
Различные книги в жанре Философия

Reflecting on Reflexivity

Группа авторов

Humanness supposes innate and profound reflexivity. This volume approaches the concept of reflexivity on two different yet related analytical planes. Whether implicitly or explicitly, both planes of thought bear critically on reflexivity in relation to the nature of selfhood and the very idea of the autonomous individual, ethics, and humanness, science as such and social science, ontological dualism and fundamental ambiguity. On the one plane, a collection of original and innovative ethnographically based essays is offered, each of which is devoted to ways in which reflexivity plays a fundamental role in human social life and the study of it; on the other—anthropo-philosophical and developed in the volume’s Preface, Introduction, and Postscript—it is argued that reflexivity distinguishes—definitively, albeit relatively—the being and becoming of the human.

Anthropology and Philosophy

Группа авторов

The present book is no ordinary anthology, but rather a workroom in which anthropologists and philosophers initiate a dialogue on trust and hope, two important topics for both fields of study. The book combines work between scholars from different universities in the U.S. and Denmark. Thus, besides bringing the two disciplines in dialogue, it also cuts across differences in national contexts and academic style. The interdisciplinary efforts of the contributors demonstrate how such a collaboration can result in new and challenging ways of thinking about trust and hope. Reading the dialogues may, therefore, also inspire others to work in the productive intersection between anthropology and philosophy.

The Legacy of Liberal Judaism

Ned Curthoys

Comparing the liberal Jewish ethics of the German-Jewish philosophers Ernst Cassirer and Hannah Arendt, this book argues that both espoused a diasporic, worldly conception of Jewish identity that was anchored in a pluralist and politically engaged interpretation of Jewish history and an abiding interest in the complex lived reality of modern Jews. Arendt’s indebtedness to liberal Jewish thinkers such as Moses Mendelssohn, Abraham Geiger, Hermann Cohen, and Ernst Cassirer has been obscured by her modernist posture and caustic critique of the assimilationism of her German-Jewish forebears. By reorienting our conception of Arendt as a profoundly secular thinker anchored in twentieth century political debates, we are led to rethink the philosophical, political, and ethical legacy of liberal Jewish discourse.

A Durkheimian Quest

William Watts Miller

Durkheim, in his very role as a ‘founding father’ of a new social science, sociology, has become like a figure in an old religious painting, enshrouded in myth and encrusted in layers of thick, impenetrable varnish. This book undertakes detailed, up-to-date investigations of Durkheim’s work in an effort to restore its freshness and reveal it as originally created. These investigations explore his particular ideas, within an overall narrative of his initial problematic search for solidarity, how it became a quest for the sacred and how, at the end of his life, he embarked on a project for a new great work on ethics. A theme running through this is his concern with a modern world in crisis and his hope in social and moral reform. Accordingly, the book concludes with a set of essays on modern times and on a crisis that Durkheim thought would pass but which now seems here to stay.


Nigel Rapport

The significance that people grant to their affiliations as members of nations, religions, classes, races, ethnicities and genders is evidence of the vital need for a cosmopolitan project that originates in the figure of Anyone – the universal and yet individual human being. Cosmopolitanism offers an alternative to multiculturalism, a different vision of identity, belonging, solidarity and justice, that avoids the seemingly intractable character of identity politics: it identifies samenesses of the human condition that underlie the surface differences of history, culture and society, nation, ethnicity, religion, class, race and gender. This book argues for the importance of cosmopolitanism as a theory of human being, as a methodology for social science and as a moral and political program.


Lili Boisvert

A sex-positive, feminist look at female desire, how it is silenced, suppressed, and misrepresented, and what true sexual liberation looks like Combats the misogynist concept of desire as an impulse that originates with men and treats women as its objects Author is the host of Sexplora on ICI Explora and co-creator of feminist web-series Les Brutes on Télé-Québec Addresses inequality within heterosexual relationships

Early Modern Aristotle

Eva Del Soldato

A reassessment of how the legacy of ancient philosophy functioned in early modern Europe In his Nicomachean Ethics , Aristotle affirms that despite his friendship with Plato, he was a better friend of the truth. With this statement, he rejected his teacher's authority, implying that the pursuit of philosophy does not entail any such obedience. Yet over the centuries Aristotle himself became the authority par excellence in the Western world, and even notorious anti-Aristotelians such as Galileo Galilei preferred to keep him as a friend rather than to contradict him openly. In Early Modern Aristotle , Eva Del Soldato contends that because the authority of Aristotle—like that of any other ancient, including Plato—was a construct, it could be tailored and customized to serve agendas that were often in direct contrast to one another, at times even in open conflict with the very tenets of Peripatetic philosophy. Arguing that recourse to the principle of authority was not merely an instrument for inculcating minds with an immutable body of knowledge, Del Soldato investigates the ways in which the authority of Aristotle was exploited in a variety of contexts. The stories the five chapters tell often develop along the same chronological lines, and reveal consistent diachronic and synchronic patterns. Each focuses on strategies of negotiation, integration and rejection of Aristotle, considering both macro-phenomena, such as the philosophical genre of the comparatio (that is, a comparison of Aristotle and Plato's lives and doctrines), and smaller-scale receptions, such as the circulation of legends, anecdotes, fictions, and rhetorical tropes («if Aristotle were alive . . .»), all featuring Aristotle as their protagonist. Through the analysis of surprisingly neglected episodes in intellectual history, Early Modern Aristotle traces how the authority of the ancient philosopher—constantly manipulated and negotiated—shaped philosophical and scientific debate in Europe from the fifteenth century until the dawn of the Enlightenment.

Ciphers of Transcendence

Группа авторов

The title Ciphers of Transcendence reflects the philosophical interests of Patrick Masterson, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Religion, University College Dublin. Transcendence is a millefeuille term conveying layered and diverse nuances, from the first openness of human awareness towards the outside world, to the ultimate affirmation of and commitment to a loving and infinite Transcendent. Patrick Masterson has devoted his philosophical career to reflection upon the unfathomable nature of the latter, seeking to decipher instances and images of transcendence within the realm of limited human experience. Through teaching and writing he has shared with students and readers his deeply personal reflections on questions of primal importance. Patrick Masterson’s colleagues and students – all devoted friends – here offer, in return, their diverse perspectives. The essays deal in one way or another with transcendence, examined in dialogue with a roll call of thinkers across the ages, from ancient authors to medieval masters, modern giants to recent luminaries. The volume is enhanced by the inclusion of an essay by leading contemporary thinker Alasdair MacIntyre, and a poem from Seamus Heaney that evokes across the silence of solitude the tender presence of transcendence.

Беседы о логике. Часть 2 из 2. Беседует Николай Андреев

Лев Беклемишев

Беседы о логике. Часть 2 из 2. Какую роль сыграла логика в создании компьютеров и языков программирования? Какие области современной науки и техники также широко используют логические методы? Бывают ли алгоритмически неразрешимые задачи? В чем суть и в чем важность ряда знаменитых «задач тысячелетия» Гильберта? В чем заключается проблема четырех красок и какова история ее «компьютерного доказательства»? Сколько же теорем было у Гёделя и что же они утверждают, а что опровергают? В чем «сила» и в чем «богатство» математических теорий? И, наконец, как Математика устанавливает границы своей собственной применимости? *Математический конгресс в Москве был не в 1964, а в 1966 году. Беседуют: – Лев Дмитриевич Беклемишев, академик РАН, главный научный сотрудник отдела математической логики Математического института им. В. А. Стеклова РАН. – Николай Николаевич Андреев, кандидат физико-математических наук, заведующий лабораторией популяризации и пропаганды математики Математического института им. В. А. Стеклова РАН. Лев Беклемишев – Беседы о логике. Часть 1: youtu.be/M-UQ6LZbEAU Статья Л. Д. Беклемишева «Математика и логика» в сборнике «Математическая составляющая»: book.etudes.ru/toc/mathnlogic/ Друзья, если вы хотите, чтобы наши видеоролики появлялись чаще, поддержите наш некоммерческий проект: nauka-pro.ru/podderzhat-proekt наука, научпоп, математика, лев беклемишев, николай андреев, логика, математическая логика, философская логика

Беседы о логике. Часть 1 из 2. Беседует Николай Андреев

Лев Беклемишев

Беседы о логике. Часть 1 из 2. Как зарождалась логика и какой она бывает? Что такое философская и математическая логика и чем они различаются? Как можно доказать отсутствие самой возможности доказательства? Может ли логика быть нечёткой? Что такое модальные логики и в каких практических приложениях они используются? Беседуют: – Лев Дмитриевич Беклемишев, академик РАН, главный научный сотрудник отдела математической логики Математического института им. В. А. Стеклова РАН. – Николай Николаевич Андреев, кандидат физико-математических наук, заведующий лабораторией популяризации и пропаганды математики Математического института им. В. А. Стеклова РАН. Статья Л. Д. Беклемишева «Математика и логика» в сборнике «Математическая составляющая»: book.etudes.ru/toc/mathnlogic/ Лев Беклемишев – Беседы о логике. Часть 2: youtu.be/QPV97L95hmU Друзья, если вы хотите, чтобы наши видеоролики появлялись чаще, поддержите наш некоммерческий проект: nauka-pro.ru/podderzhat-proekt наука, научпоп, математика, логика, математическая логика, философская логика, лев беклемишев, николай андреев, математическая составляющая