
Все книги издательства Автор

    Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured?

    Sue Armstrong

    We are at the early stages of understanding the disease process of cancer. It is difficult to make decisions when it comes to treating affected animals. Subjecting animals to anaesthetics and toxic drugs to achieve remission is a moral dilemma. Homeopathy is not the magic bullet for treating cancer and does not claim to be so.
    However, the clinical experience that Sue Armstrong has gained over thirty years of treating veterinary cancer patients that could not tolerate chemo- or radiotherapy, or whose owners could not afford to treat using these methods or refused to treat conventionally, has given her insights not only into a methodology for treating cancer cases but also into the disease process itself.
    In the first volume of the series, the expert vet describes the scope of homeopathy. She looks at the basics of how cancer arises, its genetic origins and the role of inflammatory processes and oxygen. Then she describes the development of homeopathic cancer treatment from Hahnemann until today, showing the successful approaches of famous homeopaths such as Kent, Grimmer, Ramakrishnan, and Burnett.
    Sue Armstrong describes her approach in great detail, distinguishing the various stages of cancer. In animals with a strong predisposition for cancer, a great deal can be achieved by prophylactically altering the diet and using miasmatic treatment. If the tumour is confirmed, treatment is selected according to the stage of the cancer and, for example, whether surgery is indicated.
    Organotropic remedies, drainage and Schuessler salts are used supportively together with the major cancer nosodes Carcinosinum and Scirrhinum. Clear instructions are also provided for treating the effects of cancer such as cachexia, disturbances in haemoptysis or vomiting. She documents her approach with impressive cases. At the end there is a concise materia medica of cancer remedies.

    Discovering Constantine and Helena

    Hans-Joachim Kann

    In 306, immediately after Constantine the Great had secured the title of Augustus, he brought his banished mother Helena to his court, to Trier. Numerous traces of them both can be found here, also of Constantine's father and his own sons. This booklet reveals the background of this epoch-making, scandal-ridden family, pampered by success, and takes us through Trier on the traces of these events.

    The Vesels: The Fate of a Czechoslovak Family in 20th Century Central Europe (1918–1989)

    Josette Baer

    This book deals with the Slovak National Uprising (SNP) that was launched on 29 August 1944 in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. In the West, the uprising is an under-researched topic in the history of WWII. The Slovak state was an ally of Nazi Germany, but the uprising proved that the population did not share the regime’s ideology.

    Beyond the Wall

    Heike Zaun-Goshen

    Jerusalem is a child of the desert, a city precariously hovering on its brink, exposed to a bright, unrelenting sun. Its never-ending story continues to fascinate people. Jerusalem is not only an important historical and spiritual site but also a modern city, home and workplace to three quarters of a million people that draws attention as the Middle East's most controversial urban center. Yet the city we know today can actually only be understood against the background of the comprehensive and rapid changes which took place here in the second half of the 19th and the first decades of the 20th centuries.
    Beyond the Wall is a new take on an old city, offering a unique and unusual perspective.
    As an original work of non-fiction, the book sheds light on some of the enigmas of Jerusalem’s more recent past, telling the tale of its growth from a provincial town somewhere in the Turkish Empire into a modern city during the second half of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century. It recalls the time when Turkish rule was declining and many different population groups became active in Jerusalem, founding their own neighborhoods, institutions, and businesses while they competed for influence—Jews and Arabs as well as the French, Germans, British, Russians, Austrians, Italians, and Americans, their consuls and clergy. The book also includes two chapters on Arab Jerusalem—a subject that is often neglected—and a preface by Teddy Kollek, who served as the city’s mayor for almost 30 years.

    Legal Change in Post-Communist States


    Reformers had high hopes that the end of communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union would lead to significant improvements in legal institutions and the role of law in public administration. However, the cumulative experience of 25 years of legal change since communism has been mixed, marked by achievements and failures, advances and moves backward. This book—written by a team of socio-legal scholars—probes the nuances of this process and starts the process to explain them. It covers developments across the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and it deals with both legal institutions (courts and police) and accountability to law in public administration, including anti-corruption activities. In explaining their findings, the authors probe the impact of such factors as the type of political regime (democratic to authoritarian), international influences (such as the European Union), and culture (legal and political).
    The volume’s contributors are: Mihaela Serban, Kim Lane Scheppele, Kriszta Kovacs, Alexei Trochev, Peter Solomon, Olga Semukhina, Maria Popova, Vincent Post. Marina Zaloznaya, William Reisinger, Vicki Hesli Claypool, Kaja Gadowska, and Elena Bogdanova.

    The Geopolitics of Memory

    James Riding

    In this daring experiment in ethnographic place-writing, cultural geographer James Riding aims to get at the heart of post-conflict Bosnia showing the past alongside the present it created via a series of journeys, and through the retelling of memories. The juxtaposition between the siege of Sarajevo and supersonic metal, the refugee journey and the aid-worker travelling in the other direction, the desperation and fury to change the present yet being stuck with many of the ethno-nationalist politicians and politics of the past—it is a journey to Bosnia as it is understood today in popular discourse, a war-torn place defined by ethnic conflict, yet also a journey to deconstruct and reveal more than ancient ethnic hatreds portrayed on television screens across the globe from 1992 to 1995.

    Heavy with the weight of history on the one hand, and an inspirational place with radical emancipatory politics on the other, it is only through innovative storytelling that one can attempt to give a sense of what Bosnia itself is like in words for those who have never been, and—most importantly—for those who are from there.

    In Statu Nascendi


    In Statu Nascendi is a new peer-reviewed journal that investigates specific issues through a socio-cultural, philosophical, and anthropological approach to raise a new type of civic awareness about the complexity of the contemporary crisis, instability, and warfare situations, where the “stage of becoming” plays a vital role.
    Issue 2019:1 comprises, amongst others, the following articles:
    – An Interview with Marcin Grabowski on the Political Situation in Asia in General and North Korea in Particular
    – The EU and the Migration Crisis: ‘The EU-Turkey Deal’: Policy Effectiveness and Challenges of Implementation
    – The Syrian Conflict (2011–2017): How a Perfectly Winnable Uprising has been Transformed into a Civil War, Only to End up as a Ferocious Proxy War
    – Interview with Prof. Maria Dimitrova on Continental Philosophy in General and Emmanuel Levinas’ Philosophy in Particular
    – Patristic Tradition, Criterialism, and Levinasian Quasi-Theological Conditions of the Self
    – Reconsidering the Notion of the Creative Genius in Postmodern Philosophy and Art

    The Still Good Times

    Fred H. Meyer

    Ever since I left the land that was my home, wherever I have traveled and lived, I have been asked the same question: How could a Hitler happen, in the land of poets and scientists and thinkers, the land of music and arts, the land of plenty, the land of orderliness and efficiency, of cleanliness and dependability, the very land of humaneness?

    Born in Hannover in 1905 as a German Jew, Fred Harry Meyer (1905–1969) and his new Christian bride fled to the USA in the nick of time in 1937. His autobiography provides a vivid and detailed yet flowing picture of the life left behind in Germany up till 1932 and the events that led to Nazi Germany, World War II, and the Holocaust.

    My Paraguaya

    Richard de Bois

    Here available is – My Paraguaya – for Piano, Vocals & Chords.



    Here available is – Honululu – for Piano, Vocals & Chords.