
Различные книги в жанре Экономика

People Not Paperclips

Kath Howard

The primary target audience are HR leaders who are seeking to solve their most intractable issues of increasing organisational performance and employee engagement. They are aware of the power of incorporating perspectives such as OD and psychology to achieve this, but they aren’t experts in the field. Secondary audiences include the following: ·      Membership organisations in the UK, such as the ILM, CIPD, and BPS. ·      UK Business Schools and Executive Education Departments, such as Roffey Park. Management consultants who will have an interest in applying the concepts in the book within their client organisations.

California Fights Back

Peter Schrag

Veteran journalist Peter Schrag argues that California's role in the era of Donald Trump is twofold: to act as a leader in the resistance to the current administration, and to be held up as an alternative to the course being pursued in Washington. Given the Democratic Party's stronghold on all statewide elected offices and legislature, it isn't surprising that California has become a beacon of progressivism. But this is hardly an inevitability. California was almost where much of the GOP wants to take the nation today, leading the country in tax revolt, passage of the Three Strikes criminal sentencing law, and virtual prohibition of bilingual education in public schools. Schrag points to the state's shifting demographics and the erosion of the Republican Party in the wake of Proposition 187 as two major reasons behind California's shift to the left. It is particularly pertinent, then, that a state that formerly espoused these values now negotiates with other nations on climate control, asks its agents not to sweep courthouses in search of people to deport, and has approved major tax increases. <i>California Fights Back</i> gives proof that things can be better, and raises the possibility of this becoming the story of other states.

Правда 53-2020

Редакция газеты Правда

Общественно-политическая газета

Правда 52-2020

Редакция газеты Правда

Общественно-политическая газета

Труд 48-2020

Редакция газеты Труд

Одна из старейших общественно-политических газет (издается с февраля 1921 года). Корреспонденты «Труда» ежедневно рассказывают читателям о политике, культуре, спорте, экономике, жизни общества, самых интересных новостях дня и многом другом. Издание рассчитано на широкий круг читателей.

Аргументы и Факты Москва 27-2020

Редакция газеты Аргументы и факты Москва

Еженедельная газета «Аргументы и Факты» – одно из самых популярных изданий в России и за рубежом. Основные темы: информация о событиях в России и за рубежом, политика, культура, экология, социальные проблемы и многое другое. В 1990 году за самый большой тираж в мире (33,5 млн. экземпляров) была внесена в книгу рекордов Гиннеса. Еженедельник «АиФ» рассчитан на широкий круг читателей.

Micro-Economics (Speedy Study Guides)

Speedy Publishing

Microeconomics studies individual behavior in the marketplace and not the economy or economic theories as a whole. In microeconomics, the decisions of individuals to buy and sell is examined in relation to the limited resources they may have. Most people, on a daily basis, are involved in making microeconomic decisions. Microeconomics is a critical subject to study for those interested in a career in finance and business. A study guide can prove invaluable for learning the material since the guide offers new information and the ability to review what may have already been learned in a formal or informal class setting.