Психотерапия и консультирование

Различные книги в жанре Психотерапия и консультирование

Living Outside Mental Illness

Larry Davidson

Schizophrenia is widely considered the most severe and disabling of the mental illnesses. Yet recent research has demonstrated that many people afflicted with the disorder are able to recover to a significant degree. Living Outside Mental Illness demonstrates the importance of listening to what people diagnosed with schizophrenia themselves have to say about their struggle, and shows the dramatic effect this approach can have on clinical practice and social policy. It presents an in-depth investigation, based on a phenomenological perspective, of experiences of illness and recovery as illuminated by compelling first-person descriptions.This volume forcefully makes the case for the utility of qualitative methods in improving our understanding of the reasons for the success or failure of mental health services. The research has important clinical and policy implications, and will be of key interest to those in psychology and the helping professions as well as to people in recovery and their families.

Criminal Trials and Mental Disorders

Thomas L. Hafemeister

The complicated relationship between defendants with mental health disorders and the criminal justice system The American criminal justice system is based on the bedrock principles of fairness and justice for all. In striving to ensure that all criminal defendants are treated equally under the law, it endeavors to handle similar cases in similar fashion, attempting to apply rules and procedures even-handedly regardless of a defendant’s social class, race, ethnicity, or gender. Yet, the criminal justice system has also recognized exceptions when special circumstances underlie a defendant’s behavior or are likely to skew the defendant’s trial. One of the most controversial set of exceptions –often poorly articulated and inconsistently applied – involves criminal defendants with a mental disorder. A series of special rules and procedures has evolved over the centuries, often without fanfare and even today with little systematic examination, that lawyers and judges apply to cases involving defendants with a mental disorder. This book provides an analysis of the key issues in this dynamic interplay between individuals with a mental disorder and the criminal justice system. The volume identifies the various stages of criminal justice proceedings when the mental status of a defendant may be relevant, associated legal and policy issues, the history and evolution of these issues, and how they are currently resolved. To assist this exploration, the text also offers an overview of mental disorders, their relevance to criminal proceedings, how forensic mental health assessments are conducted and employed during these proceedings, and their application to competency and responsibility determinations. In sum, this book provides an important resource for students and scholars with an interest in mental health, law, and criminal justice.

Language and the Distortion of Meaning

Patrick Degramont

Patrick de Gramont draws upon evidence from infant observaton and linguistics as well as from information theory in order to make two related points. First, he demonstrates how our prevailing theories of meaning have failed to account for how we distort meaning.

Peer-Impact Diagnosis and Therapy

Vivian Center Seltzer

Adolescents are infamous for their rebellious behavior. Indeed,much of the focus of therapy and clinical intervention with troubled adolescents focuses on their presumed need to rebel against their parents as they define their own identities. Yet psychologist Vivian Center Seltzer argues that approaching work with adolescent clients with this presumption in mind is likely to miss the roots of their problem behavior.Rather than acting out against parental authority, adolescents in need of clinical help are most often dealing with their disappointing comparisons with their peers—the most relevant others to them during this period of their development. Seltzer explains that it is countless interactions with their peers, at school and elsewhere outside of the home, that are the primary mode of psychological and social development for adolescents. Practitioners must recognize this crucial influence, and perhaps forgo traditional approaches, in order to better work with their adolescent clients. Peer-Impact Diagnosis and Therapy is a practical professional guide for how to approach and aid troubled teens by accessing the wealth of insight to be gained from understanding the influence of peer interactions on development and on behavior. Full of diagnostic categories and protocols for use with all types of adolescents, as well as guidance, tips, case studies, and offering a targeted model for adolescent group therapy, Seltzer provides professionals with all the tools they need to assist teens on their road to adulthood.

HIV Mental Health for the 21st Century

Группа авторов

As we approach the 21st century, we also approach the third decade of the AIDS epidemic. Mental health care providers must face the crucial fact that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the condition it causes, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the leading cause of death among Americans aged 25-44 years. HIV Mental Health for the 21st Century provides a roadmap for mental health professionals who seek to develop new strategies aimed at increasing the longevity and quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as at controlling the future spread of the disease. Divided into five sections, this volume covers basic concepts in HIV/AIDS mental health; specialized aspects of HIV/AIDS clinical care; models of clinical care; program evaluation; and HIV mental health policy and programs. Chapters treat issues such as feelings of caregivers, the role of spirituality in mental health care, rural practice, mental health home care, and working with children.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in South Africa

Glenys Lobban

Psychoanalysis as a long term modality is inaccessible to the average South African. In this book the authors describe how psychoanalytically orientated or psychodynamic psychotherapy can be practiced as a short-term endeavour and applied to contemporary issues facing the country. Psychodynamic work is currently undertaken by clinical psychologists, therapists, clinicians, trainers, teachers, clinical supervisors, consultants and researchers working in university settings, state hospitals, community projects, private practice and research. The debates, clinical issues, therapeutic practice and nature of research covered in the book are widely representative of the work being done in the country. The need for shorter term therapy models and evidence-based interventions is as acute in global practice as it is locally. The lessons learned in South Africa have broader implications for international practitioners, and the authors stress the potential inherent in psychoanalytic theory and technique to tackle the complex problems faced in all places and settings characterised by increasing globalisation and dislocation. The book is structured in three main sections. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in South Africa is aimed at local and international practitioners and students, while non-specialist readers will find the text informative and accessible.


Christoph Müller

Sie haben die Schule geschwänzt, sind ohne Führerschein gefahren, haben geklaut, sich geprügelt oder etwas kaputt gemacht. Dafür sitzen sie nun für ein bis vier Wochen hinter Gittern. Die Zeit im Jugendarrest soll kurz und hart sein. Und sie soll abschrecken, einen Schock auslösen – und so verhindern, dass die Jugendlichen wieder straffällig werden.
Wieso sind ausgerechnet diese Jugendlichen im Gefängnis gelandet? Wie geht es ihnen dort? Wie wirkt sich der Arrestaufenthalt auf ihre Psyche aus? Und was bedeutet das für ihr zukünftiges Legalverhalten?
Diese Fragen stellt Christoph Müller in den Mittelpunkt seiner Studie und beantwortet sie im empirischen Teil mithilfe narrativ-verstehender Interviews mit Jugendarrestanten, die tiefenhermeneutisch ausgewertet wurden. Diese zeigen eindrücklich, wie sehr die Betroffenen unter dem Jugendarrestaufenthalt leiden. Ihre Zeit in der Haft wird durch die Kriterien der totalen Institution geprägt, der sie sich versuchen anzupassen, damit der Aufenthalt aushaltbar bleibt. Auch wenn sie sich aufgrund der leidvollen Erfahrung durchaus vornehmen, nicht mehr straffällig zu werden, spüren sie ihre Perspektivlosigkeit. Die beschämende Erfahrung in den Jugendarrestanstalten lässt sie potentiell depressiv und aggressiv werden. Dabei verstärkt sich unter dem Druck der entwicklungspsychologischen Phase der Adoleszenz ein Selbstbild als Gescheiterter und Verlierer oder als 'harter' Verbrecher.
Obwohl am Jugendarrest seit Jahren wissenschaftlich fundierte Kritik geäußert wird, wurde dieser im September 2012 mit der Einführung des sogenannten Warnschussarrests weiter aufgewertet und ausgeweitet. Mit diesem Buch liegt nun erstmals eine fundierte Studie über die Folgewirkungen dieses kurzzeitigen Einsperrens von Jugendlichen und Heranwachsenden vor.

Спокойные. Как помочь детям справиться со страхами и тревогой

Кэти Кресвелл

Чувствует ли ребенок себя в безопасности? Беспокоят ли его страхи и тревога? Ведущие специалисты по детской тревожности в этой книге, основанной на результатах пятнадцатилетних клинических исследований и практическом опыте работы с сотнями семей, расскажут, как помочь ребенку (и самим родителям) справиться с эмоциональными проблемами и обрести гармонию, научат не прятаться от собственных страхов, а самостоятельно с ними бороться. Этот метод позволит вам и вашему ребенку взять контроль над страхами и стать счастливыми и уверенными в себе людьми. На русском языке публикуется впервые.

EQ. Эмоциональный интеллект на практике

Джастин Барисо

Эта книга – настоящий путеводитель по миру эмоций. Она не только поможет разобраться с собственными деструктивными состояниями и обрести самоконтроль, но и научит тонко чувствовать окружающих и выстраивать с ними глубокие, здоровые отношения. Это практическое руководство по EQ для всех, кто хочет, чтобы их эмоции помогали, а не разрушали. Пять причин прочитать эту книгу: • Эмоциональный интеллект – главный soft skill в современном мире. • 85% читателей поставили книге высшую оценку на Amazon.com. • Права на книгу уже проданы в 9 стран. • Соцсеть LinkedIn признала Джастина Барисо «главным голосом в сфере менеджмента и корпоративной культуры». • Книга содержит много практических рекомендаций и кейсов из реальной жизни.

Обзор на книгу Юлии Пирумовой «Хрупкие люди. Тайная дверь в мир нарциссов»

Диана Кусаинова

В идеальном мире «успешных» людей все сложнее сохранить объективную самооценку. Это ведет к тревожности, страхам, недовольству собой и постоянному сравнению с недостижимым образцом. Практикующий психотерапевт Юлия Пирумова рассказывает, откуда возникают подобные комплексы и как с ними справиться. Для вашего удобства мы собрали основные идеи автора в аудиообзоре. С его помощью вы сможете лучше понять «хрупких людей», определить уровень самооценки и критерии здорового нарциссизма. Аудиообзор не является заменой оригинального произведения. Редакция рекомендует аудиокнигу «Хрупкие люди» Юлии Пирумовой к прослушиванию.