Современные любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Современные любовные романы

Just Like Em

Marion Ekholm

She’s not the kid she used to be… not by a long shot!She had a crush on him when she was a teen and Roger was in college…and made his life miserable as only the friend of a guy’s little sister can. Years later, Emmy Lou returns to Phoenix, divorced, with an asthmatic little boy at the centre of her world.Grieving the death of his wife, Roger reluctantly asks her for help with his young twins and teen daughter who’s proving as difficult to handle as Em used to be. Just as they finally begin to find happiness together, a career move comes between them. Because it affects Em’s child, whose welfare means more to her than…anything.

His Hometown Girl

Karen Rock

He’d always managed to best her…Jodi Chapman will do whatever it takes to get top care for her autistic son. If that means going home and convincing local farmers to sell their land, so be it. Even if her biggest opponent, childhood rival Daniel Gleason, is equally determined to convince farmers to buy into his co-op plan. And he’s not playing fair.Facing off against Daniel is the last thing Jodi wants. The attraction that’s always fuelled their competitiveness is as strong as ever and just as distracting. But with both their futures on the line, and years of distrust between them, how can they ever be on the same side?

Blue Ridge Hideaway

Cynthia Thomason

Armed with a can of mace and fuming mad, Dorie Howe is determined to get what’s hers from the old con man who fleeced her. Even if she has to cut a deal with his ex-cop son, Bret Donovan.With her brother in jail and no way to pay his lawyer, she’s desperate enough to agree to Bret’s terms. Desperate–and intrigued. Helping Bret get his mountain retreat in order wouldn’t be the worst job she’s ever had. The spring air is fresh and the scenery is gorgeous. As long as Bret can keep his policeman’s instinct to snoop in check, she just might get away unscathed. All she has to do is keep him, and her feelings, at bay for a few more days…

For the Taking

Lilian Darcy

To: King Loucan of PacificaFrom: Your Loyal Subject CarragWe joyously received your message that you have found three of the four lost royal siblings of Pacifica. But I understand the eldest, the beautiful Thalassa, is still missing. We pray you find her and convince her to rule by your side. You say you desire a marriage of convenience only–for the sake of restoring peace to our troubled land. I know, Loucan, my dearest friend and king, you will try to bend her to your iron will if she refuses. But don't close your stubborn, wounded heart. As I recall, Lass is a gentle soul. Treat her kindly, and she'll be yours–body and soul–for the taking.

Caught By Surprise

Sandra Paul

He'd make her pay……for luring him to her ship and having her men imprison him. Yes, the beautiful American had sealed her fate, for Saegar, the royal prince of Pacifica, would claim Beth Livingston as his wife, brand her with his passion and make her his forever….What had her father's crew discovered? Whoever–whatever–he was, Beth knew the prisoner with the chiseled face and chest of a Roman warrior directed his anger at her, and if she didn't convince her father to release him, she would one day feel the full wrath of his fury–and his heart's desires….

A Little Moonlighting

Raye Morgan

Carter James simply could not conduct business without Amy Pendleton.So when his indispensable – utterly alluring – associate quit to play temporary mommy to her sister's brood, the take-charge tycoon decided that if he couldn't get her to the office, then he'd take the office to Amy! But he'd never bargained on risking his heart in the process….Amy couldn't believe the audacity of her overbearing, impossibly sexy boss. Still, wasn't this what she'd been dreaming of all these years – a house full of kids and the man she was hopelessly in love with? Well, it was too bad Carter wasn't the marrying kind, because if he wanted her back he'd have to make her an offer she couldn't refuse!

The Second Family

Janice Carter

She dreamed of having a familyAs a little girl, Tess Wheaton wished that her father would come back and rescue her–but he never did. Although Tess grew up in the care of a loving guardian, she never had the parents she longed for. These days, she's a successful businesswoman and family is the last thing on her mind.Now family has found herThat is, until she discovers that the father who abandoned her long ago is dead and has left behind two young children who want Tess to be part of their lives. She steps, hesitantly at first, into this makeshift family and finds herself on a fascinating journey–getting to know her brother and sister and discovering the father she barely knew. Most fascinating of all–she's finding real love for the first time, with a man who understands what it's like to get a second chance.

Star-Crossed Parents

C.J. Carmichael

Few people can say they're starring in a real-life version of Romeo and Juliet. And single mom Leigh certainly doesn't want to play the role of disapproving mother. But when her daughter runs off to New Hampshire for a boy she's met over the Internet, it's a discomfiting reminder of Leigh's own past….The problem is Sam Wallace, the boy's father, and his ridiculous notion that love conquers all. Worse still is that Sam could be a pretty darn good (not to mention attractive) distraction for Leigh. But how can Leigh think about herself when her daughter is about to make the worst mistake of her life?

Four Little Problems

Carrie Weaver

For Patrick Stevens less means more!Patrick Stevens is a great teacher. All of his «kids» say so–except Emily Patterson's oldest son, Jason. Jason is Patrick's lone failure–the one student he couldn't reach.And that's too bad, because when Patrick and Emily are thrown together on a project, Patrick realizes he'd really like to get to know Emily better. If only she didn't come complete with those four sons….

Calling the Shots

Ellen Hartman

Bryan James knows everything about hockey. That's a passion he and his daughter Allie share. What he doesn't know is how to be a single father. And the way he's scrambling to hold his thirteen-year-old's world–and his–together kind of proves that.So does the fact they're in community mediation after Allie's run-in with another player on her own team! There's probably some valuable learning in this for Bryan, but he's too distracted by the other player's parent Clare Sampson. She's smart and beautiful…and outraged at what's happened. Worse, she wants nothing to do with his beloved sport, his amazing daughter…or him! Luckily he's been in this game long enough to know there's always another play to get you what you want.