Секс и семейная психология

Различные книги в жанре Секс и семейная психология

Searching for Dad

Bryon Ricks

Searching for Dad steps inside the mind, heart and soul of a boy without a father. Recognizing the power emotional and psychological side effects of growing up fatherless will help absentee fathers, single mothers and sons who survived a fatherless childhood understand and cope. Byron Ricks shares his story about the challenges he faced, the lessons he learned, and the man he became. He writes for fathers who do not realize the full impact their absence can have, for mothers wanting to do the best for their sons but not sure what that is, and for men who feel empty and unattached and are not sure why. Ultimately, Searching for Dad is a book of hope, filled with illustrations about nine side effects and how fathers, mothers, and sons can forestall, minimize and even reverse them. Growing up fatherless may be the condition; healing is the possibility.

Hello Hello: The Inspirational Guide to Delivery

Danielle Jai Watson

Pregnancy is designed to strip away the old you (hence, why it can be so uncomfortable, painful, and even miserable). It is the stripping away of all that you once were. Bringing forth life is the moment that ignites all that you are capable of becoming. And motherhood is the one thing that fills you up with all that you are, all that you were created to be, and all that you were destined to accomplish.

Hello Hello: The Inspirational Guide to Postpartum

Danielle Jai Watson

Pregnancy is designed to strip away the old you (hence, why it can be so uncomfortable, painful, and even miserable). It is the stripping away of all that you once were. Bringing forth life is the moment that ignites all that you are capable of becoming. And motherhood is the one thing that fills you up with all that you are, all that you were created to be, and all that you were destined to accomplish.

Better Behavior for Ages 2-10

Tara Eagan

Your child is a small miracle that you treasure immensely. When your child misbehaves, however, it can lead to feeling that you have failed as a parent, often followed by family, friends, and even strangers offering well-in­tended but stress-inducing advice. As part of the What Now? series, Better Behavior for Ages 2-10 was written to share author Dr. Tara Egan’s clinically-proven methods for handling, modify­ing, and most importantly, completely preventing difficult behavior. Included is an easy to understand and implement success model that you will start to benefit from right away! Dr. Tara's strategies and advice are small pearls of wisdom about child behavior that work like magic. This guidebook provides pre-emptive strategies for parents who are struggling with their child’s behavior to set the stage for good behavior. From learning the importance of “role modeling” to motivating and disciplining in a way that will reinforce good behavior—Better Behavior for Ages 2-10 will guide you every step of the way. This book offers effective solutions for eliminating stress while strengthening the loving relationship between you and your child.

I'm Potty Training My Child

Patricia Wynne

Potty Training a toddler, and finding an approach that works, can be as daunting a process for a parent as getting through an entire book. That is why Lesson Ladder has released a simple, user-friendly, yet pragmatic guide to help a parent or guardian through the sometimes challenging process of potty training. And because not every child or parenting style is the same, this book shares the nuts and bolts of vetted potty training techniques and a wide range of solutions for fast reading…and, even faster results! This book includes many helpful features to help parents accomplish this important developmental milestone: readiness checklists built to help you determine whether or not your child is emotionally and physically ready to begin potty training, a handy supplies checklist to help you get your potty training adventure underway, Quick Tips, and Parent Point-of-View vignettes. Because training your child takes patience, chapters have been dedicated to helping you adopt the right mindset so the groundwork can be laid for a successful transition to big kid underwear. The book also integrates tips, pointers, and examples to help answer common questions, address setbacks, and conquer special situations that can cause stress for both parent and child. Rest assured: With a little love, and a lot of practice, you and your child will have a system established (that works!) in no time.

I'm Having A Baby!

Christine Traxler, MD

Whether thinking about having a baby or already expecting, the process of getting ready for a new member of the family is a big deal and a big milestone in anyone’s life. Lesson Ladder has released a simple, user-friendly book to provide the reassurance and support that new parents need, plus the most important, must know information for pregnancy and childbirth. Written by an experienced family practice physician, this book features professional medical expertise and personal, parental stories integrated throughout. 10 month-by-month core chapters make it easy to chart your progression and ensure that you’re not skipping any important steps along the way! Our book also includes important guiding chapters on Preparing for Pregnancy, Ensuring a Healthy Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, Caring for Your Newborn, and Beginning Your Journey as New Parents.

Parenting Made Easy: The early years

Anna Cohen

A bag of tricks approach to parenting the 1 to 5 year old The early years of parenting are often a tricky and challenging time – a time when you will watch your baby fade and a child emerge, a time of amazing growth, development and change. Your ‘bag of tricks’ to deal with these changes must take into account your child’s development and cognitive abilities at any given stage.
Parenting Made Easy: The Early Years provides ideas for your bag of tricks that have worked for thousands of families to foster children’s positive self-identity. The strategies advocated promote positive nurturing relationships while equipping parents with skills to manage problem behaviour.
Children, by virtue of being children, will make behavioural errors and so it is the job of parents to love and believe in them and to model and teach respectful communication. Such authoritative parenting is characterised by firm, warm, expectations with clear limit setting while encouraging independent thinking and displaying unconditional love.
Parenting Made Easy: The Early Years will help you become the sort of parent you want to be by celebrating your resourcefulness and finding effective solutions to the challenge of parenting the preschooler.

Be A Parent not a Pal

Jeff Kemp

Parenting teenagers today is a tough challenge. It takes purpose, creativity, determination and patience – and some practical advice from people who know what they are talking about. Award winning specialist teacher, researcher, mentor and speaker, Dr Jeff Kemp, has spent 30 years helping parents ride the roller coaster of parenting. His knowledge, compassion, and enthusiasm has helped the most troubled of teens re-engage with school and family after almost being written off by a stressed education system and exasperated parents. Combining this wealth of experience with research and academic training Jeff has produced a highly inspirational and practical book full of sage advice as well as dozens of real-life teen scenarios parents may face and action plans to deal with them. For Jeff, parenting is a journey of self-discovery for the parent and a journey of self-discovery for their teenager, underpinned by the undeniable reality that as a parent, you are the leader of the family to which your teenager belongs, and as such you must lead. You can't be your teenager's pal, but you can be their parent.

Parent, Don't Panic!

Dwayne Hicks

This is a book about patient parenting. I’ve learned that patience with these little humans known as our children need large doses of patience in order to form their own personality and become who their Creator meant for them to be. This is also a book about things you should not do as a parent. This is not rocket science, so don’t panic!