
Различные книги в жанре Химия

Nasza nauka to samo życie

Rem Wоrd

Niestała prędkość światła, koncentracja energii, pola morfogenetyczne, połączenie czasów w teorii i praktycznym doświadczeniu – znajdziesz to tutaj. Biologia, historia i psychologia są połączone prawami fizyki w jedną całość. Chcesz poznać zasady wszechświata? Klasyczna nauka i niezweryfikowane, ale interesujące obserwacje. Transmutacja elementów i zasada naturalnego wehikułu czasu. Teoria względności i ruch niepodparty. Otwórz tę książkę…

Рабочая тетрадь по органической химии

Елена Шкарина

Рабочая тетрадь по органической химии предназначена для теоретической подготовки к ЕГЭ. Это шаблон, в который необходимо вписать соответствующие уравнения реакций.

Рабочая тетрадь по неорганической химии

Елена Шкарина

Рабочая тетрадь по неорганической химии предназначена для теоретической подготовки к ЕГЭ.Это шаблон, в который необходимо вписать соответствующие уравнения реакций.

ЕГЭ по химии – что тренируем? Не только химию

Елена Шкарина

В книге рассказывается о Едином государственном экзамене по химии и как к нему готовиться.Речь не только о предметной подготовке, но и других составляющих с подключением психологии, физиологии и т. д.То, на что часто не обращают особого внимания, может существенно помочь, повлиять на результаты ЕГЭ и самочувствие ребенка после экзамена.

Chemie für Biologie

Anita Bach

Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt dem Leser alle wichtigen, chemischen Grundlagen, die in der Biologie von Bedeutung sind. Jeder, der selber kein Chemie gelernt hat, kann hier alles über jene chemischen Strukturen einfach nachlesen und verstehen, die relevant sind, um komplexe Sachverhalte in der Biologie nachzuvollziehen. Die Themen umfassen Elemente (Atombau und Periodensystem), Chemische Verbindungen, Ionenverbindungen, Säuren und Basen/ Redoxreaktionen, Systematik organischer Stoffe, Kondensationsreaktionen, Ablauf chemischer Reaktionen.

Elements of Chemistry

Antoine Lavoisier

Antoine Lavoisier’s great accomplishments include the discovery of oxygen’s role in combustion, helping to develop the metric system, writing the first extensive list of elements, helping to reform the nomenclature of chemistry, and the discovery that while matter may change shape through chemical reaction its mass remains the same. It is for these extraordinary accomplishments that he is often referred to as the “Father of Modern Chemistry.” Some scholars argue that this moniker is more the result of self-promotion and that his discoveries relied heavily on the work of others, nonetheless his impact on advancing this field of science cannot be understated. «Elements of Chemistry» was first published in 1790 and is largely concerned with the chemistry of combustion. While modern students of chemistry might find the work limited in its scope, the historical impact of its publication cannot be understated. The experiments contained within helped to lay the foundation for the understanding of the role of oxygen, hydrogen, acids, and alcohols in chemical reactions and its emphasis on quantitative analysis and instrumentation helped to establish the use of chemistry as a legitimate science for understanding and defining the physical world.

Demon w maszynie

Paul Davies

Cannabis Alchemy


Cult classic, revised and updated. Alchemist D. Gold reveals the inner world of marijuana and hashish, uncovering secrets and modern techniques to enhance potency. First published in 1974, the original edition of Cannabis Alchemy sold over 100,000 copies, making this one of the all-time best sellers of the counterculture.

Chemical Magic

Leonard A. Ford

For many years, Leonard A. Ford, formerly Chairman of the Division of Science and Mathematics at Mankato State College, Minnesota, devised «chemical magic» shows for a series of college science fairs. In response to many requests, he compiled a volume of over 100 novel demonstrations from those shows. The book soon became one of the most widely used manuals in the field. Its tricks, mystifying and often spectacular, were designed not only to amuse and entertain an audience but to stimulate an interest in scientific principles.Now, with this revised and enlarged republication of Dr. Ford's classic guide, students at both high school and college levels can learn to perform a wide variety of entertaining and educational chemical magic. Here is a dazzling array of stunts and demonstrations dealing with gas liberation, color changes, fires and combustion, smoke and vapors, polymerization, specific gravity, crystallization and precipitation, and many other chemical processes. Professor Ford provides clear and careful explanations for creating cold fire, a disappearing flame and dust explosions; dissolving a glass in water; turning water to milk and back again to water; producing mysterious balloons, heavy air, and magical eggs; and carrying out scores of other intriguing «tricks» with materials available in almost any school laboratory, supply house, or home. Training and experience in handling chemicals are required for the performance of these demonstrations. Dr. Ford outlines directions and safety precautions for each trick. In addition, he supplies helpful suggestions for a line of «patter» to use during performances.Newly revised and updated by Professor E. Winston Grundmeier, this absorbing and unusual book will be welcomed by science educators at the high school and college levels as well as by sponsors of youth and church groups, service clubs, science fairs, and other organizations.