Техническая литература

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Complete Book of Framing. An Illustrated Guide for Residential Construction

Scot Simpson

The updated easy-to-learn reference for rough carpentry and framing Complete Book of Framing, Second Edition is an updated, easy-to-learn guide to rough carpentry and framing written by an expert with more than thirty years of framing experience. This book guides the reader through the steps on framing floors, walls, roofs, door and window openings, and stairs. Hundreds of color photographs and illustrations help the reader understand the basics as well as advanced framing methods. This Second Edition is updated to match the framing techniques to the 2009 International Building Code, and introduces the concept of «green framing» regarding material use and handling. Deals with the new corrosive treating methods that began to be used in 2004 for pressure treated wood Covers the time and energy-saving benefits of positive placement nail guns, which have become the industry standard for fastening light gage hardware Includes a glue-laminated beam weight chart, along with a description of crane operations for setting these beams Starting with the basics, this book begins with types of lumber, nails, and what tools are needed, followed by detailed, fully illustrated steps for framing each building element—from planning and layout through specific nailing patterns. Framer-Friendly Tips throughout the book show how to get a task done right—and more easily.

Ham Radio For Dummies

H. Silver Ward

An ideal first step for learning about ham radio Beyond operating wirelessly, today's ham radio operators can transmit data and pictures; use the Internet, laser, and microwave transmitters; and travel to places high and low to make contact. This hands-on beginner guide reflects the operational and technical changes to amateur radio over the past decade and provides you with updated licensing requirements and information, changes in digital communication (such as the Internet, social media, and GPS), and how to use e-mail via radio. Addresses the critical use of ham radio for replacing downed traditional communications during emergencies or natural disasters Provides updates to all documentation of the American Radio Relay League Explains recent changes to picking your own call sign Places a special emphasis on the major reasons people get into amateur radio: emergency communication, digital communication, and do-it-yourself science Looks at online mapping and charting of websites Whether you're just getting turned on to ham radio or already have your license, Ham Radio for Dummies, 2nd Edition helps you with the terminology, the technology, and the talknology.

Electronics All-in-One For Dummies - UK

Doug Lowe

Your one-stop UK shop for clear, concise explanations to all the important concepts in electronics and tons of direction for building simple, fun electronic projects. The 8 mini-books in this 1 volume include: Getting Started with Electronics Working with Basic Components Working with Integrated Circuits Getting into Alternating Current Working with Radio and Infrared Doing Digital Electronics Working with Basic Stamp Processors Building Special Effects With nearly 900 pages of instruction, Electronics All-in-One For Dummies, UK Edition covers all the bases and provides a fascinating hands-on exploration of electronics.

Reckoning to Revival. How American Workers Rebuilt an Industry

Keith Naughton

A special report on the resurgence of the Detroit auto industry using the Chrysler Jeep plant at Jefferson North as a focal point. The report centers on the characters behind the plant and the new technology it is using for manufacturing cars, while also looking at the economic desperation of the neighborhood in which the Jeep plant sits.

Металлоснабжение и сбыт №12/2017


О новом ГОСТе на арматуру, о противодействии б/у трубе и не только… Последний в этом году, 12-й по счету, номер журнала «Металлоснабжение и сбыт» спешит к свои читателям. Главная тема номера – итоги традиционной Осенней Недели металлов в Москве и обзор основных событий 23-й Международной промышленной выставки «Металл-Экспо'2017». Открывает предновогодний выпуск МСС обзор по материалам конференции «Российский рынок металлов», в котором руководители и специалисты ведущих российских и зарубежных металлургических компаний подводят итоги 2017 г. и оценивают перспективы отрасли на 2018 г. "Металл-Экспо" – драйвер роста и генератор идей развития индустрии" – большой материал об итогах главного металлургического форума. О работе компаний цветной металлургии на «Металл-Экспо'2017» – в материале «Неделя металлургической моды в Москве». О ключевых решениях координационного совета по промышленной политике при Министерстве промышленности и торговли РФ читайте в материале «Российская металлургия ищет ответы на вызовы». Познакомиться с лауреатами конкурса «Главное событие в металлургии России 2017 г.» можно в статье «Инвестиционные проекты года». Также в номере представлены обладатели золотых и серебряных медалей «Металл-Экспо» за лучшие разработки и технологии для металлургии, а также лауреаты конкурсов «Лучшая металлобаза», Лучший СМЦ", «Лучшая сбытовая сеть». Об итогах года и планах на будущее журналистам МСС рассказали президент ОМК В. Маркин, вице-президент НЛМК по продажам И. Гущин, директор по продажам Северстали Е. Черняков, начальник департамента продаж ММК А. Кузьмин, директор по продажам УГМК-ОЦМ Ю.Макаров, технический директор Ступинской металлургической компании А. Перевозов и др. В рамках «Металл-Экспо'2017» состоялся ряд интересных деловых мероприятий, на которых побывали сотрудники редакции. Среди них: круглый стол «Актуальные работы по стандартизации арматурного проката для железобетонных конструкций», семинар «Новые правила для рынка бывших в употреблении труб», подписание соглашения между Металлоинвестом и КамАЗом на поставку высококачественного сортового проката, церемония вручения партнерам ТМК сертификатов официальных дилеров и др. Завершает предновогодний выпуск журнала традиционная Металлургическая мозаика. В настоящее время редакция завершает подготовку январского номера журнала. Приглашаем подписаться на «Металлоснабжение и сбыт» на 2018 г.!

АвтоМир №02-03/2018


«АвтоМир» – единственный в России еженедельный автомобильный журнал. Самые свежие новости из мира автомобилей. Сравнительные тест-драйвы автомобилей-одноклассников. В каждом номере представляем: автомобиль недели – лидер российских продаж. Концепт-кары – авто будущего. Российские и международные автомобильные выставки и автогонки. Рекомендации по выбору подержанных иномарок. Технические характеристики и актуальные цены в автосалонах Москвы.

АвтоМир №01/2018


«АвтоМир» – единственный в России еженедельный автомобильный журнал. Самые свежие новости из мира автомобилей. Сравнительные тест-драйвы автомобилей-одноклассников. В каждом номере представляем: автомобиль недели – лидер российских продаж. Концепт-кары – авто будущего. Российские и международные автомобильные выставки и автогонки. Рекомендации по выбору подержанных иномарок. Технические характеристики и актуальные цены в автосалонах Москвы.

Auto Repair For Dummies

Deanna Sclar

The top-selling auto repair guide–400,000 copies sold–now extensively reorganized and updated Forty-eight percent of U.S. households perform at least some automobile maintenance on their own, with women now accounting for one third of this $34 billion automotive do-it-yourself market. For new or would-be do-it-yourself mechanics, this illustrated how-to guide has long been a must and now it's even better. A complete reorganization now puts relevant repair and maintenance information directly after each automotive system overview, making it much easier to find hands-on fix-it instructions. Author Deanna Sclar has updated systems and repair information throughout, eliminating discussions of carburetors and adding coverage of hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. She's also revised schedules for tune-ups and oil changes, included driving tips that can save on maintenance and repair costs, and added new advice on troubleshooting problems and determining when to call in a professional mechanic. For anyone who wants to save money on car repairs and maintenance, this book is the place to start. Deanna Sclar (Long Beach, CA), an acclaimed auto repair expert and consumer advocate, has contributed to the Los Angeles Times and has been interviewed on the Today show, NBC Nightly News, and other television programs.

Oil's Endless Bid. Taming the Unreliable Price of Oil to Secure Our Economy

Dan Dicker

Expert analysis of rising oil prices and the out-of-control oil markets that jeopardize both national security and the economy The price of oil is negatively impacting both companies and consumers. In Oil's Endless Bid: Taming the Unreliable Price of Energy to Secure Our Economy, energy analyst Dan Dicker recalls his experiences as an oil trader and reveals the changes that have taken place in the oil markets during the past twenty years, and particularly the last five, as investment banks, energy hedge funds, and managed futures funds have come to dominate energy trading and wreak havoc on prices. Reveals why oil prices cannot stabilize without dramatic action on the part of both government and business Details how the novel, but wrong, idea of oil as an asset class took a sleepy, club-like market into the national spotlight Describes how the United States is unnecessarily handing its wealth over to foreign oil producers during a time when the potential supply of oil is greater than ever Written by an industry insider, Oil's Endless Bid analyzes the biggest financial story of the last ten years?how we lost control of our oil markets.

Alternative Energy For Dummies

Rik DeGunther

The myths and facts about alternative fuels–and how they impact our lives As the price of energy continues to soar, so too has the demand for alternative energy. But there's no clear «winner» in the race to replace fossil fuels. Alternative Energy For Dummies explores the current fossil fuel conundrum and society's growing need for more and more energy. Cutting through the competing claims, this book offers a multifaceted examination of alternative energy, including solar, wind, nuclear, biomass, geothermal, biofuel, and other sources. Each alternative scenario is compared to current fossil-fuel intensive practices in the scientific, environmental, social, political, and economic realms. Readers also gain insight into the future of energy production.