РИПОЛ Классик

Все книги издательства РИПОЛ Классик

    The Lake Gun and other Stories

    Джеймс Фенимор Купер

    The Lake Gun is a satirical short story by James Fenimore Cooper first published in 1850. The title of the story comes from a mysterious loud exploding sound coming from Seneca Lake, called “The Lake Gun” by European American settlers to the area, and known today as the Seneca Guns. These sounds remain unexplained to this day, with no clear or agreed-upon cause.

    The Pioneers

    Джеймс Фенимор Купер

    The Pioneers enters of Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales, and the one that incorporates most fully his own experience of growing up in a town of the American frontier. The heart of the novel is a conflict over who owns America, and by what concept of right. The competing claims of Native Americans, Tory loyalists, roving hunters, and visionary cultivators are pitted against one another in the area of history, and the magical village of Cooper’s youth becomes the scene in which a nation’s destiny is forged. Just as accessible and enjoyable for today’s modern readers as it would have been when first published well over a century ago, the novel is one of the great works of American literature and continues to be widely read throughout the world.

    The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea

    Джеймс Фенимор Купер

    In 1823, Cooper began writing The Pilot, which he saw as a sea novel that seamen would appreciate for its fidelity and yet one that landsmen could understand. The hero of The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea – modeled on John Paul Jones – leads the American Navy in dangerous raids on the English coast. James Fenimore Cooper's fourth novelhelped start the genre of sea novels.

    The Oak Openings; or the Bee-Hunter

    Джеймс Фенимор Купер

    James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. The Oak Openings; or, The Bee Hunter focuses on the activities of professional honey-hunter Benjamin Boden, nicknamed “Ben Buzz”. The novel is set in Kalamazoo, Michigan’s Oak Opening, a wooded prairie during the War of 1812.

    Рисуем на коленке. Динозавры

    Лидия Дали

    Хочешь научиться рисовать, но не знаешь, с чего начать? Эта книга поможет тебе! Кто угодно сможет нарисовать доисторических рептилий, пользуясь инструкциями из этой книги. Рисуй могучих динозавров шаг за шагом и наслаждайся результатом. Вдохновение гарантировано!

    Книга правителя области Шан

    Шан Ян

    «Книга правителя области Шан» – один из наиболее значительных памятников общественно-политической мысли Древнего Китая. В нем излагается учение Шан Яна (IV в. до н.э.) – основателя школы легистов, отстаивавшей деспотическую форму правления. Учение Шан Яна, воспринятое конфуцианцами в период с III в. до н. э. по III в. н. э., способствовало превращению конфуцианства в государственную идеологию, оказало огромное влияние на дальнейшее развитие законодательства и правовых теорий Китая и остается до сих пор актуальным для современной политики КНР. Настоящее издание включает в себя текст «Книги правителя области Шан» в переводе выдающегося китаеведа, «Московского Конфуция» Леонарда Сергеевича Переломова, который также снабдил текст богатым научным комментарием, вступительной статьей и послесловием.

    Mr. Harrison’s Confessions

    Элизабет Гаскелл

    Enjoying the comforts of his well-kept home, country doctor William Harrison is prevailed upon by his longtime friend Charles, a bachelor, to dispense some advice on the «wooing and winning» of women’s affections. Lured to rural Duncombe by the promise of a partnership in a country practice, William fi nds himself trapped in claustrophobic provincial life where society is apparently presided over by the scheming of a set of under-occupied middle-aged women. Afterwards, the hapless young physician fi nds himself betrothed to three women – none of whom is the beautiful Sophy, the woman he truly desires.

    Mary of Marion Isle

    Генри Райдер Хаггард

    When the ship that Andrew and Clara are on, en route to Oceania, founders after striking an iceberg in the south Indian Ocean, and Andrew fetches up, with his manservant, on the desolate Marion Island, around 1,500 miles southeast of the Cape of Good Hope. It is there that Andrew finds the true love of his life, Mary, who had been shipwrecked on the island some 15 years before and who had been living there alone.

    Marie: An Episode in the Life of the Late Allan Quatermain

    Генри Райдер Хаггард

    The youthful Allan Quatermain is bound for strange adventures, in the company of the ill-fated Pieter Retief and the Boer Commission, on an embassy to the Zulu despot, Dingaan. Yet he is bound, too, for one of the deepest romances of his life – for in Marie he tells of his courtship and marriage to his first wife, Marie Marais.

    Mad Monkton

    Уильям Уилки Коллинз

    Mad Monkton is a bizarre ghost story. It is said that a strain of hereditary madness blights the Monkton family, heirs to the huge domain of Wincot Abbey. Rumours in the neighbourhood are that Alfred, the youngest scion, has inherited this insanity. His odd behaviour certainly points that way. Alfred is engaged to his childhood sweetheart, Ada Elmslie. But at the very moment when various obstacles to the match are overcome, Alfred suddenly departs for Italy, seeking the corpse of his disreputable uncle, who is believed to have been killed in a duel. What could have driven Alfred to do this?