Современные любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Современные любовные романы

The Comeback Cowboy

Cathy McDavid

It isn't easy for a man to get back in the saddle after he's lost his competitive edge. But fallen rodeo star Ty Boudeau refuses to give up his shot at the World Championship. Even if it means taking lessons at a glorified dude ranch from a woman who can rope a steer better than a man. As owner of Cowboy College, Adele Donnelly makes it a rule never to get involved with her guests. Especially not a famous and footloose cowboy whose life is all about traveling the rodeo circuit.But Ty is more than just another handsome faceand getting pregnant with his baby wasn't in Adele's long-term game plan. Because men like him can't be tied down. And she's not used to family sticking around. Why should Ty be any different? Should she give the cowboy a chance to be a championship daddy?

With This Ring

Lee McKenzie

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas…In July?Brent Borden has always imagined that Leslie Durrance is happy on her pedestal. Until she runs–in the midst of a rainstorm, dripping diamonds, wedding dress and all–into the construction worker's arms. With the whole town buzzing about the juiciest scandal Collingwood Station has ever seen, the embarrassed debutante needs to lie low.Brent takes her in, but it's a Christmas-themed fund-raiser, complete with hot Santas in tuxedos, that gives Leslie a chance to get the tongues wagging about something besides her almost-wedding and get the wallets to open for a worthy cause. And also makes her see that the greatest gift has been in front of her all along…

Guarding the Heiress

Debra Webb

Doug Cooper's first major assignment with the prestigious Colby Agency: protect the newly discovered D'Martine heiress and turn her into a lady. The tough-as-nails bodyguard has his hands full with Eddi Harper, who's more tomboy than princess and prefers baggy overalls to designer gowns.But during the long days and nights he spends instructing her, the small-town beauty innocently breaches the walls he's erected around his heart. Though Doug tries to remain professionally detached, keeping his distance becomes impossible once Eddi's life is threatened. Doug swears he'll stop at nothing to guard the heiress, but who's going to guard his heart?

Love Me True

Ann Major

MEN of the YEAR MAN of the MONTH «You had things your way for six miserable years. Now it's my turn.» – Joey Fasano, irresistible renegade screen idol He had it all – wealth, fame, success. But the emptiness aching inside him wouldn't subside. Watching TV coverage of Heather Wade's upcoming wedding, Joey marveled at how she'd changed from the wild, free spirit he'd loved to the cool, proper socialite her powerful family had made her.But now he had to see her again, and even her family couldn't stop him. Because if that boy whose hand she was holding wasn't the image of Joey at age five, he'd eat his Oscar! Some men are made for lovin' – and you'll love our 125th MAN OF THE MONTH!

Longwalker's Child

Debra Webb

Lauren Whitmore had heard the wild rumors about the man on her doorstep. But none of them prepared her for Gray Longwalker. His proud Native American features stole her breath, but it was his eyes that stopped Lauren's heart. Deep, honest and gray as his name–an exact match to those of the little girl Lauren loved and was to adopt as her own.As soon as he learned she existed, Gray rushed to claim his child. Except he hadn't expected a long-limbed vixen to stand in his way. And as tension between him and Lauren heated to a dangerous attraction the lone warrior faced his greatest fear–forgetting the beauty before him was the enemy….

The Durango Affair

Brenda Jackson

I'M HAVING YOUR BABY. Savannah Claiborne's simple statement set off an avalanche in Montana ranger Durango Westmoreland's carefully ordered life. Suddenly, an unforgettable night of passion with the hazel-eyed beauty had turned into a lifetime of obligation for the confirmed bachelor.But Westmoreland men always honored their responsibilities, and leaving Savannah to raise his baby on her own was not an option. So he proposed and she accepted…with one condition: Theirs would be an in-name-only marriage. Durango agreed. For now.

Baby Of Fortune

Shirley Rogers

Justin Bond knew all about forging steel ties, but human bonds were another matter – especially when it came to winning back his wife! And with Heather agreeing to accompany him to Texas to meet his Fortune relatives, he'd reluctantly sworn to be the perfect gentleman…. But when their platonic arrangement gave way to passion, Justin learned Heather's three-month-old secret. A baby had torn them apart, but now could baby Timmy keep them together?

Having His Child

Amy Fetzer J.

A powerful, primal longing to be a mother enveloped Angela Justice.But her best friend, Dr. Lucas Ryder, intercepted the strong-willed unwed beauty at the sperm bank door, insisting some things be left to passion. At his touch, her body became a map of desire – and he traveled every inch, leaving her pleasured, exalted and pregnant.Though Angela loved Lucas with a ferocity that shook her, she vowed to shun his pledge of commitment…until her soul was certain of his true, eternal love!

Ride the Thunder

Lindsay McKenna

A woman in my bed is one thing. But in my cockpit? Hell, no! –Lieutenant Nolan Galway, United States Marine Corps Sharing flight duty with beautiful Lieutenant Rhona McGregor was dangerous. But with lives at stake in the earthquake-shattered L.A. Basin, Nolan didn't have time to argue. He needed a copilot, and he'd just have to draw on his military discipline to keep his desires in check.But from their first death-defying flight, Nolan realized he and Rhona shared something even more powerful than passion. For suddenly his hard heart thundered with something that felt perilously like love….