Современные любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Современные любовные романы

Baby for Keeps

Janice Maynard

A woman and baby walk into a bar…It might sound like a joke, but saloon owner Dylan Kavanagh knows it's all too serious. Struggling single mom Mia Larin needs him. She helped him when they were young, and the bachelor means to do everything in his power to protect Mia and her child. Giving her a job, a room under his own roof, is easy. Keeping it all about business isn't….Dylan is a successful, eligible catch, but are Mia's feelings just a case of hero worship? Or will she still need him, still want him, once her circumstances change?

Babes In Arms

Sara Orwig

BABY CHASEPregnant Katherine Manchester was on the run and about to become a mom any minute! She had to find a safe place for her baby to be born, fast – and what better place than in rugged rancher Colin Whitefeather's welcoming arms? SURROGATE DADColin had a weakness for strays and beautiful women. And when he delivered Katherine's baby, baby girls were added to his list. Katherine affected him like no woman ever had, but she was afraid of something – or someone.Well, she was about to learn that Colin Whitefeather feared no one – and that nothing would keep him from making them a family.

Awaken To Pleasure

Nalini Singh

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO MARRYING ME?The proposal was as unexpected as her feelings for the man whose dark good looks rivaled an even darker past. Painful experience screamed that Taylor Reid should run far and fast from Jackson Santorini. But keeping custody of her brother meant becoming her former boss's bride. And giving Jackson a baby. Despite his powerful size and presence, Jackson had been wounded…deeply…by a woman.Yet he'd protected her at a personal cost, if his restrained ardor in deference to her virginal apprehension was one indication. Suddenly, for Jackson's sake, Taylor wanted to replace pain with pleasure. Only, she'd never imagined what sensations–and secrets–she would awaken….

Autumn's Awakening

Irene Brand

NO ONE CAN CHANGE THE PAST…But after an eight-year absence, Autumn Weaver was finally home for a brief stay, and hoping to find forgiveness and heal family wounds. She never thought she'd run into the man who'd captured her heart as a young girl, and who'd permeated every dream since.Nathan Holland had awakened Autumn's eighteen-year-old love. Despite the strife that had plagued her family, with him, she'd been able to forget. But at a pivotal moment she'd made the wrong choice. And now–even with time passed–she wasn't sure if Nathan would forgive her.But with God's help everything was possible….

At Your Service

Amy Cousins Jo

HEIRESS ON THE RUNA few white lies and Grace Haley had herself a waitressing job at Tyler's Bar & Grill. It wasn't that she didn't have enough experience. As heir to the nine top-grossing Chicago restaurants, she knew her way around a kitchen. But Grace was in trouble and couldn't risk leaking her true identity to anyone. Not even her gorgeous new boss….Tyler knew Grace had a secret she wouldn't share, but that didn't stop him from fantasizing about getting her alone after hours. Unluckily for him, she seemed hell-bent on keeping their kisses to a minimum. But as the flames of passion overtook them, Tyler couldn't help wondering whether her secret past would forever keep them apart….

At First Touch

Tamara Sneed

Take TwoDaytime television diva Quinn Sibley may be down, but she's definitely not out. While rumors of her overbearing ego have doors slamming in her face, she's planning the perfect comeback. But she's got to return to a place–and a man–she thought she'd left for good. Is tiny Sibleyville, California, ready for a Hollywood invasion–or Quinn Sibley?When handsome Wyatt Granger, the town's reluctant mortician, discovers a film crew outside his door, he's determined not to let beautifully outrageous Quinn knock him off his feet…again. He's still searching for the right woman, one who is quiet, shy and doesn't resemble the impossibly sensual siren who has haunted his dreams for a year. Try as he will, ignoring Quinn is as impossible as denying a little Hollywood magic.

Assignment: Single Father

Caroline Anderson

Fran was thrilled with her new assignment. Working as a practice nurse for Dr. Xavier Giraud was blissfully calm after the high emotion and drama of the E.R. At least it was until Fran found herself falling for the intriguingly intense Xavier–a single father determined to fight his own feelings for Fran!It wasn't too late for Fran to accept a job with one of Xavier's wealthy patients instead. After all, where could her relationship with Xavier go? Somehow, though, she felt compelled to stay and find out…

Популярна и влюблена

Ребекка Серл

Простая школьница и юная актриса Пейдж Таунсен в один прекрасный день прилетает на Гавайи, где ей предстоит сниматься в экранизации одной из самых популярных книг современности. Съемки, премьеры, красные дорожки, бесчисленные поклонники – калейдоскоп событий завораживает девушку! И когда у нее появляются чувства к партнеру по съемочной площадке Райнеру Дэвону (к слову, самому сексуальному актеру, по версии многочисленных таблоидов), Пейдж понимает, что ее жизнь никогда не будет прежней.

Apollo's Seed

Anne Mather

Mills & Boon are excited to present The Anne Mather Collection – the complete works by this classic author made available to download for the very first time! These books span six decades of a phenomenal writing career, and every story is available to read unedited and untouched from their original release.A shocking proposition – from her husband!After five years apart, Martha has put her marriage to Greek tycoon Dion far behind her… But when she is tricked into a meeting with him, she finds herself reeling not only from his shocking proposal – but the force of her feelings for him.Their passion might be as deep as ever – but even for the sake of their small daughter, can Martha face the prospect of becoming his wife once again?

Apache Dream Bride

Joan Elliott Pickart

CELEBRATION 1000 THE MAN ON THE BEDROOM FLOOR… was straight out of Kathy Maxwell's dream.But she could only stare at the lone Apache, wearing nothing but formfitting buckskins and a scowl, who rose to stand at the foot of her bed. «I am Dakota,» he said. «Why have you brought me to this strange place?» Kathy was astonished at the sight before her.Somehow during the night the Native American dreamcatcher that hung above her bed had snuck into her sleep, stolen her dream man out of the 1870s and transported him here, into her present-day bedroom! Gee whiz, what was a twentieth-century girl to do?CELEBRATION 1000: Come celebrate the publication of the 1000th Silhouette Desire, with scintillating love stories by some of your favorite writers!