
Различные книги в жанре Социология

Difficult Women

Helen Lewis

How To Be A Woman

Caitlin Moran

You're Not Listening

Kate Murphy

This Land Is Our Land

Suketu Mehta

Alternative Takes to the City

Irini Micha

Alternative Takes to the City presents the mosaic of relations and socio-spatial conditions which compose the plurality of contemporary everyday space(s) in cities, offering «a view from below». It proposes a multidisciplinary and gendered approach to the (relational) spatialities and temporalities of the everyday, of new mobilities and of global and local networks which constitute urban life in contemporary cities. The book raises an empirically informed theoretical proposition which springs from the multiplicity of everyday experiences, as a laboratory for understanding recent socio-spatial, political and ideological transformations. Each chapter takes forward the theoretical argument based on one or more examples of concrete cities, in order to unveil the complexity and diversity of the urban condition in changing conjunctures, in which local practices connect and collide with global developments.

Philosophical Elements of a Theory of Society

Theodor Adorno W.

As an exile in America during the War, Theodor Adorno grew acquainted with the fundamentals of empirical social research, something which would shape the work he undertook in the early 1950s as co-director of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. Yet he also became increasingly aware of the ‘fetishism of method’ in sociology, and saw the serious limitations of theoretical work based solely on empirical findings. In this lecture course given in 1964, Adorno develops a critique of both sociology and philosophy, emphasizing that theoretical work requires a specific mediation between the two disciplines. Adorno advocates a philosophical approach to social theory that challenges the drive towards uniformity and a lack of ambiguity, highlighting instead the fruitfulness of experience, in all its messy complexity, for critical social analysis. At the same time, he shows how philosophy must also realise that it requires sociology if it is to avoid falling for the old idealistic illusion that the totality of real conditions can be grasped through thought alone. Masterfully bringing together philosophical and empirical approaches to an understanding of society, these lectures from one of the most important social thinkers of the 20th century will be of great interest to students and scholars in philosophy, sociology and the social sciences generally.

Spieglein, Spieglein in der Hand

Thomas Röper

In diesem Jahrbuch hat Thomas Röper, der Autor der Seite «Anti-Spiegel», einige der dreistesten Beispiele für Desinformation zusammengetragen, die es 2019 in den deutschen Medien gegeben hat. Die Medien in Deutschland verfolgen eine politische Agenda und das lässt sich leicht aufzeigen. Um die öffentliche Meinung in die gewünschte Richtung zu beeinflussen, werden mal wichtige Informationen weggelassen, mal Dinge verdreht, mal Aussagen aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen und notfalls auch mal dreist gelogen. Thomas Röper hat in diesem Buch 37 Beispiele zusammengetragen, die das für jeden nachprüfbar aufzeigen. Das sind aber wirklich nur Beispiele, das Buch hätte problemlos auch 3.000 anstatt 300 Seiten umfassen können. Der Autor dokumentiert diese Beispiele und kommentiert sie mal mit trockenem Humor, mal mit beißendem Sarkasmus. So ist ein gruseliger Lesespaß entstanden, bei dem man manchmal nicht weiß, ob man lachen oder weinen möchte.