Секс и семейная психология

Различные книги в жанре Секс и семейная психология

Der übliche Wahnsinn - und dann kam Corona

Emma Hermann

Die Autorin beschreibt in ihrem Buch lustige Alltagsgeschichten mit Kindern. Wenn dann ein Virus dazu führt, dass Familien Homeoffice mit Homeschooling kombinieren müssen, führt dies zu großen Herausforderungen, die nicht immer leicht zu meistern sind. Da ist Stress vorprogrammiert.
Viele Leser werden sich bei der ein oder anderen Geschichte wiederfinden und vielleicht ähnliches erlebt haben. Die Autorin gibt einen amüsanten Einblick in das Privatleben während des Lockdowns mit Schulschließungen.

Ungalahli Ithemba

Sonja Böckmann

Syringomyelia. A disease that hardly anyone knows about. Even doctors do not readily come up with this diagnosis because it is simply too rare. I had to make this bad experience for me when I was sent from one doctor to another after a car accident on the way to work with diffuse complaints. No one seems to know what is wrong with me, and worse, no one really seems to want to take me seriously. Several times I am called a malingerer by doctors and sent out the door. But my complaints are still clear: balance disorders, insensations, constant pain. Standing for long periods of time and even sitting are hardly possible for me anymore. It takes almost a whole year before the diagnosis of syringomyelia is made for the first time. Syringomyelia is a rare disease in which fluid-filled gaps («cavities») form in the spinal cord or the spinal canal widens. There is no prospect of a cure for it to date. Only physiotherapy and pain therapy are on the treatment plan. Parallel to my odyssey across the medical specialties, I have to deal with offices, professional association, insurances and authorities. Hardly anyone takes me and my complaints seriously. Health-wise, I am hardly in a position to do so, but without one's own fighting spirit, one is simply lost. With my book «Ungalahli Ithemba» I would like to encourage other people not to resign in the face of strokes of fate, but to fight for themselves and their health needs. At the same time, I would like to increase awareness of the two rare neurological diseases Chiari malformation and syringomyelia and to raise awareness. The importance of widespread education is usually demonstrated by how difficult it is to be taken seriously with physical illness and blatant pain and symptoms.

Chakra Journaling Guide

Sunshinegoldenchild .

The practice of journaling is a powerful tool to self-analyze and self-reflect. It helps to unpack years of supressed emotions in those hidden layers of self, a place we rarely take time to visit and explore. Journaling allows us to tap back into ourselves and do that «shadow work» which then creates an opportunity for real healing to happen. In this guide Sunshinegoldenchild will focus on our seven chakras, teach you about them and how to spot the emotional signs of a possible energy flow stagnation but also takes you on a journey with her many prompts connecting to each chakra. This guide is anybody who seeks to further reach into themselves and align themselves further with their needs and wants in life.

Dein persönliches Potenzial

Bernhard Lohmöller

Das Werk «Dein persönliches Potenzial» ist eine Anleitung zur Magie des Glücklichseins. Auf der Grundlage gezielter Bewusstseinsausrichtung als Selbst- und Weltsteuerung wird der Zugang dafür erläutert, sein Leben authentisch zu programmieren und glücklich zu leben. Zentraler Ansatzpunkt ist die Anleitung zum persönlichen Selbstentwurf des menschlichen Bewusstseins mit vielen Beispielen für die alltägliche Lebensausrichtung. Der Selbstentwurf des Menschen bestimmt die Wahrnehmung der Welt. Selbst und Welt gehen ineinander über. Ein Werk, welches trotz philosophischer Begriffe allgemein verständliche Schilderungen und Anleitungen zum Glücklichsein präsentiert. Es ist ein Werk, welches den Zusammenhang von Weltgeschehen und individueller Bewusstseinsarbeit auf neuer, wirksamer Verständnisgrundlage deutlich macht.

10 Jahre Single

Sabrina Neuerburg

Nie den Richtigen getroffen? Nicht wirklich bereit oder scheinbar schwer vermittelbar? Oder vielleicht doch zu anspruchsvoll? Was macht man, wenn man lange Zeit ungewollt Single ist? Wenn man neidvoll mit ansehen muss, dass sämtliche Freunde und Freundinnen heiraten und Familien gründen? Auch die Soziologin und Kommunikationstrainerin Sabrina Neuerburg war lange in dieser Situation und suchte in ihrer Not Hilfe bei gängigen Ratgeber- und Coaching-Angeboten, um festzustellen, dass diese Lösungsansätze für Langzeitsingles völlig ungeeignet waren. Sie gab nicht auf bis zu dem Punkt, wo sie an der Beziehungslosigkeit zu zerbrechen drohte, was ihr Leben auf den Kopf stellte. Doch sie schaffte es: Durch ihren persönlichen Heilungsprozess lud sie sich die Liebe in ihr Leben ein. In diesem Buch berichtet sie ehrlich und authentisch von ihren vergeblichen Beziehungsversuchen, den merkwürdigen Erfahrungen mit der Liebes-Coaching-Szene und ihrem Weg aus der qualvollen Partnerlosigkeit. Und gibt so den Leserinnen und Lesern nachvollziehbare Möglichkeiten an die Hand, ihr Leben zu verändern, Beziehung für möglich zu halten und sie zu leben.

Show Dad How

Sean Bean

For dads who are excited to be involved with their new baby, but might not quite know where to start, Show Dad How is an ideal resource. From practical to playful, 156 awesome things every new father needs to know–one step at a time. In a series of nearly wordless, highly informative, often hilariously illustrated, step-by-step activities, dads-to-be learn how to do dozens of useful (and fascinating and important and sometimes surprisingly fun) tasks


Emma Grace

The second book from Instagram sensation Emma Grace of Live in the Details Reads like a conversation with a best friend mixed with the wisdom of an old one Unravels the sometimes sequential, sometimes parallel stages of healing a heart A real, relatable, current, and actionable guide for starting over Features themes of hope and strength—of courage and change The GPS coordinates for a journey of self-growth through letting go Step-by-step instructions for women to gracefully letting go of people and things that aren’t meant for them

Redefining Fatherhood

Nancy E. Dowd

Most fathers parent less than most mothers. Those fathers who do parent equally or more so than mothers are poorly supported by our society. For children this means a loss of adult care, as well as an ongoing and sharply defined differentiation between fathers and mothers. Fathers are not present in children's lives to a significant degree, if at all, or when they are present, they are often rendered socially invisible. For many men, their parenthood is defined as biological or economic, while a minority of men struggle against the presumption that they are not caregivers. In Redefining Fatherhood, Nancy Dowd argues that this skewed social pattern is mirrored and supported by law. Dowd makes the case for reenvisioning fatherhood away from genes and dollars, and toward nurture. Integrating economic, social and legal aspects of fathering, she makes the case for focusing on social, nurturing behavior as the core meaning of fatherhood. In this nuanced and complex analysis, she explores the barriers to redefinition, including concepts of masculinity, the interconnections between fathers and mothers, male violence and homophobia. Redefining Fatherhood offers a progressive view on how men, and society at large, can change understandings and practices of fatherhood.

Как разнообразить секс

А. В. Грановская

В книге даны советы на тему того, как привнести в сексуальную сферу нотку безумия, как сделать обыденный секс более разнообразным и интересным. Прочитав книгу, каждый взрослый человек найдет для себя что-то новое, полезное и волнующее сознание.