Современные любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Современные любовные романы

She's No Angel

Leslie Kelly

If only he'd taken another route to Trouble, Pennsylvania. Then he'd never have rescued a tire-iron-toting, drop-dead-gorgeous woman whose crazy aunts had stolen her shoes and keys and left her more than a little pissed off.There was no way he was ready to get involved with someone like Jennifer, let alone the decades-old murder case swirling around her nutty family!But writer Jennifer Feeney was one provocative package. And her latest bestseller had stirred up a whole lot of trouble. Which meant that, between rescuing her again and again, Mike had fallen for her, big-time. Just the way he'd promised himself he wouldn't. Now it looks as if her family's past is going to catch up with both of them, and it's time for Mike to choose–solve the case–or get the girl.

Sheltered in His Arms

Tara Quinn Taylor

Sam Montford left Shelter Valley ten years ago. He's a direct descendant of the town's founder, the first Samuel Montford, and for him, Shelter Valley's expectations had become oppressive. Home had become smothering instead of sheltering.Sam returns to the town–and to his ex-wife, Cassie Tate–with a seven-year-old child. This is a complete shock to Cassie. When Sam left, he hadn't known she was pregnant. Or that she had lost their baby.Sam's back in Shelter Valley now, back to stay. But he refuses to become the man people expected him to be ten years ago. Can he be the man Cassie needs now?

Sheikh Without a Heart

Sandra Marton

From the bright lights of Las Vegas… Dressed only in a skimpy sequin-studded bikini is not the way Rachel Donnelly wants to meet Sheikh Karim al Safir. Especially when he is so devastatingly handsome – and fully clothed! …to the glittering jewels of the desert Karim is horrified that this is the mother of his newly discovered nephew.His raging pulse at the sight of Rachel’s barely dressed body belies his reputation as the Sheikh with no heart, but he’ll live up to it to ensure that the heir to the throne is raised in Alcantar!

She Who Dares, Wins

Candace Havens

Well, it certainly wasn't the assignment detective Katie McClure was expecting. Traveling to London to protect an old scientist who'd been receiving death threats? Too easy.As it turns out, Dr. Macon Douglas is hot. The kind that makes Katie ponder her own kinds of experiments–namely ones that involve Mac being naked. But the death threats are real…along with the wicked chemistry that seems to sizzle and zap whenever they're together. Can Katie keep her professional thoughts in mind and keep Mac safe–or will she risk everything and dare to be bare?

Shameful Secret, Shotgun Wedding

Sharon Kendrick

His pregnant mistress When renowned international playboy Giancarlo Vellutini invites shop assistant Cassie Summers to join him for dinner, how can she refuse? After all, she is an ordinary girl from Cornwall, and chances like this don’t come round very often!Throwing caution to the wind, before she knows it unworldly Cassie is completely at Giancarlo’s mercy. She finds herself agreeing to be his mistress for Christmas… But will an unexpected gift make this temporary festive arrangement last a lifetime?

Sgt. Billy's Bride

Bonnie Gardner

Desperate times call for desperate measures!So when general's daughter Darcy Stanton abruptly balked at marrying a macho military man, she shamelessly fled her wedding and hit the road running. But fickle fate delivered Darcy into the arms of irresistible air force sergeant Billy Hays, whose Southern charm and gentle embrace nearly hijacked her heart!Fortunately, this sergeant was a confirmed bachelor. Unfortunately, his beloved, ailing, Alabama mama dearly wished to see him wed. So in a twinkling Darcy was back at the altar–conveniently pretending to be Billy's bride. Trouble was, his sizzling kiss and tenderness made Darcy secretly long for a real happily-ever-after…as Sgt. Billy's wife!

Sex And The Sleepwalker

Donna Sterling

Brynn Sutherland has a little problem with sleepwalking – especially when she's under stress. And with the reappearance of her old flame Cade Hunter…well, she's about as stressed as she can get.She keeps waking up beside him! With their history, his bed is the last place she wants to be, regardless of how gorgeous he is. But when he suggests a «cure» to her nocturnal wanderings – revisiting their old make-out spots and resolving their past – how can she resist? Maybe once she's had her way with Cade, he'll stop haunting her nights…. Cade has never really gotten over Brynn. So when she climbs into bed with him, he can't turn her away.Problem is, right now he's undercover to protect her from a possible threat and he can't afford to be distracted. Too bad he's preoccupied by their sexy trips down memory lane. One thing he knows for sure – he wants Brynn forever. Looks as if he'll have to prolong their sleepwalking therapy sessions until she admits the same thing!

Sensible Housekeeper, Scandalously Pregnant

Jennie Lucas

The Housekeeper What right did Argentinian billionaire Rafael Cruz have to demand her in his bed? Housekeeper Louisa Grey had managed his homes impeccably. She had dressed soberly, behaved courteously, barely even smiled. She’d catered to his every appetite – except…The Boss Oh, no, his virgin housekeeper did not flirt…but their simmering attraction meant Rafael had never been so close to losing control. And if there was one thing he was good at – besides seduction – it was taking charge! The Baby? But now they’d never be able to go back to being just boss and employee…

Seduction by the Book

Stephanie Bond

Bestselling author Stephanie Bond introduces her readers to four Southern women who discover that the mind truly is the sexiest part of the body!If Lady Chatterley's Lover can do it, so can Cassie Goodwinseduce the pants right off her sexy ex, that is. . . . Wallflower Page Sharpe is about to become Venus in Furs for her boss. . . and he's about to become her love slave! Like Fanny Hill, Wendy Trainer has sown plenty of wild oats! But can Fanny's exploits help her persuade best friend Nate that Wendy's more than just a good time?Ice princess Jacqueline Mays is ready to melt. With The Slave as her guide, disciplined client Elliot won't be able to resist her offer of sexual submission!

Secrets Of The Outback

Margaret Way

Jewel Bishop grew up in the Outback, and she feels defined by it.Then she makes a devastating discovery – she's not who she thought she was. There are secrets in her past, and they affect her present life. Keefe Connellan becomes part of Jewel's life because he suspects that Travis Copeland, his much older business partner, is Jewel's real father.He suspects, too, that Jewel knows this and he wonders what she's looking for, what she wants. Money? Vengeance? Perhaps even justice for the father who was betrayed? Is Jewel Bishop deceiver or deceived? Whatever the truth, Keefe recognizes in her a strength and passion to match his own….