Современные любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Современные любовные романы

Along Came a Husband

Helen Brenna

Missy Charms just got the shock of her life. The man she thought was dead has turned up on her doorstep.Her ex-husband–Jonas Abel.Four years ago, Missy Charms fell hard for Jonas. But his FBI job always came first. Missy only wanted–still wants–a home and family. Jonas isn't husband material, not even close. And now his latest undercover mission has trailed him to Mirabelle Island. With both their lives on the line, Missy knows she's been fooling herself. She loves Jonas as much as she ever did–maybe more. His return also means finally admitting the truth: she can't lose him again….

A Family for Tyler

Angel Smits

Family sticks together, no matter what!Wyatt Hawkins takes care of his family. So when he discovers he has a nephew, he vows to be there for Tyler until his father returns from overseas. Too bad the smart—and beautiful—judge in their custody case is interfering with Wyatt’s intention. He has to convince Judge Emily Ivers he’s good for Tyler!But she seems to have strong feelings about a single rancher raising a child and Wyatt can’t help wonder why. Is it the attraction between them? Or maybe it has something to do with the sadness he sees in her eyes. Maybe his nephew’s heart isn’t the only that needs healing…

From Father to Son

Janice Johnson Kay

Is an independent cop the best family man?Niall MacLachlan's one priority is the law. He fought his way from the wrong side of the tracks to earn his badge and won't jeopardize it for anything. After all, trusting his family nearly cost him everything as a kid. So, no. This loner has no desire for a wife and children to call his own.So why is his entirely too attractive landlady, Rowan Staley, slipping past all his defenses?She and her young family–complete with noisy dog–are everything Niall thinks he doesn't want. But he can't keep his distance when she turns to him for protection from a neighborhood threat. And in the end, letting her go might be impossible.

Between Love and Duty

Janice Johnson Kay

There's a right way, then there's the wrong wayNobody knows that better than police captain Duncan MacLachlan. He has served and protected for years without bending to a middle ground he doesn't believe in. And he's not about to change. Certainly not for stubborn–and sexy–court advocate Jane Brooks. Her shades-of-gray view of the world clashes with his black-and-white one.Then a mission to save an at-risk teen has Jane's life on the line. Now she and Duncan must join forces despite their differences–and the flaring attraction that's too hot to ignore. It's Duncan's toughest challenge yet. Because keeping Jane safe is one thing…and keeping her out of his arms is another.

What a Girl Wants

Amy Vastine

Turbulence is in their ForecastSummer Raines knows when it’s going to rain. She can just feel it. That’s why the local weather girl’s so good at her job. Too bad she couldn’t have foreseen the tumultuous arrival of Travis Lockwood, everybody’s favorite star NFL quarterback. Make that former star NFL quarterback. Sidelined back to Texas after an injury forced him out of his career, now the golden boy – shouldn’t he be humbled by his adversity, even a little? – is trying to steal her precious on-air time.Summer is reduced to reporting on the weather from…football games. It’s enough to make her quit and follow her dream of becoming a storm-chaser like her parents. Except she’s got to stay put; her grandparents need her. She’s stuck with a career that’s going nowhere and a man who delights in her refusal to be charmed. Falling in love isn’t nearly as easy as predicting the weather.

Mr. And Mrs. Wrong

Fay Robinson

Will this baby save their marriage–or destroy it?Erin Cahill has always been known as Lucky–although the name Trouble might suit her better, since she can't seem to stay out of it.Lucky definitely loves her husband, a police captain in their Alabama town, and Jack definitely loves her. But despite that love, despite all the laughter they share, Jack and Lucky argue about everything: where to live, how to live, work, family, everything. So they do the logical thing and separate.There's a complication, though, a really big one. Because Lucky's pregnant.

Her Baby's Father

Anne Haven

She'll do anything for her babyAlone, pregnant and broke, Jennifer Burns doesn't have a lot of options. Whatever it takes, though, she's determined that her child will grow up safe, secure–and with a father. So she goes back to her hometown of Portland to persuade her baby's father to help her out. But first she has to find him.He'll do anything for herEmergency-room doctor Ross Griffin is used to caring for and protecting others. So when Jennifer shows up on his doorstep–pregnant by his married brother–there's no way he won't help her out. Especially since nine years ago he and Jennifer shared a secret attraction and a single, forbidden kiss–and, as he gets to know Jennifer again, he begins to care deeply for her…and for his brother's baby!

Child of Their Vows

Joan Kilby

He Wants a SonMax Walker loves his daughters with a ferocity and depth that constantly surprise him. But in the deepest corner of his heart, in a place not even his wife knows about, he's always wanted a son.She Wants a LifeKelly Walker adores her children–and she adores her husband of thirteen years. But recently she's developed interests outside the home.They each get what they want…in unexpected ways

Child of His Heart

Joan Kilby

He's raised one child who might not be his own. Does he have it in his heart to do it again?Fire chief Nick Dalton has a lot on his plate. He's had to move to a small town in Washington to get his twelve-going-on-twenty-year-old daughter away from the rough crowd she was hanging out with in Los Angeles. He's also struggling with the knowledge his late wife imparted on her deathbed–their child might not be his biologically.Erin Hanson has returned to the small town she grew up in to come to grips with a failed romance, and Nick is just the kind of man to make her quickly forget her woes. But suddenly she has a more wrenching situation on her hands–she's pregnant with her ex-fiancé's child.Erin knows Nick loves her. Now they both have to find out if he can love her baby, too.

A Season To Believe

Elane Osborn

WHO AM I?She asked. But no one knew. A near-fatal accident had stolen Jane's past, and now she struggled daily with her new life. Only the knowledge that policeman Matt Sullivan was rooting for her kept her going. But when flashes of her memory returned, Jane grew afraid she wouldn't like the person she used to be….And so she turned once more to Matt. Now a private detective, he vowed that this time he'd discover the truth about Jane. And this time no one would be able to hurt her in mind or body. Because suddenly Matt was realizing that the new Jane was everything he'd dreamed of getting for Christmas….But could he keep her?