The story describe the appearance of Nyarlathotep as a "man" of the race of the Pharaohs, who claims to have been dormant for the past twenty-seven centuries, and his subsequent travels from city to city demonstrating his supernatural powers. Wherever Nyarlathotep went, the story relates, the inhabitants' sleep would be plagued by vivid nightmares.
The Barren, windswept interior of the Antarctic plateau was lifeless – or so the expedition from Miskatonic University thought. Then they found the strange fossils of unheard-of creatures and the carved stones tens of millions of years old.
Incantations of black magic unearthed unspeakable horrors in Providence, Rhode Island. Evil spirits are being resurrected from beyond the grave, a supernatural force so twisted that it kills without offering the mercy of death.
The story is recounted by the protagonist, Comte Antoine de C-, in the first person. Hundreds of years ago, Antoine's noble ancestor was responsible for the death of a dark wizard, Michel Mauvais. The wizard's son, Charles le Sorcier, swore revenge on not only him but all his descendants, cursing them to die on reaching the age of 32.
Six bone-chilling tales of bizarre beauty and awesome horror lurk in the dark of the soul, waiting to be called upon by the demons of nightmares, and let loose in the frightened mind.
The story begins with the narrator describing the night sky as observed over long sleepless nights from his window, in particular that of the Pole Star, Polaris, which he describes as "winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey".
The story revolves around a Bostonian painter named Richard Upton Pickman who creates horrifying images. His works are brilliantly executed, but so graphic that they result in his membership in the Boston Art Club being revoked and himself shunned by his fellow artists.
An undertaker finds himself trapped in the vault where coffins are stored during winter for burial in the spring, and is mysteriously injured when he escapes.
Таємнича містика, відверта еротика, божевільна кримінальна історія… Анастасія ніколи не була вірна своєму чоловіку, а невдовзі після його загадкової смерті отримала приголомшливу звістку: її призначення – народити для світу диявола. Жінка мало не збожеволіла, та її коханець, отець Серафим, обіцяє не допустити до гріха. Але здається, ніби він у змові з нечистою силою…
Особый отдел канцелярии его императорского величества хранит секретные «файлы» Российской империи: минувшее и грядущее. Его сотрудники в составе команды путешественников во времени стартуют в глубь веков, чтобы вступить в схватку с «соседями» землян – расой, обладающей сверхспособностями. На помощь русским офицерам приходят… мамонты.