Техническая литература

Различные книги в жанре Техническая литература

Theory of Lift. Introductory Computational Aerodynamics in MATLAB/Octave

G. McBain D.

Starting from a basic knowledge of mathematics and mechanics gained in standard foundation classes, Theory of Lift: Introductory Computational Aerodynamics in MATLAB/Octave takes the reader conceptually through from the fundamental mechanics of lift to the stage of actually being able to make practical calculations and predictions of the coefficient of lift for realistic wing profile and planform geometries. The classical framework and methods of aerodynamics are covered in detail and the reader is shown how they may be used to develop simple yet powerful MATLAB or Octave programs that accurately predict and visualise the dynamics of real wing shapes, using lumped vortex, panel, and vortex lattice methods. This book contains all the mathematical development and formulae required in standard incompressible aerodynamics as well as dozens of small but complete working programs which can be put to use immediately using either the popular MATLAB or free Octave computional modelling packages. Key features: Synthesizes the classical foundations of aerodynamics with hands-on computation, emphasizing interactivity and visualization. Includes complete source code for all programs, all listings having been tested for compatibility with both MATLAB and Octave. Companion website (www.wiley.com/go/mcbain) hosting codes and solutions. Theory of Lift: Introductory Computational Aerodynamics in MATLAB/Octave is an introductory text for graduate and senior undergraduate students on aeronautical and aerospace engineering courses and also forms a valuable reference for engineers and designers.

Aquaculture Pond Fertilization. Impacts of Nutrient Input on Production

Charles Mischke C.

Ponds are a primary production system to a wide variety of freshwater fish species. Each species have specific and unique nutrient needs and successful pond fertilization is critical to a successful aquaculture enterprise. Aquaculture Pond Fertilization: Impacts of Nutrient Input on Production provides state-of-the-art information for successful fertilization strategies for a broad range of pond-raised species. Aquaculture Pond Fertilization attempts to rectify the seemingly contradictory nutrient recommendations by clearly defining the goals of specific types of aquaculture. Chapters are divided into three sections: The first reviews basic concepts in fertilization applicable to all pond-based production. The second looks at specific nutrient management approaches. The third and final section of chapters looks specifically at key freshwater pond species ranging from tilapia to perch and discusses specific fertilization needs for the successful rearing of these in-demand fish. Looking across species with chapters contributed by leaders in the field Aquaculture Pond Fertilization provides succinct single-volume coverage of an oft-neglected, but vitally important topic in aquaculture production.

Planung eines Wärmeübertragers. Ganzheitliche Aufgabenlösung bis zur Instandsetzung eines Rohrbündel-Wärmeübertragers

Eberhard Wegener

Dieses praxisorientierte Lehrbuch fur Ingenieurstudenten der hoheren Semester gibt einen Uberblick uber die ganzheitliche und vertiefte Betrachtungsweise des Apparate Entwurfes. Warmeubertragung/Warmeubertrager sind elementare Bestandteile in den Studienrichtungen Verfahrenstechnik und Maschinenbau, aber auch angrenzenden Studienrichtungen. Fur diese Studienfacher steht eine ausreichende Anzahl guter Fachliteratur zur Verfugung, die die Lehre bei der warmetechnischen Auslegung, der Druckverlustberechnung und dem konstruktiven Entwurf unterstutzt. Fur daruber hinausgehende Themen steht wenig Zeit zur Verfugung oder sie sind nicht Inhalt des Lehrstoffes. Diese Begrenzung der Stoffvermittlung soll mit vorliegendem Fachbuch etwas gelockert werden und im Sinne einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung den Studierenden einen kleinen Einblick in Themenkreise gewahren, die den Lebenslauf eines Warmeubertragers charakterisieren. Anhand eines praktischen Beispiels werden nach der ublichen Auslegung des Apparates Grundlagen fur den konstruktiven Entwurf diskutiert, die festigkeitsma?ige Bemessung der Bauteile behandelt und die Konstruktion vorgestellt. Anschlie?end erfolgt ein Uberblick uber die Fertigung und Montage des Warmeubertragers und endet mit der Instandhaltung/Instandsetzung und ihren Problemen und Anforderungen. Neben der Anwendung von Wissen aus den Grundlagenfachern soll aber vor allem die Themenhandlung den Studierenden als Erganzung zum Vorlesungsstoff dienen und ihren Gesichtskreis erweitern. Dadurch wird dieses Buch ein unverzichtbares Lehrbuch fur alle Dozenten und Studenten hoheren Semesters der Verfahrenstechnik, Maschinenbau, sowie fur Ingenieure der Chemie, Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik.

Making Telecoms Work. From Technical Innovation to Commercial Success

Geoff Varrall

Bridging the industry divide between the technical expertise of engineers and the aims of market and business planners, Making Telecoms Work provides a basis for more effective interdisciplinary analysis of technology, engineering, market and business investment risk and opportunity. Since fixed and mobile broadband has become a dominant deliverable, multiple areas of transition and transformation have occurred; the book places these changes in the context of the political, social and economic dynamics of the global telecommunications industry. Drawing on 25 years of participative experience in the mobile phone and telecommunications industry, the author closely analyses the materials, components and devices that have had a transformative impact. By presenting detailed case studies of materials innovation, such as those shown at success story Apple, the book shows how the collaboration of technological imagination with business knowledge will shape the industry’s future. Makes a link between the technical aspects and the business practice of the telecoms industry, highlighting the commercial and economic significance of new developments Gives a historical analysis of past successes and failures in order to identify future competitive advantage opportunities Supplies detailed case studies of supply chain disconnects and the impact these have on industry risk and profitability Brings together technological detail with analysis of what is and is not commercially important, from the implications of energy and environmental networks to the technical details of wireless network hardware.

Building Ecology. First Principles For A Sustainable Built Environment

Peter Graham

Buildings consume 40% of our planet’s materials and 30% of its energy. Their construction uses up to three million tonnes of raw materials a year and generates 20% of the soild waste stream. If we want to survive our urban future, there is no option but to build in ways which improve the health of ecosystems. Understanding the concept of ecological sustainability and translating it into practice as sustainable development is a key challenge for today’s built environment professionals. The skill and vision of those who shape our cities and homes is vital to achieving sustainable solutions to the many environmental, economic and social problems we face on a local, national and global scale. Peter Graham offers here a holistic view of ecologically sustainable building by drawing on established areas of knowledge, demonstrating their relevance to the environmentally-conscious building professional and putting the process, product and impact of building into context. Case studies illustrate how sustainable principles have been applied successfully and discussion topics are offered to stimulate thought. Building Ecology will help planners, surveyors, designers and builders to incorporate sustainability into their everyday practice by: · showing which styles of building are ecologically sustainable · providing fundamental knowledge for making decisions using the principles of ecologically sustainable building · explaining a complex subject in a clear, balanced way. Building Ecology sets out the current scientific view of how nature works and how buildings link with and affect nature. It provides fundamental knowledge for building in harmony with nature and keeping Earth’s life-supporting ecosystems healthy.

The Semantic Sphere 1. Computation, Cognition and Information Economy

Pierre Levy

The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development? Combining a deep knowledge of humanities and social sciences as well as a real familiarity with computer science issues, this book explains the collaborative construction of a global hypercortex coordinated by a computable metalanguage. By recognizing fully the symbolic and social nature of human cognition, we could transform our current opaque global brain into a reflexive collective intelligence.

Smart Grid. Communication-Enabled Intelligence for the Electric Power Grid

Stephen Bush F.

This book bridges the divide between the fields of power systems engineering and computer communication through the new field of power system information theory. Written by an expert with vast experience in the field, this book explores the smart grid from generation to consumption, both as it is planned today and how it will evolve tomorrow. The book focuses upon what differentiates the smart grid from the «traditional» power grid as it has been known for the last century. Furthermore, the author provides the reader with a fundamental understanding of both power systems and communication networking. It shows the complexity and operational requirements of the evolving power grid, the so-called «smart grid,» to the communication networking engineer; and similarly, it shows the complexity and operational requirements for communications to the power systems engineer. The book is divided into three parts. Part One discusses the basic operation of the electric power grid, covering fundamental knowledge that is assumed in Parts Two and Three. Part Two introduces communications and networking, which are critical enablers for the smart grid. It also considers how communication and networking will evolve as technology develops. This lays the foundation for Part Three, which utilizes communication within the power grid. Part Three draws heavily upon both the embedded intelligence within the power grid and current research, anticipating how and where computational intelligence will be implemented within the smart grid. Each part is divided into chapters and each chapter has a set of questions useful for exercising the readers' understanding of the material in that chapter. Key Features: Bridges the gap between power systems and communications experts Addresses the smart grid from generation to consumption, both as it is planned today and how it will likely evolve tomorrow Explores the smart grid from the perspective of traditional power systems as well as from communications Discusses power systems, communications, and machine learning that all define the smart grid It introduces the new field of power system information theory

Applied Building Physics. Boundary Conditions, Building Peformance and Material Properties

Hugo S. L. Hens

The energy crises of the 1970s, persisting moisture problems, complaints about sick buildings, thermal, visual and olfactory discomfort, and the move towards more sustainability in building construction have pushed Building Physics to the forefront of building innovation. The societal pressure to diminish energy consumption in buildings without impairing usability acted as a trigger to activate the whole notion of performance based design and construction. As with all engineering sciences, Building Physics is oriented towards application, which is why, after a first book on fundamentals this second volume examines performance rationale and performance requirements. Outdoor and indoor climate conditions are described and calculation values are discussed, the performance concept is specified at the building level and at the building envelope level, and heat-air-moisture material properties are defined. The book incorporates 35 years of teaching Building Physics to architectural, building and civil engineers, bolstered by 40 years of experience, research and consultancy.

Friction at the Atomic Level. Atomistic Approaches in Tribology

Motohisa Hirano

Written by one of the most distinguished scientists and a pioneer in this field, this monograph represents a stand-alone, concise guide to friction at the atomic level. It brings together hitherto widely-scattered information in one single source, and is the first to explain the nature of friction in terms of atomic mechanisms. In addition to his detailed description on modeling and simulation, the author stresses stresses experimental approaches like AFM techniques for verification. In this respect the book will benefit the whole nanotribology community, from graduate students who want to get the basics right up to researchers specializing in mechanical engineering, materials science, physics and chemistry.

Applied Adhesive Bonding. A Practical Guide for Flawless Results

Gerd Habenicht

This manual provides the most important information on successful bonding. Various practical advices and helpful tips are useful for the handling of adhesives. Due to its didactically structured content, the book may also serve as a medium for training courses in bonding engineering. The basics of this innovative joining procedure are described in a practical and easily understandable way suitable for the application in trade and industry.