked for several years in a pastry shop as an assistant. Thanks to my passion, I have managed to steal all the secrets to such an amazing culinary tradition like the Sicilian one. Hence, do not expect in my dishes those embellishments typical of trendy starred cuisine. Instead, you will find only healthy and yummy dishes straight out of Grandma's kitchen. The book is organised in A4 printable format so that you can print them and attach them to your own personal cookbook.

    Cos'È L'Islam

    Wael El-Manzalawy

    Suicídio Policial: Guia Para Uma Prevenção Eficaz

    Dr. Juan Moisés De La Serna

    Este livro aborda uma das problemáticas menos tratadas na atualidade e, que nem por isso deixa de ser um tema preocupante, que afeta aos profissionais encarregados de velar pela proteção e segurança dos cidadãos. Este livro aborda uma das problemáticas menos tratadas na atualidade e, que nem por isso deixa de ser um tema preocupante, que afeta aos profissionais encarregados de velar pela proteção e segurança dos cidadãos. Uma profissão, a de polícia, que em ocasiões não é valorizada socialmente de maneira adequada, apesar do importante papel que desempenha na manutenção da ordem e da convivência social. Uma corporação que enfrenta uma realidade cada vez mais habitual com a perda de seus agentes pela ação suicida. Tal é a preocupação, que distintos governos já têm adotado medidas de prevenção e outros ainda estão em vias de sua concretização. Estas medidas normalmente se estabelecem dentro de um Plano de Prevenção da Polícia, ainda que exista disparidade em relação aos objetivos e métodos para implantá-lo. Neste texto se analisam os projetos para sua implantação.

    El Rey Y La Maestra Del Jardín De Infancia

    Shanae Johnson

    Él es el rey de su dominio. Ella es la reina de la siesta. ¿Podrán aprender a gobernar con el corazón? Esmeralda Picket reina sobre los súbditos de du clase en el jardín de infancia. Probablemente es la última adulta que todavía cree en los cuentos de hadas, porque lo único que hacen las historias para sus jóvenes pupilos es poner a los niños a dormir. Esme sueña con ser conquistada por un príncipe encantador, así que cuando un rey real la salva de los peligros de enviar mensajes de texto mientras camina, está segura de que su romance de cuento está listo para comenzar. Aunque saltan chispas entre el rey y la maestra del jardín de infancia, las páginas se atascan cuando Esme se entera de que el monarca sólo puede casarse con una mujer de sangre real. Y aunque ella es una neoyorquina de pura cepa, su sangre es de lo más roja. La primera esposa del rey Leónidas fue seleccionada para él al nacer. Ahora, viudo, León tiene derecho a elegir a su segunda esposa, pero no será el matrimonio por amor con el que ha soñado en secreto. El pequeño país de Córdoba se enfrenta a una crisis económica, y casarse con una rica duquesa aseguraría el futuro de su pueblo. ¿Pero puede su corazón permitirse otro matrimonio sin amor? A medida que Esme y Leo se van conociendo, está claro que hay algo entre ellos. Pero otra cosa -la falta de sangre real de ella- los separa. A medida que el reloj se acerca a la medianoche, ¿conseguirá Esme su final de cuento? ¿O este cuento de hadas se convertirá en algo sombrío? Averigua si el amor reinará en este desenfadado y dulce romance de compromisos reales. ¡El Rey y la Maestra de Jardín de Infancia es el primero de una serie de romances reales que van más allá del cuento común!

    The Mozarts, Who They Were Volume 2

    Diego Minoia

    In this new publication, available in an engaging two-volume series by Diego Minoia, we learn about the life and times of the Mozart family. Everything that there is to discover about these extraordinary characters and the epoch in which they lived is illustrated in this interesting and curious story that narrates approximately thirty years of their lives: travels and encounters, triumphs and disappointments, petty deceit and genius, rebellion and defeat. The story of the Mozart family, told through their own eyes, thanks to a rich collection of letters containing a wealth of information, enriched with detailed study that allows us a complete panoramic view of the circles in which they traveled, between journeys and presentations, intrigue and friendship, compliance to the powerful and desire for autonomy. An overview of a family and of a European continent that helps us understand the Eighteenth Century from a protagonist who rendered it one of the most prolific eras for music. “The Mozarts: Who They Were” narrates the story of their lives until 1775, following them step by step, getting to know and understand them. Would you like to be their traveling companion? We will begin in Salzburg, where the family was formed and where Wolfgang Amadeus and his sister Maria Anna – known as Nannerl – were born to accompany them in their early travels to Munich and Vienna. We will then follow them in their very long European Grand Tour where the two young Mozart children were to become known as child prodigies, journeying through the principle courts of Germany, the Netherlands, France and England. 5,200 kilometers covered and 80 cities, visited in 1,269 days. No rock or pop star has ever accomplished such a tour! In Volume I, we will follow Mozart to Munich, then on to Vienna, and finally Paris. Volume II will see his return to Salzburg from London, traveling through France and Switzerland. This is the moment when Leopold Mozart's ambitions become more audacious. It was time for Wolfgang Amadeus to begin his formation in becoming a composer, and there was only one place to do this: Italy. And this is how father and son, alone, without the women of the family, confronted their three journeys to Dante's Bel Paese, where they made friends and found recognition, as well as some less complimentary opinions. We will continue to accompany the Mozart family along the various visits on their tour of Italy where they visited many important cities: Verona, Mantua, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples, Turin, Venice. We will discover through their travels the many interesting facts about how life was lived in the country of Bel Canto – beautiful singing. In the meantime, Amadeus the child, was growing into a mature musician, brought up to perfect his craft, having already composed his first operas, as well as being able to navigate his way through the creation of the sacred and profane vocal and instrumental music. The elderly prince-bishop who had supported the Mozart family passed away and was substituted by Hieronymus Colloredo, whose relationship with the family grew constrained over time. The small and provincial Salzburg did not allow the young Wolfgang to express his full potential, who dreamed of the capital and a prestigious post at the Imperial Court.

    Deje De Perder El Tiempo Y Comience A Meditar

    Celine Claire

    Este libro electrónico explica el significado de la meditación, le da las diversas técnicas de meditación que puede utilizar junto con los beneficios de la meditación. ¿Quieres vivir sin estrés? ¿Quieres despejar tu mente? ¿Quieres deshacerte de todos tus miedos? Si has respondido afirmativamente a alguna de estas preguntas, necesitas utilizar el poder de la meditación. Los beneficios de la meditación La meditación tiene un aspecto diferente para cada persona, pero una cosa es segura: está ganando rápidamente popularidad en la cultura occidental. Tiene muchos beneficios profesionales y personales, entre ellos Aumento de la productividad Reducción del estrés y la depresión Reducción de los síntomas físicos problemáticos, como los dolores de cabeza y la tensión muscular Eso es solo para nombrar unos pocos. La meditación no tiene por qué quitarle horas de su tiempo. Aunque la meditación puede ser una actividad prolongada, no tiene por qué quitarle horas al día. Incluso una sesión de meditación de diez o quince minutos puede proporcionar algunos beneficios de relajación. Muchas personas prefieren meditar por la mañana temprano, antes de empezar el día, para empezar con una perspectiva positiva. Otros prefieren meditar justo antes de acostarse para aliviar los pensamientos ansiosos y dormirse plácidamente. Hay más cosas que me gustaría compartir con usted sobre este tema, y así es como surgió este libro electrónico. Permítame presentarle… Deje de perder el tiempo y comience a meditar.

    Le Journal D'Un Chat Fouineur

    R. F. Kristi

    Lisez les hilarantes péripéties à couper le souffle d'Inca et de sa famille d'amis à poils ainsi que les raconte Inca, la chatte Sibérienne. Inca décide de commencer un journal ! Une saga à cœur battant se dévoile alors qu'elle alimente l'excitation du lecteur avec le récit de ses exploits de détective. Lisez les hilarantes péripéties à couper le souffle d'Inca et de sa famille d'amis à poils ainsi que les raconte Inca, la chatte Sibérienne. Inca décide de commencer un journal ! Une saga à cœur battant se dévoile alors qu'elle alimente l'excitation du lecteur avec le récit de ses exploits de détective. Lorsqu'Inca et sa famille déménage de Paris pour s'installer à Londres, ils se font un éventail de nouveaux amis, comme Monk, un Bleu de Russie et Terrence, un Golden Retriever qui avec bravoure et adresse apporte son assistance à son maître, le célèbre détective, Solo. Inspirée par les aventures de ses nouveaux amis, Inca se donne pour mission de devenir la chatte détective la plus connue au monde et elle commence à tenir un journal de ses exploits. Lorsque Monk arrive, un soir, en parlant d'une réunion qui doit se tenir plus tard le soir même, Inca est excitée et est pressée d'y assister. Elle y entend parler d'un voyage périlleux qui doit être entrepris par Solo et Terrence qui doivent se rendre dans l'Himalaya à la recherche d'un homme disparu : Raoul, un ami qui n'est pas revenu d'une expédition. Le départ de Terrence signifie qu'Inca a l'opportunité d'avoir un premier travail véritable : l'étrange incident du testament disparu de M. Finchley. Mais la jeune chatte a-t-elle l'étoffe suffisante pour résoudre le mystère et sauver le féroce Rottweiler tourmenté : Boss ? Et pourra-t-elle le faire sans l'aide du rusé Golden Retriever expérimenté ?