Управление, подбор персонала

Различные книги в жанре Управление, подбор персонала

Бухгалтерия. Как открыть свою фирму за границей

Илья Ширинкин

О бухгалтерском деле в Чехии сегодня расскажет гостья программы – Лариса Меретьякова.

Илья Ширинкин о своей программе

Илья Ширинкин

О том, как вести бизнес за границей!

Русская Азия

Илья Ширинкин

Сегодня мы говорим с Еленой Чигасовой из Сингапура, блоггером и главным редактором журнала о жизни в Азии.

Как в Европе с нуля открыть свой дата-центр

Илья Ширинкин

Гость выпуска: предприниматель из Амстердама Даниил Гордиенко.

Как сделать успешный бизнес по прокату авто в Европе

Илья Ширинкин

В гостях владелец компании по прокату автомобилей Алексей Савченков.

Лидер и группа. О структуре и динамике организаций и групп

Эрик Берн

Научная работа всемирно известного психотерапевта, которая объясняет структуру и динамику групп, а также сложности личностных взаимоотношений реальных индивидов внутри группы или организации. Одна из ключевых работ по психологии на тему лидерства, аудиокнига Эрика Берна доступно и наглядно описывает структуру различных групп – от таких крупных, как государство или трудовой коллектив, до крошечных – как семья. В аудиокниге собраны уникальные секреты эффективности существования групп, достижения личного и группового социального успеха, источники и механизм становления лидерства. Открыв мир взаимного влияния, описанный Эриком Берном, вы посмотрите на себя со стороны и научитесь по максимуму использовать те уникальные свойства, которые вам даны от природы, – оптимизируете все свои навыки, таланты, энергию. Методы автора помогут вам проанализировать свое положение в обществе и занять достойное место в жизни. Copyrigh © 1973 by Eric Berne Copyright renewed 1992 by Ellen Berne, Eric Berne, Peter Berne and Terence Berne. © А. Грузберг, перевод на русский язык, 2015 © Оформление. ООО "Издательство «Эксмо», 2015 © & ℗ ООО «Аудиокнига», 2018 Продюсер аудиозаписи: Татьяна Плюта

Монетизация инноваций. Как успешные компании создают продукт вокруг цены

Мадхаван Рамануджам

Эта книга содержит таблицы, графики и иллюстрации в виде ПДФ-файла, который вы можете скачать на странице аудиокниги на сайте после её покупки. Инновации являются важнейшим фактором роста. Сегодня, более чем когда-либо, компании должны внедрять инновации, чтобы выжить. Но успешные инновации – это очень непростая задача. Авторы – партнеры всемирно известной консалтинговой компании Simon-Kucher & Partners Strategy & Marketing Consultants знают о чем говорят. Георг Таке – ее генеральный директор, а Мадхаван Рамануджам – партнер в Сан-Франциско. Simon-Kucher & Partners – глобальная консалтинговая компания, насчитывающая 900 профессионалов в 33 офисах по всему миру. Ее специализация – стратегии, маркетинг, ценообразование и продажи. Основанная в 1985 году, компания обладает 30-летним опытом и считается ведущим консультантом по ценообразованию в мире. Если вы генеральный директор, или относитесь к исполнительному руководству, или являетесь частью команды, ответственной за инновации и разработку новых продуктов, эта книга для вас. С помощью специальных методик вы сможете сделать монетизацию инноваций частью ДНК вашей компании. Примеры показывают, как одни из лучших инновационных компаний мира, таких, как LinkedIn, UBER, Porsche, Optimizely, Dräger, Swarovski и крупные фармацевтические компании, используют принципы, описанные в этой книге. «Монетизация инноваций» представляет практический подход, который может быть адаптирован для любой организации, в любой отрасли.

Trap Tales. Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success

Stephan Mardyks M.

Outsmart the traps that are holding you back from success! Trap Tales is your guide to avoiding the seven obstacles that ensnare people every day. We all fall into traps, and we often don’t even realize it until we’re deeply entrenched. Like quicksand, traps are easy to step into, but difficult to escape—it seems that the harder we try to climb out, the deeper we sink. But what if there were another way? What if we knew the right strategies to escape the traps we have fallen into? What if we could spot traps from a distance, and avoid them entirely? In this book, authors David M. R. Covey and Stephan M. Mardyks train you in the art of Trapology. You’ll meet Alex and Victoria, who have fallen into traps you’re sure to recognize. As you read their stories, you’ll learn about the seven most common traps in life and work, and how even the smartest and seemingly most accomplished people find themselves stuck and unable to see their way out. Traps are masters of disguise, but there are telltale signs that give them away every time. If you discover that you’re trapped right now, consider this book your lifeline—the lessons contained in Trap Tales will teach you how to escape these traps and how to sidestep them in the future. This book, unlike most books, offers counter-intuitive strategies and unconventional wisdom to: • Learn the seven biggest traps in life and work that catch people unaware • Identify the traps that are holding you back right now • Discover your escape route and climb out of the quicksand • Become a “Trapologist” and avoid traps altogether The core message of Trap Tales is hope—the belief that anybody can change the trajectory of their life, at any stage of their life. Stop letting traps steal your time, money, energy, and happiness—Trap Tales provides survival training of a different sort, allowing you to write your own tale of success.

Decision Quality. Value Creation from Better Business Decisions

Jennifer Meyer

Add value with every decision using a simple yet powerful framework Few things are as valuable in business, and in life, as the ability to make good decisions. Can you imagine how much more rewarding your life and your business would be if every decision you made were the best it could be? Decision Quality empowers you to make the best possible choice and get more of what you truly want from every decision. Dr. Carl Spetzler is a leader in the field of decision science and has worked with organizations across industries to improve their decision-making capabilities. He and his co-authors, all experienced consultants and educators in this field, show you how to frame a problem or opportunity, create a set of attractive alternatives, identify relevant uncertain information, clarify the values that are important in the decision, apply tools of analysis, and develop buy-in among stakeholders. Their straightforward approach is elegantly simple, yet practical and powerful. It can be applied to all types of decisions. Our business and our personal lives are marked by a stream of decisions. Some are small. Some are large. Some are life-altering or strategic. How well we make those decisions truly matters. This book gives you a framework and thinking tools that will help you to improve the odds of getting more of what you value from every choice. You will learn: The six requirements for decision quality, and how to apply them The difference between a good decision and a good outcome Why a decision can only be as good as the best of the available alternatives Methods for making both «significant» and strategic decisions The mental traps that undermine decision quality and how to avoid them How to deal with uncertainty—a factor in every important choice How to judge the quality of a decision at the time you're making it How organizations have benefited from building quality into their decisions. Many people are satisfied with 'good enough' when making important decisions. This book provides a method that will take you and your co-workers beyond 'good enough' to true Decision Quality.

Negotiating at Work. Turn Small Wins into Big Gains

Jessica Porter L.

Understand the context of negotiations to achieve better results Negotiation has always been at the heart of solving problems at work. Yet today, when people in organizations are asked to do more with less, be responsive 24/7, and manage in rapidly changing environments, negotiation is more essential than ever. What has been missed in much of the literature of the past 30 years is that negotiations in organizations always take place within a context—of organizational culture, of prior negotiations, of power relationships—that dictates which issues are negotiable and by whom. When we negotiate for new opportunities or increased flexibility, we never do it in a vacuum. We challenge the status quo and we build out the path for others to negotiate those issues after us. In this way, negotiating for ourselves at work can create small wins that can grow into something bigger, for ourselves and our organizations. Seen in this way, negotiation becomes a tool for addressing ineffective practices and outdated assumptions, and for creating change. Negotiating at Work offers practical advice for managing your own workplace negotiations: how to get opportunities, promotions, flexibility, buy-in, support, and credit for your work. It does so within the context of organizational dynamics, recognizing that to negotiate with someone who has more power adds a level of complexity. The is true when we negotiate with our superiors, and also true for individuals currently under represented in senior leadership roles, whose managers may not recognize certain issues as barriers or obstacles. Negotiating at Work is rooted in real-life cases of professionals from a wide range of industries and organizations, both national and international. Strategies to get the other person to the table and engage in creative problem solving, even when they are reluctant to do so Tips on how to recognize opportunities to negotiate, bolster your confidence prior to the negotiation, turn 'asks' into a negotiation, and advance negotiations that get «stuck» A rich examination of research on negotiation, conflict management, and gender By using these strategies, you can negotiate successfully for your job and your career; in a larger field, you can also alter organizational practices and policies that impact others.