Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

Analytische Chemie. Grundlagen, Methoden und Praxis

Oliver Schmitz J.

Alle relevanten Aspekte der Analytischen Chemie werden in diesem Lehrbuch, das gleichzeitig auch als Referenz fur Praktiker dient, umfassend und klar auf den Punkt gebracht. Das Autorenteam wird durch zwei aktive und international bekannte Professoren verstarkt; dies sorgt fur frischen Wind, gleichzeitig wird der didaktisch ausgefeilte Stil der Vorauflagen beibehalten. Von der Analysenstrategie zur Probenvorbereitung, von der Ma?analyse uber spektroskopische und chromatographische Methoden bis zur Automatisierung – DAS Lehrbuch fur alle, die sich mit Analytischer Chemie beschaftigen.

Engineered Nanoparticles and the Environment. Biophysicochemical Processes and Toxicity

Nicola Senesi

Details the source, release, exposure, adsorption, aggregation, bioavailability, transport, transformation, and modeling of engineered nanoparticles found in many common products and applications Covers synthesis, environmental application, detection, and characterization of engineered nanoparticles Details the toxicity and risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles Includes topics on the transport, transformation, and modeling of engineered nanoparticles Presents the latest developments and knowledge of engineered nanoparticles Written by world leading experts from prestigious universities and companies

Heterogeneous Catalysis at Nanoscale for Energy Applications

William Schneider F.

This book presents both the fundamentals concepts and latest achievements of a field that is growing in importance since it represents a possible solution for global energy problems. It focuses on an atomic-level understanding of heterogeneous catalysis involved in important energy conversion processes. It presents a concise picture for the entire area of heterogeneous catalysis with vision at the atomic- and nano- scales, from synthesis, ex-situ and in-situ characterization, catalytic activity and selectivity, to mechanistic understanding based on experimental exploration and theoretical simulation. The book: Addresses heterogeneous catalysis, one of the crucial technologies employed within the chemical and energy industries Presents the recent advances in the synthesis and characterization of nanocatalysts as well as a mechanistic understanding of catalysis at atomic level for important processes of energy conversion Provides a foundation for the potential design of revolutionarily new technical catalysts and thus the further development of efficient technologies for the global energy economy Includes both theoretical studies and experimental exploration Is useful as both a textbook for graduate and undergraduate students and a reference book for scientists and engineers in chemistry, materials science, and chemical engineering

Karriereführer für Naturwissenschaftlerinnen. Erfolgreich im Berufsleben

Karin Bodewits

In Deutschland schlie?en inzwischen ebenso viele Frauen wie Manner ein naturwissenschaftliches Studium ab. Welche Karrieremoglichkeiten stehen ihnen offen? Wie begegnen sie der sehr realen Gefahr der Altersarmut durch Stipendien und befristete Anstellung? Und wie schaffen sie es, Familie und Beruf miteinander zu vereinbaren? Karin Bodewits, Andrea Hauk und Philipp Gramlich zeigen in diesem etwas anderen Karrierefuhrer, wie Naturwissenschaftlerinnen die Widrigkeiten des Berufseinstiegs meistern und schon wahrend des Studiums die Weichen richtig stellen konnen, um im Berufsleben zu bestehen. Die Autoren schopfen dabei nicht nur aus ihren personlichen Erfahrungen mit der Arbeitswelt, sondern lassen zahlreiche Wissenschaftlerinnen zu Wort kommen, die ihre mehr oder weniger geradlinigen Karrierewege schildern. Frauen aber auch Manner finden hier viele wertvolle Karrieretipps, von Alternativen zur klassischen Forscherkarriere uber die richtige Bewerbung, Aufstiegsmoglichkeiten und beruflichen Wechsel bis zum Wiedereinstieg nach einer Familienpause. Sein lockerer und humorvoller Stil macht das Buch zu einem sympathischen Begleiter durch das Berufsleben, den man beziehungsweise frau nicht mehr missen mochte!

Umweltchemie. Eine Einführung mit Aufgaben und Lösungen

Peter Wiesen

Ein schneller Einstieg in die Umweltchemie, fachlich fundiert und mit Praxisbezug? Die vorliegende Ubersetzung des amerikanischen Bestsellers Elements of Environmental Chemistry macht es moglich. Hier werden die Schwerpunkte der Umweltchemie auf den Punkt gebracht: Welche Faktoren verursachen die Klimaerwarmung? Wo nutzt Ozon und wo schadet es? Wie verhalten sich schwer abbaubare Substanzen, wenn sie in die Umwelt gelangen? Erganzt um aktuelle Beispiele aus Deutschland und Europa vermittelt das einfuhrende Lehrbuch Grundlagen und Anwendungen des chemischen Verhaltens von Stoffen in der Umwelt. Zahlreiche Beispielrechnungen trainieren den Umgang mit chemischen Gro?en. Den Bezug zur Praxis stellen die uber 150 Ubungsaufgaben her, und der Lernerfolg kann gleich im Losungsteil uberpruft werden. Ein Grundlagenbuch und ein Werkzeugkasten, der Bachelor-Studenten mit dem notwendigen Wissen ausrustet. Das ideale Einsteigerbuch fur Studierende aller Fachrichtungen.

Modern Organic Synthesis. An Introduction

Peter Somfai

This book bridges the gap between sophomore and advanced / graduate level organic chemistry courses, providing students with a necessary background to begin research in either an industry or academic environment. • Covers key concepts that include retrosynthesis, conformational analysis, and functional group transformations as well as presents the latest developments in organometallic chemistry and C–C bond formation • Uses a concise and easy-to-read style, with many illustrated examples • Updates material, examples, and references from the first edition • Adds coverage of organocatalysts and organometallic reagents

Magnetotails in the Solar System

Andreas Keiling

All magnetized planets in our solar system (Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) interact strongly with the solar wind and possess well developed magnetotails. It is not only the strongly magnetized planets that have magnetotails. Mars and Venus have no global intrinsic magnetic field, yet they possess induced magnetotails. Comets have magnetotails that are formed by the draping of the interplanetary magnetic field. In the case of planetary satellites (moons), the magnetotail refers to the wake region behind the satellite in the flow of either the solar wind or the magnetosphere of its parent planet. The largest magnetotail of all in our solar system is the heliotail, the “magnetotail” of the heliosphere. The variety of solar wind conditions, planetary rotation rates, ionospheric conductivity, and physical dimensions provide an outstanding opportunity to extend our understanding of the influence of these factors on magnetotail processes and structures. Volume highlights include: Discussion on why a magnetotail is a fundamental problem of magnetospheric physics Unique collection of tutorials on a large range of magnetotails in our solar system In-depth reviews comparing magnetotail processes at Earth with other magnetotail structures found throughout the heliosphere Collectively, Magnetotails in the Solar System brings together for the first time in one book a collection of tutorials and current developments addressing different types of magnetotails. As a result, this book should appeal to a broad community of space scientists, and it should also be of interest to astronomers who are looking at tail-like structures beyond our solar system.

Agricultural and Food Electroanalysis

Alberto Escarpa

Agricultural and Food Electroanalysis offers a comprehensive rationale of electroanalysis, revealing its enormous potential in agricultural food analysis. A unique approach is used which fills a gap in the literature by bringing in applications to everyday problems. This timely text presents in-depth descriptions about different electrochemical techniques following their basic principles, instrumentation and main applications. Such techniques offer invaluable features such as inherent miniaturization, high sensitivity and selectivity, low cost, independence of sample turbidity, high compatibility with modern technologies such as microchips and biosensors, and the use of exciting nanomaterials such as nanoparticles, nanotubes and nanowires. Due to the advantages that modern electroanalytical techniques bring to food analysis, and the huge importance and emphasis given today to food quality and safety, this comprehensive work will be an essential read for professionals and researchers working in analytical laboratories and development departments, and a valuable guide for students studying for careers in food science, technology and chemistry.

Cetacean Paleobiology

Olivier Lambert

Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) have fascinated and bewildered humans throughout history. Their mammalian affinities have been long recognized, but exactly which group of terrestrial mammals they descend from has, until recently, remained in the dark. Recent decades have produced a flurry of new fossil cetaceans, extending their fossil history to over 50 million years ago. Along with new insights from genetics and developmental studies, these discoveries have helped to clarify the place of cetaceans among mammals, and enriched our understanding of their unique adaptations for feeding, locomotion and sensory systems. Their continuously improving fossil record and successive transformation into highly specialized marine mammals have made cetaceans a textbook case of evolution – as iconic in its own way as the origin of birds from dinosaurs. This book aims to summarize our current understanding of cetacean evolution for the serious student and interested amateur using photographs, drawings, charts and illustrations.

Bergman's Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation

Marios Loukas

Building on the strength of the previous two editions, Bergman's Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation is the third installment of the classic human anatomical reference launched by Dr. Ronald Bergman. With both new and updated entries, and now illustrated in full color, the encyclopedia provides an even more comprehensive reference on human variation for anatomists, anthropologists, physicians, surgeons, medical personnel, and all students of anatomy. Developed by a team of editors with extensive records publishing on both human variation and normal human anatomy, Bergman's Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation is the long awaited update to this classic reference.