Ella Neser is terug van haar Karibiese skeepsvaart, en soort van terug in Lou se arms. Haar nuwe opdrag, as private speurder, is 'n bisarre een. Donna Maas, eggenoot van die sielkundige Thomas Maas, is oortuig haar man het 'n skelmpie. En dit is Ella se taak om dit te bewys. Die roman begin egter by die einde, waar Ella haar verslag optik. Daar is 'n moord gepleeg, maar wie is die slagoffer en wie die skurk? 'n Verbysterende roman deur een van die top- spanningsromanskrywers in Afrikaans.
Какие твари скрываются на границе света и тени? Что слепец может противопоставить маньяку? Чью кровь пьют вампиры в постреволюционной России? Как одолеть древнюю ведьму, поселившуюся в заброшке? Можно ли спастись самому или хотя бы спасти душу от взгляда гневного божества с проклятой иконы? Кто и зачем на самом деле построил библейский Ковчег?.. Ответы даст «Самая страшная книга 2021», очередной том уникального, не имеющего аналогов в мире литературного проекта. Антология, составителями которой выступают сами читатели, поклонники жанра ужасов и мистики. Окунись в черную бездну. Загляни в самое пекло. Благоговей пред ликом Космического Ужаса. Но остерегайся крутых поворотов сюжета и – собственных страстей. Читай «Самую страшную книгу». Читай лучшее в русском хорроре!
The Malice Domestic anthology series returns with a new take on mysteries in the Agatha Christie tradition—original tales with a theatrical bent! Included are:<P> Preface, by Ellen Hart<BR> The Rock Star, by Frances Aylor<BR> Perfectly Awry, by Anne Louise Bannon<BR> The Ghost in Balcony B, by Michele Bazan Reed<BR> Drama-Rama Flip Flop, by Cindy Brown<BR> It’s Not O.K. Corral, by M. E. Browning<BR> Mary-Alice Imagines Her Life as a Movie, by Karen Cantwell<BR> The Ghost of Hamnet, by R. M. Chastleton<BR> When the Wind is Southerly, by Leone Ciporin<BR> Raising Cain, by Carla Coupe<BR> Death of Another Hero, by Susan Daly<BR> The Stars Are Fire, by Phillip DePoy<BR> Death Plays the Palace, by Margaret Dumas<BR> The Homicidal Understudy, by Elizabeth Elwood<BR> No Final Act, by Daryl Wood Gerber<BR> Deus Ex Machina, by B. J. Graf<BR> The Nine Deaths in Hamlet?, by A. P. Jamison<BR> Heat Wave, by Maureen Jennings<BR> Thus With a Kiss, by Margaret Lucke<BR> Such Tricks As These, by Jaquelyn Lyman-Thomas<BR> Final Curtain, by Sharon Lynn<BR> The Mask, by Cheryl Marceau<BR> The Ultimate Tie-Breaker, by Deborah Maxey<BR> True Crime, by Adam Meyer<BR> A Star Goes Dark, by Raquel V. Reyes<BR> Not Your Lolita, by Merrilee Robson<BR> A Death in Shubert Alley, by Lee Sauer<BR> Dance on Fire, by Shawn Reilly Simmons<BR> Missed Cue, by Lynn Slaughter<BR> You Know How Actresses Are, by C. M. Surrisi<BR> Five Words, by Elaine Togneri<BR> Ask Fred the Usher, by Arthur Vidro<BR> Death Takes a Bow, by Mo Walsh<BR> Deal With the Devil, by James Lincoln Warren<BR> Method for Murder, by Carol L. Wright
An amusing tale of two gnomes, Glogo and Bobo, who travel to America in the company of two human friends in their custom gnomobile.
They hopped a boxcar and made a run for it. He was a wanted man – she was a woman who thought she's found her man. It was an outlawed passion, and it was doomed from the start…for crime always has a cost, and a life on the run is no life at all – unless you're willing to risk everything!
Welcome to Fethering! The race is on to find a killer when Jude stumbles across a body at the bookies in this quirky, cozy, British village mystery. Jude has never been averse to a bit of a flutter; her friend Carole, on the other hand, thinks that the local betting shop is a den of iniquity. But when Jude stumbles upon the body of fellow customer Tadeusz Jankowski after placing a bet, the odds of finding his killer don't look good. No one seems to know much about Polish immigrant Tadek, and even his sister doesn't know why he moved to Fethering in the first place. As they question the local residents, Carole finds an unexpected friend in an inveterate gambler, and Jude finds herself in potentially more trouble than she can handle with a lecherous and charming drama professor. In this race there can only be one winner, but with no leads and several suspects in the running will the sleuthing friends be pipped at the post by a cold and calculating killer?
Welcome to Fethering! Carole and Jude spring into amateur detective action when their favourite pub is targeted by a killer in this quirky, cozy, British village mystery. Jude and Carole get more than they bargained for when a lunchtime meal in their local pub leaves everyone with food poisoning. The landlord is horrified, and when a series of disasters start to befall his business it looks like it could be the end of the road for the Crown and Anchor. Left with a bad taste in their mouths – and not just from the food – the two amateur detectives wonder if it might just be more than a run of bad luck that's forcing their favourite pub into bankruptcy. When a young man is found in the kitchen of the pub, though, with a knife through his heart, Carole and Jude swing into action. There's a killer on the loose in Fethering, and Carole and Jude need to uncover who it is before it's last orders for the pub – and themselves.
«Хребты безумия» написаны в документальной манере повествования, постепенно привыкая к которой, становишься свидетелем особой реальности описываемых событий. Полярная экспедиция сталкивается с запредельным ужасом древних веков. Лучшее кошмарно-прекрасно-завораживающее описание в творчестве Лавкрафта запечатлено именно в этом произведении. Это описание заброшенного ледяного города «древних», уводящего в недра земли. Дизайн – Павел Кунгурцев © IvanTheOne
Во сне девушка видит Дьявола. И ей открывается вход в другие миры. Но один за другим уходят из жизни ее возлюбленные. Старейшины направляют ей на помощь избранных из семи параллельных миров, ибо с этой девушкой связано предание о воскресении могущественных правителей древности. За всем этим стоит Селена. Зачем ей воскрешение ханов и новая война? Девушка один за другим распутывает клубок загадок и обретает новую любовь.