
Различные книги в жанре Экономика

How to Self-Publish for Under $100

Cinquanta Cox-Smith

• 81% of Americans want to write a book • Self-pubbed books accounted for 31% of all e-book sales • According to Bowker 458,000 books were indie pubbed in 2015 in the US. That’s up 437% from 2008 • Many would-be authors get gouged by self-publishing services that charge them thousands of dollars • The author is successfully self-published and is on a mission to help others publish their books without getting ripped off and thrive as entrepreneur businesspeople • Youtube channel: 11,775 subscribers • 126,795 views • Currently has 2 self-pub’d fiction titles on Amazon Best Sellers Rank under 10k • http://www.southstrandnews.com/article/20150306/gtt06/150309888/1129

Внучка Сталина панкует в США, а правнук Брежнева учится на политолога в Англии

Алексей Осипов

Многостраничный выпуск «Комсомольской правды», который выходит еженедельно по пятницам. Основные рубрики «КП – толстушки»: «Беседка «КП», «Дурилка «КП», «Клубный пиджак», «Антиреклама», «Окно в природу», «Россия, вперед», «Светская жизнь», детская страничка и так далее. Спецпроекты еженедельника «Комсомольская правда (толстушка)»: «КП» – здоровье» (народные рецепты здоровья и, конечно же, консультации и советы профессиональных эскулапов); «Моя дача» (если у вас есть приусадебный участок, возникает вопрос, как его грамотно обустроить и собрать с нескольких соток богатый урожай); «Телевизор «КП» (все, что вы хотите знать о телевидении, шоу-бизнесе, любимых сериалах, актерах, телеведущих, а также о закулисной тележизни) и многое другое.

20 лет сериалу «Бандитский Петербург»: Певцов снимался за 300 долларов, а Басилашвили – по дружбе

Роман Лялин

Многостраничный выпуск «Комсомольской правды», который выходит еженедельно по пятницам. Основные рубрики «КП – толстушки»: «Беседка «КП», «Дурилка «КП», «Клубный пиджак», «Антиреклама», «Окно в природу», «Россия, вперед», «Светская жизнь», детская страничка и так далее. Спецпроекты еженедельника «Комсомольская правда (толстушка)»: «КП» – здоровье» (народные рецепты здоровья и, конечно же, консультации и советы профессиональных эскулапов); «Моя дача» (если у вас есть приусадебный участок, возникает вопрос, как его грамотно обустроить и собрать с нескольких соток богатый урожай); «Телевизор «КП» (все, что вы хотите знать о телевидении, шоу-бизнесе, любимых сериалах, актерах, телеведущих, а также о закулисной тележизни) и многое другое.

Picking the Vice President

Elaine C. Kamarck

How Picking the Vice President Has Changed—and Why It Matters During the past three decades, two important things have changed about the U.S. vice presidency: the rationale for why presidential candidates choose particular running mates, and the role of vice presidents once in office. This is the first major book focusing on both of those elements, and it comes at a crucial moment in American history. Until 1992, presidential candidates tended to select running mates simply to “balance” the ticket, sometimes geographically, sometimes to guarantee victory in an must-carry state, sometimes ideologically, and sometimes for all three reasons. Bill Clinton changed that in 1992 when he selected Al Gore as his running mate, saying the experience and compatibility of the Tennessee senator would make him an ideal “partner” in governing. Gore’s two immediate successors, Dick Cheney and Joe Biden, played similar roles under Presidents Bush and Obama. Mike Pence seems to also be following in that role as well, although the first draft of history on the Trump Administration is still being written. What enabled this change in the vice presidency was not so much the personal characteristics of recent vice presidents but instead changes in the presidential nomination system. The increased importance of primaries and the overwhelming need to raise money have diminished the importance of “balance” on the ticket and increased the importance of “partnership”—selecting a partner who can help the president govern. This book appears as Joe Biden prepares to choose his own running mate. No matter who wins the November 2020 elections, what Elaine Kamarck writes will be of interest to anyone following current affairs, students of American government, and journalists whose job will be to cover the next administration.

Building A Winning Culture In Government

Patrick R. Leddin

#1 Amazon New Release! ─ Building Successful Government Building A Winning Culture In Government: A revolutionary blueprint for building organizational success in the private sector ― and now in government
Government Culture : Our government organizations face political fallout, media scrutiny, reduced funding, and the many challenges involved in motivating large, multi-layered and highly regulated organizations. It’s no surprise that many government organizations report that their employees are less engaged than ever and that leaders feel helpless to change the situation. In many cases, employees and government leaders are caught in a vicious cycle. Performance declines, scrutiny increases, and employee paralysis ensues. How do you break this cycle and begin building successful government?  You change the mindset from “leaders are a select few in the organization” to “everyone can and should be a leader.” This simple shift is key to building successful government organizations in the 21st century. If every member of the organization is a leader, it enables government organizations to leverage the power of five highly effective and proven FranklinCovey practices that have made private sector organizations successful and are now bringing about positive change in public sector organizations. Five highly effective practices that you will learn in  Building a Winning Culture in Government :  These five practices will transform your government organization into one that is more responsive to the public interest and provide a more rewarding, less stressful, and overall better life for your employees: Practice 1: Lead with purpose and find your organization's mission, mantra, or manifesto:  An engaging mission must appeal to people’s passionate interests, leverage their distinctive talents, satisfy the conscience, and meet a compelling market need. You will learn how to find the voice of the organization and connect and align accordingly. Practice 2: Make the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People your organization's operating system:  Move the 7 Habits to the next level by learning how to execute your strategy with excellence and precision using the «4 Disciplines of Execution». Learn the significance of «wildly important goals», «lead measures», creating a «compelling scoreboard» and a «cadence of accountability». Practice 3: Unleash and engage people to do infinitely more than you imagined they could:  You will learn the process for building successful government and reducing stress within your team by applying a system that enables you to «Act on the Important, Don’t React to the Urgent». Practice 4: Inspire trust and be the most trusted organization possible:  Trust is the great accelerator. Where trust is high, everything is faster and less complicated, and where trust is low, everything is slower, costlier, and encumbered with suspicion. Practice 5: Create intense loyalty with all stakeholders:  Loyal workers and loyal customers are worth gold. Mission Essential: Building a Winning Culture in Government will help government leaders create lasting change in their organizations ─ build a culture of passion and excellence, serve the public interest, provide satisfaction to team members, and create a better life for everyone involved.[b]If you liked FranklinCovey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The 4 Disciplines of Execution, you’ll love [i]Building A Winning Culture In Government.

A Company Of Owners

Daren Martin

Lack of employee engagement is the biggest challenge facing business owners and leaders today. Daren Martin delivers proven insights and solutions he uses to create ownership cultures in some of the biggest companies in the world. This quick reading, hard hitting, solution oriented book will soon be a staple in top business leaders’ libraries. Using insights gleaned from years helping companies and coaching leaders, Dr. Martin teaches company leaders how to turn team members into owners. The visually appealing graphic layout easily engages readers and leads them through a dynamic learning process. This book is intense, humorous, challenging, thought provoking and extremely engaging.

Toward Freedom

Touré F. Reed

The fate of poor and working-class African Americans-who are unquestionably represented among neoliberalism's victims-is inextricably linked to that of other poor and working-class Americans Reed contends that the road to a more just society for African Americans and everyone else is obstructed, in part, by a discourse that equates entrepreneurialism with freedom and independence. This, ultimately, insists on divorcing race and class. In the age of runaway inequality and Black Lives Matter, there is an emerging consensus that our society has failed to redress racial disparities. The culprit, however, is not the sway of a metaphysical racism or the modern survival of a primordial tribalism. Instead, it can be traced to far more comprehensible forces, such as the contradictions in access to New Deal era welfare programs, the blinders imposed by the Cold War, and Ronald Reagan's neoliberal assault on the half-century long Keynesian consensus.

Hostile Environment

Maya Goodfellow

The UK government proudly calls the aim of its immigration policy to be the creation of a «hostile environment,» while refugees drown in the Mediterranean and Britain votes to leave the EU against claims that «swarms»of migrants are entering Britain. Meanwhile, study after study confirms that immigration is not damaging the UK's economy, nor putting a strain on public services, but immigration is blamed for all of Britain's ills. Yet concerns about immigration are deemed «legitimate» across the political spectrum, with few exceptions. How did we get here? Maya Goodfellow offers a compelling answer. Through interviews with leading policy-makers, asylum seekers, and immigration lawyers, Goodfellow illuminates the dark underbelly of contemporary immigration policies. A nuanced analysis of the UK's immigration policy from the 1960s onwards, Hostile Environment links immigration policy and the rhetoric of both Labour and Tory governments to the UK's colonial past and its imperialist present. Goodfellow shows that distinct forms of racism and dehumanisation directly resulted from immigration policy, and reminds us of the human cost of concessions to anti-immigration politics.