
Различные книги в жанре Эзотерика

Энергоежедневник-2020. Ежедневник на 3 квартал

Сергей Косинцев

Энергоежедневник-2020 помогает планировать и отслеживать события в 3 квартале 2020 г. Он усиливает ваши компетенции в области управления и руководства, как бизнесом, так и личной жизнью. Ежедневник подходит для улучшения энергетики и саморазвития в метафизическом направлении. Основные используемые инструменты: бацзы, искусство выбора дат, #Энергоежедневник, месячное и недельное планирование, колесо баланса, чакра дня, реализация потребностей, соты энергии и эмоциональная погода.

El Gran Secreto de la Santa Muerte

Maribel Pedrera Pérez – Maga Beth

Что такое Санта Муэрте и почему мы Ее боимся? Санта Муэрте – это альтернативное понимание совершенно незнакомой одним и вызывающей страх у других веры и религии, вокруг которой возникло множество заблуждений. Это еще одна уникальная в своем роде книга Мага Бет, которая никого не оставит равнодушным.

Пси-воздействия и защита от них

Борис Константинович Ратников

В этой книге Вы узнаете о пси-воздействиях и как защититься от них. Энергия и информация – вечный двигатель развития.

Walk Like a Mountain

Innen Ray Parchelo

Walk Like a Mountain is the definitive guide to walking as Buddhist practice, not just for the serious practitioner but for anyone who wants to bring more contemplative depth to their everyday walks. From kinhin during zazen sessions to pilgrimage and beyond, this handbook offers the “how-to” with clarity and insight. Posture, hand positions and foot mechanics are merely the beginning. Other topics that are addressed in this comprehensive book include: Preparations and aids / Prayer walking / Purification and dedication / Kaihogyo (marathon contemplative walking) / Leading a walking practice / Walking for change / Walking as daily life / Walking the symbolic landscape / Alms rounds / Mandalas / Circumambulation / Labyrinths / Walking Nembutsu / Alternatives in contemplative walking

Внутренняя инженерия. Путь к радости. Практическое руководство от йога


Человек – самый сложный механизм на планете, а йога – инструкция по его применению. Так считает Садхгуру – йог, мистик и коуч ведущих компаний мира. Эта увлекательная книга основана на разработанной им системе «Внутренняя инженерия», призванной убрать с йоги культурные наслоения и представить ее как технологию достижения радости и благополучия, доступную любому человеку. Руководствуясь этой древней мудростью, поданной в современном ключе, каждый может сделать свою жизнь именно такой, какой хочет. Садхгуру успешно выступал с лекциями о «Внутренней инженерии» в самых авторитетных учреждениях и университетах по всему миру, включая ООН, Google, General Electric, Сбербанк, а также Оксфорд, Стэнфорд, Гарвард, Йельский университет, Уортонскую школу бизнеса, Массачусетский технологический институт и так далее. Садхгуру также является основателем некоммерческой благотворительной организации Isha, насчитывающей более 7 миллионов волонтеров по всему миру. Фонду присвоен специальный консультативный статус при Экономическом и Социальном Совете ООН.

Real Hauntings 5-Book Bundle

Mark Leslie

Experience a ghostly thrill with Mark Leslie’s five books on strange supernatural happenings.</br></br>
<b><i>Macabre Montreal</i></b> <br/> Montreal is steeped in history and culture. But there are dark tales, eerie stories, and ghostly spectres that come alive once the sun goes down. <br/> <br/>
<b><i>Creepy Capital</i></b></br> True stories of ghostly encounters and creepy locales lurk throughout the Ottawa region. Come along with Canada’s paranormal raconteur extraordinaire, Mark Leslie, and discover the first-person accounts of ghostly happenings at landmarks throughout the historic city and surrounding towns.</br></br>
<b><i>Haunted Hamilton</i></b></br> From the Hermitage ruins to Dundurn Castle, from the Customs House to Stoney Creek Battlefield Park, the city of Hamilton, Ontario, is steeped in a rich history and culture. But beneath the surface of the Steel City there dwells a darker heart – from the shadows of yesteryear arise the unexplained, the bizarre, and the chilling.</br></br>
<b><i>Spooky Sudbury</i></b></br> From haunted mine shafts to inexplicable lights in the northern sky, there are strange things afoot in the peaceful northern municipality of Sudbury; eerie phenomenon that will amaze, give you pause, make you wonder, and have you looking twice at what might first appear to be innocent shadows.</br></br>
<b><i>Tomes of Terror</i></b></br> It’s been said that books have a life of their own, but there’s more than literature lurking in the cobwebbed recesses of dusty bookstores and libraries across Canada. Read about some of the most celebrated and eerie bookish haunts, and try to brush off that feeling of someone watching from just over your shoulder…

Real Hauntings 4-Book Bundle

Mark Leslie

Experience a ghostly thrill with Mark Leslie’s four books on strange supernatural happenings.</br></br>
<b><i>Creepy Capital</i></b></br> True stories of ghostly encounters and creepy locales lurk throughout the Ottawa region. Come along with Canada’s paranormal raconteur extraordinaire, Mark Leslie, and discover the first-person accounts of ghostly happenings at landmarks throughout the historic city and surrounding towns.</br></br>
<b><i>Haunted Hamilton</i></b></br> From the Hermitage ruins to Dundurn Castle, from the Customs House to Stoney Creek Battlefield Park, the city of Hamilton, Ontario, is steeped in a rich history and culture. But beneath the surface of the Steel City there dwells a darker heart – from the shadows of yesteryear arise the unexplained, the bizarre, and the chilling.</br></br>
<b><i>Spooky Sudbury</i></b></br> From haunted mine shafts to inexplicable lights in the northern sky, there are strange things afoot in the peaceful northern municipality of Sudbury; eerie phenomenon that will amaze, give you pause, make you wonder, and have you looking twice at what might first appear to be innocent shadows.</br></br>
<b><i>Tomes of Terror</i></b></br> It’s been said that books have a life of their own, but there’s more than literature lurking in the cobwebbed recesses of dusty bookstores and libraries across Canada. Read about some of the most celebrated and eerie bookish haunts, and try to brush off that feeling of someone watching from just over your shoulder…

Writing Ourselves Whole

Jen Cross

#1 Best Seller in Lesbian Studies, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and study aids ─ Creating Books That Will Change Your Life Healing victims of sexual assault through transformative journaling: &nbsp;One in six women is the victim of sexual assault. Using her own hard-won wisdom, author Jen Cross shows how to heal through journaling and personal writing. Rape victims and victims of other sexual abuse:&nbsp; Writing Ourselves Whole &nbsp;is a collection of essays and creative writing encouragements for sexual trauma survivors who want to risk writing a different story. Each short chapter offers encouragement, experience, and exercises. Sections focus on writing as a transformative practice, embodying our story, how to write trauma without retraumatization, writing joy and desire, and more. How to change your life: &nbsp;When you can find language for the stories that are locked inside, you can change your life. Talk therapy can only go so far for the millions of Americans struggling in the aftermath of sexual abuse and sexual assault, as well as for their partners, families, and caregivers. Survivors of childhood sexual trauma are strong and vulnerable enough to bear witness to each other's truths, to share and learn new languages for our experiences, to throw over the simplistic “victim” and “survivor” narratives that permeate mainstream media in favor of narratives that are fragmented, complicated, messy, and ultimately more whole. Sexual assault survivors can heal themselves: &nbsp;Sexual trauma survivor communities (and their allies) have the capacity to hold and hear one another's stories – we do not have to relegate ourselves solely to the individual isolation of the therapist's office. We do not need to be afraid, as a community of fractured, harmed and healing survivors, of reaching out to and supporting one another. Connect with others who have experienced sexual abuse: &nbsp;Books such as Julia Cameron's&nbsp; The Artist's Way , Natalie Goldberg's&nbsp; Writing Down the Bones &nbsp;and Louise DeSalvo's&nbsp; Writing as a Way of Healing &nbsp;beautifully describe the power of writing and offer practices for readers to engage with individually. Yet few creative writing or creative recovery books explicitly address sexual trauma survivor struggles to find language for their experience, nor do they describe the empowerment we might find in discovering language and expression for our delight, desire, and joy as well as our loss and pain.&nbsp; Writing Ourselves Whole &nbsp;specifically addresses the power of connecting with others who share our experience and can support us in finding language for subjects we not only are not supposed to talk about in polite company, but aren't even supposed to articulate to ourselves. Transformative journaling: &nbsp; Writing Ourselves Whole &nbsp;acknowledges the radical and profound impact of a creative healing community for trauma survivors, and includes suggestions for those seeking to create a peer writing group in their own communities.&nbsp; Writing Ourselves Whole &nbsp;rises out of the intersection of Natalie Goldberg's groundbreaking&nbsp; Writing Down the Bones , the powerful&nbsp; Trauma and Recovery &nbsp;by Judith Herman, and the hopeful, angry struggle of Inga Muscio's&nbsp; Cunt . What You'll Learn Inside&nbsp; Writing Ourselves Whole: How to reconnect with your creative instinct through freewritingHow freewriting can help you reclaim the parts of yourself, and your history, that you were never supposed to be able to nameHow «restorying» the old myths about sexual trauma survivors can set you freeHow a consistent writing practice can help reconnect you with your creative geniusHow (and why) to make writing part of your regular self-care routine – and why, if you don’t have a self-care routine, it’s time to develop oneWhy writing about your desires is at least as important as writing about violenceThe profound joy and power of writing in community and solidarity with other survivors.

Древние египетские боги, вечные защитники

Maribel Pedrera Pérez – Maga Beth

Эта книга является отличным руководством всех египетских богов с кратким описанием каждого. На магическом уровне я расскажу и научу вас как просить и работать с ними на разные темы. Например: любовь, деньги, здоровье, защиту и т. д. Каждого из них вы можете просить что-то конкретное. Также я покажу как изготовить амулет и провести ритуал с любым из них.

Выбор сердца

Анна фон Мышкин

«Я сделал карьеру, создал семью, заработал себе на дом с садом и крутые путешествия. И вот, когда я наконец-то решил расслабиться в своём райском саду, имея всё в наличии: бизнес, жену, детей, контролируя финансовые потоки и попутно ища своё предназначение, – я встретил её, и эта встреча перевернула мою жизнь. Она встала мне поперёк горла, поперёк моих убеждений. И самое главное: я не мог больше контролировать ни себя, ни ситуацию.» Эта книга – любовно-эротическая история а-ля учебник Таро. Получите удовольствие от чтения и соприкоснитесь с древней духовной системой Таро.