A lighthouse keeper engages upon a peculiar fantasy in which a robed, bearded man is piloting a mystical white ship which appears when the moon is full, walking out across the water on a bridge of moonbeams to join him, and together they explore a mystical chain of islands unlike anything that can be found on Earth.
In a dream, the countryside is, every year, ravaged by terrible hill people who kidnap citizens and perform cruel rituals at a Sabbath.
An entity haunts a dilapidated house near a cemetery, and because it cannot be perceived by the five senses, it earns itself the term unnamable.
On a mountain which was a chosen haunt for the Greek God Pan is an olive grove, and a fearful, human-like olive tree within it.
A very deep chasm in uncovered in a mine, too deep for any sounding lines to hit bottom. Two men venture inside the mine, drawn against their will by a mysterious rhythmical throbbing in the ground.
Three men attempt to rob a strange elderly man who possesses a bizarre collections of stones and carries on conversations with bottles.
After sinking a British freighter, and thereafter sinking its surviving crew's lifeboats, strange things begin to happen in a U-boat.
The history of a New England street, from its first beginnings as a path in colonial times to a quasi-supernatural occurrence in the years immediately followingWorld War I.
A philosopher is intrigued by a strange house on a cliff overlooking the ocean. It is unaccountably high and old and the locals have a generations-long dread of the place which no one is known to have visited.