Современная зарубежная литература

Различные книги в жанре Современная зарубежная литература

Just Past Midnight

Amanda Stevens

THE DARKEST PART OF THE NIGHT IS THE MOST DANGEROUSStalked for years, Dr. Darian West has become an emotional recluse, a woman at the mercy of a skilled killer. Threats to her family have kept her silent, but every man who has become involved with Darian has paid the same fatal price. All but closed off from life, she lives a solitary existence until a chance meeting puts her next suitor in harm's way….Convinced his brother died at Darian's hands, Richard Berkley has vowed to avenge his death. He'll stop at nothing until he exposes the wealthy psychologist's deepest secrets…and her darkest fantasies. But as passion erupts, the killer lurks in the darkness, waiting until…Just Past Midnight…to strike.

Every Waking Moment

Brenda Novak

Emma Wright has finally escaped the dangerous man who's controlled her every move for the past six years. Taking her five-year-old son, she has fled across the country–seeking freedom, safety and a fresh start. But Max's father isn't giving them up so easily.Preston Holman understands the lengths a parent will go for his child. He's given up everything to pursue the man he believes killed his son.When Preston meets Emma, he wants nothing to do with her or the boy who reminds him so much of his own child. Yet he can't abandon them–and as he's drawn into the danger that surrounds them, Preston begins to wonder if he's finally found something to live for beyond revenge.

You Owe Me


Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.Seeing Slater again would cause Chris pain. Natalie had always known how desperately in love with Slater Chris had been, and she'd arranged things so that Chris would have to return to England and face the man who'd rejected her. For as a final malevolent gesture she'd entrusted her daughter to Chris's care.It would be hard facing Slater again, knowing that he'd shared Natalie's bed and given her everything Chris had dreamed of – marriage and his child. Chris was torn between her response to a little girl's suffering and her fear of resurrecting her own foolish dreams.

Her Christmas Protector

Terri Reed

IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU, NO ONE WILL.Those words from her abusive ex-husband sent Faith Delange fleeing from everything familiar. And when a bus dropped her off in the small town of Sisters, Oregon, Faith immediately found room, board and a job on an isolated ranch.But she couldn't tell her handsome new boss, Luke Campbell, what had her jumping at shadows during the joy of the holiday season–or what kept her out of his arms. She'd only put his and his frail mother's lives at stake. Faith feared her past would never let her go. But neither would Luke.

Deadly Texas Rose

Lenora Worth

A thug attempted to abduct Julia Daniels at gunpoint in broad daylight.In the very diner where the waitress worked–and across from the sheriff's office. Which meant that whoever was after the widowed mother would stop at nothing. Including shooting a police officer. The handsome deputy sheriff who'd taken a bullet for Julia and saved her life vowed to protect her and her traumatized daughter.First, though, Eric Butler needed the truth about why she'd sought refuge in Wildflower, Texas. But how could Julia tell him when it meant putting all their lives in grave danger?

A Convenient Marriage

Maggie Cox

Businesswoman Sabrina Kendricks was swept off her feet by millionaire Argentinean Javier D’Alessandro. . . and on their third date he asked her to marry him!But this was no whirlwind romance–Javier needed a British wife to adopt his orphaned niece. Sabrina knew it was only a convenient arrangement–even though the passion that burned in Javier's eyes suggested they could have so much more. . . .

The Christmas Bride


Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.When Jason McCready and Cary Adams were thrown together on a Yuletide skiing trip meant to please their children, they struck sparks off each other immediately.Then they realized that the fire burning between them was more than mere chemistry. It was the harbinger of a love that would warm them through the holidays… and beyond.

Fantasy For Two


Opposites attract!Just what did impulsive Mollie Barnes and powerful landowner Alex Villiers, Earl of St. Otel, have in common? Mollie always championed the underdog, while Alex represented the privileged classes. He declared she was stubborn and willfully determined to believe the worst of him, while she thought he was simply amusing himself with her.So why had she confessed her secret fantasy to him? It soon became clear that they shared the same dream and Alex was perfectly happy to make it come true.

The Mistress Purchase


Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.Sold – to the Greek tycoon! Leon Stapinopolous has never known defeat in the boardroom – or the bedroom!The acquisition of one of France's oldest perfume houses is to be another profitable notch in his business profile, with Leon insisting that stunning perfume designer Sadie Roberts is included in the purchase price! Sadie is adamant he'll never own her.But Leon thrills her senses more than the headiest fragrance, with his blend of charm and passion…

The Last Warrior

Susan Grant

As a decorated soldier, the young General Tao knows only one kind of honor–to his people. But when his own king betrays him, he discovers that his sacrifices, his successes, may not have been for the good of the country at all.Fate–and his enemies–throw him together with Elsabeth, a red-haired beauty who has served as the royal tutor. Her loyalties, though, remain with her father's people, the rebellious Kurel, who worship the old ways, even harboring the forbidden arks that brought the Kurel to this planet ages ago. When a threat greater than their peoples' war looms, intent on destroying the world they both know, the fierce warrior and the sensitive scholar must unite. Together, they must fight for their planet, for their world and for their love.