
Различные книги в жанре Эзотерика

The Comet's Tail

Amy Nawrocki

I do not remember the tubes, the tests, or the icy cold of space. I do not remember losing six months of my life. At age nineteen, Amy Nawrocki returned from her first year of college, scribbled a few notes in her journal, and took a terrifying summer trip. She remembers one night of disorientation, then nothing until Christmas, when awareness slowly restarts.  The Comet’s Tail is the story of these missing months: the seizures and fever spikes, the deep nothing of coma, and the unexpected, dramatic recovery. Memory is recreated around EEG transcripts and doctors’ notes, family vigils and blurry Polaroids. From her unique perspective, Nawrocki investigates the connections between memory, trauma, and identity. She illuminates what it means to truly return to consciousness in this extraordinary memoir of illness, healing, and writing over the blank pages of our lives.

Circle of Compassion

Gail Straub

What happens when an Easterner who needs trees, hates heat, and doesn't gamble spends a year living in Las Vegas? Follow the author's reflections as she comes to appreciate the surrounding desert so deeply that she returns seven years later to hear more of the Mojave's message. Share in the process as this desert reveals itself as both a macrocosm and a microcosm of the major issues facing us today. For as a sacred text set in the perspective of deep time and clarified by silence, the Mojave landscape has the power to move us humans from an ego-self to an eco-Self awareness.

Man Overboard!

F. Marion Crawford

Once in a long time a man is fished out when it is just too late, and dies in the boat before you can get him aboard, and—well, I don’t know that I ever told that story since it happened—I knew a fellow who went over, and came back dead. I didn’t see him after he came back; only one of us did, but we all knew he was there.

Thoughts I Met On the Highway

Ralph Waldo Trine

Ralph Waldo Trine was an important New Thought writer. Trine is often cited as the inspiration for Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich'. As with all New Thought writers, Trine's work helped to shape the current crop of self-help books, such as 'The Secret', 'The Power of Positive Thinking', and 'The Law of Attraction'. The wisdom of the ages can be found between these pages!

James Allen’s Book of Meditations for Every Day in the Year

Джеймс Аллен

James Allen may truly be called the Prophet of Meditation. In an age of strife, hurry, religious controversy, heated arguments, ritual and ceremony, he came with his message of Meditation, calling men away from the din and strife of tongues into the peaceful paths of stillness within their own souls. James Allen was the author of the best selling As a Man Thinketh. His writings had a deep influence of the current crop of self help books. This devotional will guide you through a year that will change your life forever. Unlock the power of positive thinking in your life.

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo und die Mutter über die Ziele und Ideale des Sri Aurobindo Ashrams. „Unser Ziel ist nicht, eine Religion oder eine Philosophie oder Yogaschule zu gründen, sondern den Boden für ein spirituelles Wachsen und eine spirituelle Erfahrung zu schaffen und einen Weg zu finden, der eine größere Wahrheit von jenseits des Mentals herabbringt, die aber für die menschliche Seele und das menschliche Bewusstsein nicht unerreichbar ist. Alle, die sich zu dieser Wahrheit hingezogen fühlen, können diesen Weg gehen, ob sie aus Indien oder sonst woher kommen, vom Osten oder Westen. Alle mögen große Schwierigkeiten in ihrer persönlichen oder allgemeinen menschlichen Natur finden. Doch kann ihre physische Herkunft oder ihr ethnisches Temperament nicht ein unüberwindbares Hindernis für ihre Befreiung sein.“ (Sri Aurobindo)

The Shaman's Mind

Jonathan Hammond

To learn to think like a shaman is to attune yourself to a magical spectrum of infinite possibilities, unseen truths, alternative realities, and spiritual support. When a shaman likes what’s happening, they know how to make it better, and when they don’t, they know how to change it. The Shaman’s Mind is a book that teaches the reader how to align and transform their own mind into one that sees the world through the lens of the indigenous healers of old. Based on the Omega workshop by the same name.

Enjoy Being Proud of Who You Are: 52 Inspirational Life-Skills Messages for Teenagers

Peter Nicholls

As a teenager, you have unique talents, passions and potential. But finding your way through life is tough. The emotional and physical changes you are experiencing in your transformation from childhood to adulthood are perhaps the most dramatic, chaotic and stressful you will ever face.
You will be trying to work things out for yourself, sometimes talking with friends or asking parents and others who have been through it. Making it tougher still, the education system tends to focus on material and economic success and not enough on education of the mind, the emotions and personal growth. This book aims to help correct that imbalance, focusing on the emotional issues of:
* Self-acceptance and acceptance of others * Self-esteem * A positive self-image * Self-belief * Emotional well-being * Independence and inter-dependence
For parents, loving your teenage son or daughter is not enough. He or she needs to feel that you appreciate them as a blossoming human being, whose talents and uniqueness require constant nurturing, support and encouragement and whose dreams are sufficiently intriguing to be worth exploring.

Painful Yarns

G. Lorimer Moseley

This much anticipated collection of stories, written by Oxford University Fellow and Pain Scientist, Dr GL Moseley, provides an entertaining and informative way to understand modern pain biology. Described by critics as ‘a gem’ and by clinicians as ‘entertaining and educative’, Painful Yarns is a unique book. The stories, some of his travels in outback Australia, some of experiences growing up, are great yarns. At the end of each story, there is a section “so what has this got to do with pain?” in which Lorimer uses the story as a metaphor for some aspect of pain biology. The level of the pain education is appropriate for patients and health professionals. The entertainment is good for everyone. You don’t have to be interested in pain to get something from this book and a laugh or two!

Круговорот душ в природе

Регина Марселевна Хайруллова

Девушка несколько лет мечтает вернуться в место, в котором побывала в детстве, чтобы снова встретиться с любимым. Там ей встретятся преступники и предатели, которые всеми силами будут стараться избавиться от неё. Благодаря помощи бывшего врага она узнает многое из собственной жизни и наконец обретёт счастье.