
Различные книги в жанре Экономика

Selfishness, Greed and Capitalism

Christopher Snowdon

This IEA publication deals head-on with a number of widely quoted myths about the market economy. In the case of the philosophical myths, such as the idea that economists believe that everybody is greedy, the author, Christopher Snowdon, carefully and entertainingly unpicks the misguided ideas that have taken hold. The author then moves on and effectively disposes of a number of economic myths using empirical evidence that is often ignored by commentators.

The Art of Mathematics in Business

Dr Jae K Shim

The Art of Mathematics in Business provides managers and entrepreneurs with the information, analysis, and insights necessary to analyze and calculate the consequences of a wide range of business financial strategies and problems. The ability to select the right operational technique is vital if the business is to survive, profit, and grow in today’s uncertain economic environment. The manager and entrepreneur of a business must be able to make the right financial decision based on sound mathematical reasoning in order to run the business efficiently. He or she must understand the problem, and then apply math skills to solve it. This book is a comprehensive, one-stop desk reference for managers and owners of businesses who must use quantitative calculations to make daily operating and investing decisions. Its purpose is to provide the fundamentals of business math techniques that can be quickly applied to real-word problems. This unique resource will save countless hours of research time by making sound financial planning truly easy. It provides analyses as well as clear and understandable explanations of complex business problems. Basic mathematical techniques are presented in a step-by-step fashion that takes the reader through each stage of the problem-solving process. The examples in this book provide an invaluable and effective operating tool. This book also contains user-friendly personal computer techniques. The examples enable the businessperson to measure results and to report the data in an easy-to-understand format.

Правда 61-2020

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The BRIC Road to Growth

Jim O'Neill

The idea that Brazil, Russia, India and China (the «BRICs») are the rising stars of the world economy is now widely accepted. However, the «old» developed nations have not adjusted to the new world order as they struggle with the legacy of the financial crisis. The BRICs and others (especially Korea) have already ‘emerged’ as economic powers. This requires rapid adjustment in economic policies and especially global economic institutions. This book makes a strong case for a radical overhaul of global economic governance to put these powerful new economies at the heart of decision-making. The author argues that, while the new growth economies still have significant policy adjustments to make, it is also essential for old-world economies to learn from them too and to accept the new order. He looks at the roles of China, Korea and Africa and at the scale of South-South trade. What does all this mean for the EU and for the UK in particular? How should the world engage with the new economic powerhouses?

Rediscovering Growth

Andrew Sentance

The difficult economic climate in Europe and the United States since the financial crisis is set to continue as the New Normal, despite frantic efforts to stimulate growth. The long phase of expansion that lasted from the 1980s until 2008 was driven by easy money, cheap imports and confidence – all gone. And the shift of geopolitical power to Asia is permanent. This does not mean that Western economies are inevitably condemned to ‘lost decades’ ahead. They can rediscover productivity and growth – but governments face formidable political obstacles to the reforms this would require.

The Terror of the Unforeseen

Henry Giroux

In a searing takedown of the populist authoritarian vision of America, The Terror of the Unforeseen tackles the resurgence of fascism in the age of Donald Trump’s presidency. Through the mendacious exchange of facts for “fake news,” Henry A. Giroux examines the language of hatred that activates neoliberal fascism, complete with state-sanctioned racism, casino capitalism, and fear-mongering at federal and local levels. In this “age of disposability,” Trump’s rhetoric eschews reason and democratic principles in favor of impetuous politics rooted in bigotry, all to injuriously catastrophic effect. Through protests, strikes, and education, Giroux proposes an international social movement that joins together various modes of resistance to illuminate a democratic renewal, and proves himself once again as one of the great public intellectuals of our time.

Массовые беспорядки в США: Почему белые целуют ботинки черным, а полиция переходит на сторону мародеров

Эдвард Чесноков

Многостраничный выпуск «Комсомольской правды», который выходит еженедельно по пятницам. Основные рубрики «КП – толстушки»: «Беседка «КП», «Дурилка «КП», «Клубный пиджак», «Антиреклама», «Окно в природу», «Россия, вперед», «Светская жизнь», детская страничка и так далее. Спецпроекты еженедельника «Комсомольская правда (толстушка)»: «КП» – здоровье» (народные рецепты здоровья и, конечно же, консультации и советы профессиональных эскулапов); «Моя дача» (если у вас есть приусадебный участок, возникает вопрос, как его грамотно обустроить и собрать с нескольких соток богатый урожай); «Телевизор «КП» (все, что вы хотите знать о телевидении, шоу-бизнесе, любимых сериалах, актерах, телеведущих, а также о закулисной тележизни) и многое другое.

Перевал Дятлова в джунглях: Что скрывается за загадочной гибелью голландских студенток

Мария БЕРК

Многостраничный выпуск «Комсомольской правды», который выходит еженедельно по пятницам. Основные рубрики «КП – толстушки»: «Беседка «КП», «Дурилка «КП», «Клубный пиджак», «Антиреклама», «Окно в природу», «Россия, вперед», «Светская жизнь», детская страничка и так далее. Спецпроекты еженедельника «Комсомольская правда (толстушка)»: «КП» – здоровье» (народные рецепты здоровья и, конечно же, консультации и советы профессиональных эскулапов); «Моя дача» (если у вас есть приусадебный участок, возникает вопрос, как его грамотно обустроить и собрать с нескольких соток богатый урожай); «Телевизор «КП» (все, что вы хотите знать о телевидении, шоу-бизнесе, любимых сериалах, актерах, телеведущих, а также о закулисной тележизни) и многое другое.