
Различные книги в жанре Философия

Of Great Character

Joseph A. Byrne

Of Great Character is a social thriller. It demonstrates the principle that true greatness is often found in ordinary circumstances. The book uses the often thrilling events of the pea harvest to illustrate this principle. <br><br>The book begins in the Old Prussia House, one of Europe&#39;s finest restaurants. Here, a pea harvester orders only sweet peas as he tells the tales of interesting, comical and devastating events that happened in the pea field. The greatness found in the characters working there is compelling.<br><br>The book is a must-read, both for people who enjoy good stories and for people who are interested in contemplating the deeper questions in life.

The Enemy Within

robert Psy.D. firth

For the very worst kind of liberals, they long ago, beginning with guys like Bertram Russell, Woodrow Wilson and the Fabian Society, understood that the greatest flaw in democracy was the one man one vote concept and, if they could corrupt this system, they could hugely benefit and, in the process, gain enormous power and riches.<br><br>It is this second kind of scoundrel we have to thank for the terrible situation we in America find ourselves in today. We will show, step by bloody step, how these miserable creatures have crippled our lovely, free and once great country- how they originated, hatched and engineered nefarious plots to bring us down and themselves up. <br><br>We will show, with no chance of the guilty escaping our scrutiny, who these swine are and how they did what they have done. Once you have read and comprehended the contents of this book, your view of liberals, progressives, democrats, socialists, communists and fellow travelers will never again be the same. You will hate them with every fiber of your being! You will fight them at every turn, to the death, if that is what it will take.<br><br>Robert J. Firth<br>January 2011

Фейки и байки древней истории

Алексей Аимин

Кто стал на земле первым кумиром?Кто научил людей есть мясо с хлебом?Зачем египетская царица Нефертити побрила свою голову?Что такое наша культура?Кто на земле был первым миллионером?Как Иисус Христос относился к демократии?На большинство из таких вопросов академики не ответят. Им это даже обсуждать такое не рекомендовано.А мне можно – ни званий, ни должностей не скопил – оков нет.Эта книга для тех, кто не боится поумнеть. Хотя большого счастья, если верить Грибоедову, это не принесет.

From Eden and Back: The Incredible Misadventures of Billy Barker

John Randolph Price

When John Randolph Price read Candide&ndash;written by Voltaire in 1759 and considered a remarkable satiric novel even to this day&mdash;he was inspired to write a similar parody for our time. He would take the basic elements of Candide and weave them into a book of comic criticism of today&#39;s contemporary life.<br><br>Price&#39;s tale carries symbolic heros through bizarre experiences and disastrous adventures to satirize religious and political extremism, criminal absurdities, strange beliefs, and curious lifestyles as he builds the philosophical and spiritual foundation toward a startling conclusion. The characters are comical, the action filled with ironic twists and turns as the heros frantically search for the meaning of God, life, and this world.<br><br>With exaggeration and farcical stretches of imagination, the barbs fly at everything considered sacred. Ultimately they find the Master Teacher who has all the answers. It is an exciting journey to the hidden garden where the mysteries of life are finally understood.

Less Time

Matt Ph.D Trusskey

Poems of Midlife, Memories and Letting Go

Enlightenment from the Quran - God's Last Revelation to Mankind

Irfan Ph.D Alli

In ENLIGHTENMENT FROM THE QURAN you will learn:<br><br>* The purpose of life. <br>* That you should question your faith.<br>* What happens after death.<br>* That Jesus had no father.<br>* What advice a parent can give to their children.<br>* The story of Mary, mother of Jesus.<br>* The differences between the wives of Noah, Lot, and Pharaoh.<br>* Why there is a barrier between sweet and salt water.<br>* Who has domination of the heavens and the earth.<br>* Why mankind was created into nations and tribes.<br>* Who should be worshipped.<br>* About the Day of Judgement.<br>* That Jesus is a prophet of Islam.<br>* About the signs of God.<br>* What is righteousness.<br>* That Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad all invited to the same God.<br>* What is sin.<br>* Jesus was not crucified and will come again..<br>* That God is one.<br>* What Moses said to his people.<br><br>Find out about these and other issues by reading this book.