Cecil Jonathan Amherst – who goes by the handle Leavenworth Louis – is a master forger with a heart. One day in Miami Beach, he spots a young woman who is crying. Leavenworth Louis slipps a twenty into her purse—and that's when the trouble starts…
Two old men. Two folding chairs. One set of binoculars. A lot of things to watch—including a bank…
Irresponsible spender (and bank robber) Michael decides to pull an insurance scam on his car. He has certain debts to pay off to a gang boss. It’s easy to organize the scam with the help of a chop shop owner and an insurance man, but it turns out they have plans of their own…
Jimmy Lee dreams of replacing rhino horn with a cheaper ingredient in old Liu Kam Fan's secret formula for Heavenly Heavenly Happiness Salt. It will make millions. But Liu Kam Fan doesn't want to listen to reason. The old ways are good enough…
When Bill Wayne's friends began throwing bullets his way, he figured it was time to find out what they had against him! He took along a 45 in case the conversation should get rough -so it wasn't surprising that each old pal Bill visited suddenly turned up dead. But what burned Bill most was the way Carson Smith, the hick copper on his trail, insisted on playing intimate games with Holly Clark. The two seemed far more interested in each other's anatomy than in whether Bill was murdering his friends, or vice versa.
Что такое жизнь? Каждый из нас хоть раз задумывался над этим вопросом, однако для призрака он стоит особенно остро. Быть может, это возможность видеть и слышать? Или способность мыслить и самостоятельно принимать решения? Каждый выбирает что-то для себя сам. Для Артема же, погибшего при странных обстоятельствах, но вернувшегося в наш мир бестелесным духом, ответы окажутся иными, и ни в один из них он не смог бы поверить раньше. Содержит нецензурную брань.