Свою историю я бы хотел изложить в трех романах. В первой книге читатели окунутся в жизнь молодой девушки, которую после её рождения оставила в роддоме мать. Она росла и всего добивалась в жизни исключительно рассчитывая только на себя. Но в один миг её жизнь круто изменилась. Бабушка, о существовании которой ей было неведомо, оставляет ей огромное наследство, а вместе с богатством множество тайн и загадок, которые юной девушке придется пережить и разгадать. В книге присутствует переживание и радость, алчность и благородство, мистика и любовь. Очень надеюсь, что прочитав мой первый роман, он затронет чувства читателей и оставит только хорошее в их сердцах. Сделает добрее и отзывчивей к тем, кто нуждается в помощи и поддержке. Обложка: Виктория Бородинова, сайт Pixabay.
Schools don't just teach children all facts and real things. In literature, they also introduce myths because of their context, mysteries and creativity. This book brings your kids to a dangerous journey to the underworld giving emphasis on the Greek and Roman mythologies. Go and find out how interesting this book is. Get it today.
Odin, Loki and Thor may be very popular these days because of mainstream media. After all, these characters have been portrayed by actors and shown in the big screen. But if you take out all the glitz and glamour, you will be given a wonderful Norse folktale that has lived through hundreds of years. Learn more Norse stories today!
Inject the very wonderful and lively Greek and Roman myths in your children’s systems because they have tons to learn from them. This reference book features the famous demigods and their parents for your kids to meet and communicate. Widen your children’s perspectives with this book that you can get right here.
In this educational book, we're going to go over the Roman and Greek gods of Jupiter and Mars. Learning about myths will help you to better understand the cultures, traditions and belief of peoples who have long passed. Read slowly and try to understand the meanings behind these words. Don't you think the Greek and Romans have beautiful cultures and traditions?
In Greek mythology, Kronus was the son of Gaia and Uranus. He overthrew his father to rule over Olympus but because of a prophecy, he ate all his sons except one. In this book, you will be told the story of how Zeus and his siblings betrayed their father, Kronus. We hope you enjoy reading and learning from this amazing myth!
Here’s another myth that has survived the tests of time. It has been passed on from one generation to the next, thereby preserving the lessons it brings. If you would notice, most of the Greek and Roman myths deal with curses and powers, which would pretty much describe the beliefs of the people who first told them. Are you ready to peek inside the pages? Do so now!
Gods are beings that possess great power and magic. They are at the heart of folktales. If you read folktales, you would notice patterns in the stories as if they've been by just one author. The patterns you find are actually based on the cultures and traditions of the land these tales originated from. Read this book today!
Folktales should be preserved because they are considered as part of the national culture and heritage. They are stories of how the Norse people lived. They include the language of the era that they were first thought of. Folktales used to be shared via the oral tradition. These days, however, books like this exist. Grab a copy now.
Folktales should be learned because they are stories that have been based on oral traditions. They play an important role in the transfer of knowledge as well as in personality development. Your child will want to be like the hero in the story so you will notice that he/she would go on pretend plays. Your little one will love to learn using this valuable educational resource. Get a copy today.