A practical and accessible guide for helping school psychologists meet their everyday challenges In this newest addition to the Jossey-Bass «Survival Guide» series, popular blogger Rebecca Branstetter offers help for school psychologists who must often travel to multiple school sites, deal with students with severe disabilities, meet with concerned parents, and manage school crises. The book is filled with practical advice, proven strategies, and useful tools, complete with reproducible forms, letters, and checklists for busy professionals. Filled with the tools, strategies, and ideas for school psychologists who must deal with the myriad challenges of working with a diverse group of students, often in multiple locations Another book in the popular Jossey-Bass «Survival Guide» Series Rebecca Branstetter is an experienced school psychologist and popular blogger («Notes from the School Psychologist»: studentsgrow.blogspot.com) This vital resource offers a down-to-earth guide for both novice and seasoned school psychologists.
A comprehensive guide for integrating educational technology in the K-12 classroom This is a must-have resource for all K-12 teachers and administrators who want to really make the best use of available technologies. Written by Doug Johnson, an expert in educational technology, The Classroom Teacher's Technology Survival Guide is replete with practical tips teachers can easily use to engage their students and make their classrooms places where both students and teachers will enjoy learning. Covers the most up-to-date technologies and how they can best be used in the classroom Includes advice on upgrading time-tested educational strategies using technology Talks about managing «disruptive technologies» in the classroom Includes a wealth of illustrative examples, helpful suggestions, and practical tips This timely book provides a commonsense approach to choosing and using educational technology to enhance learning.
Helpful advice for teaching Common Core Math Standards to middle-school students The new Common Core State Standards for Mathematics have been formulated to provide students with instruction that will help them acquire a thorough knowledge of math at their grade level, which will in turn enable them to move on to higher mathematics with competence and confidence. Hands-on Activities for Teaching the Common Core Math Standards is designed to help teachers instruct their students so that they will better understand and apply the skills outlined in the Standards. This important resource also gives teachers a wealth of tools and activities that can encourage students to think critically, use mathematical reasoning, and employ various problem-solving strategies. Filled with activities that will help students gain an understanding of math concepts and skills correlated to the Common Core State Math Standards Offers guidance for helping students apply their understanding of math concepts and skills, develop proficiency in calculations, and learn to think abstractly Describes ways to get students to collaborate with other students, utilize technology, communicate ideas about math both orally and in writing, and gain an appreciation of the significance of mathematics to real life This practical and easy-to-use resource will help teachers give students the foundation they need for success in higher mathematics.
В книге излагается предложенная автором в 2000 году Квантовая концепция сознания, развитая на основе многомировой интерпретации Эверетта и объясняющая природу сознания на основании специфического понимания реальности, которое принесла с собой квантовая механика. Показывается, что контринтуитивные свойства квантовой реальности приводят к тому, что сознание обладает способностями, которые обычно трактуются как мистические. Возникающая теория сознания сопоставляется с положениями различных духовных учений (включая религию) и психологических практик, которые признают мистику. Показывается, что необычные явления в сфере сознания (сверхинтуицию и вероятностные чудеса) с равным правом можно рассматривать и как порожденные самим сознанием, и как маловероятные естественные события, происходящие в силу случайных совпадений. Это демонстрирует относительность объективности и прочно связывает друг с другом сферу материи и сферу духа. Основные положения теории излагаются на разных уровнях: с большим количеством примеров и иллюстраций – для широкой аудитории, на языке физических формул – для профессиональных физиков.
Главное достоинство книги – ее практическая направленность. В ней содержится список приоритетных дел и решений, благодаря которым можно значительно улучшить работу компаний в таких ключевых областях, как инвестиционная, внешнеэкономическая, кредитная деятельности и без которых не добиться успеха в бизнесе. Книга изобилует интересными примерами и историями из многолетней профессиональной деятельности автора во многих странах мира.
Ⴜინამდებარე ლექსიკონი «Ⴇანამედროვე Ⴂერმანია» მოიცავს 2730 ტერმინს, რომლებიც ასახავენ ომისშემდგომი Ⴂერმანიის ცხოვრებას. Ⴂერმანული ტერმინები განმარტებულია ქართულ ენაზე. Ⴑტატიების თემატიკა მრავალფეროვანია: გეოგრაფია, ისტორია, ხელოვნება, კულტურა, პოლიტიკური ცხოვრება, სახალხო და რელიგიური დღესასწაულები, გერმანული სამზარეულოს კერძები და ა. შ. Ⴜიგნი გამართულია მთავრული ასოებით, რომლებითაც იწყება წერტილის შემდეგ ახალი წინადადება და აგრეთვე პირადი და საკუთარი სახელები.
В сборнике представлены материалы научно-практической конференции «Геоклиматическое прогнозирование: возможности и ограничения. Практика и теория», проходившей 25—26 марта 2017 года в г. Минске. На мероприятии рассматривались вопросы, касающиеся методик астрологического прогноза погоды, геоклиматических и социальных изменений на 2017 и 2018 годы. Адресуется астрологам, метеорологам. Некоторые аспекты книги будут интересны всем, кто интересуется естествознанием. Под редакцией Г. В. Гайдук
Эту книгу нельзя просто читать. Ее необходимо штудировать с карандашом в руке. Примените хотя бы 25% материала из этой книги на практике и Вы увидите результат.
The fun, easy way to get up to speed on biophysics concepts, principles, and practices One of the most diverse of modern scientific disciplines, biophysics applies methods and technologies from physics to the study of biological systems and phenomena, from the human nervous system to soil erosion to global warming. What are the best options for satisfying the world's growing energy demands? How can we feed the world's growing population? How can we contain, or reverse, global warming? How can we vouchsafe a plentiful supply of potable water for future generations? These are among the critical questions to which biophysicists work to provide answers. Biophysics courses are increasingly taken by students of biology, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, statistics, bioengineering, neuroscience, computer science, pharmacology, agriculture,and many more Provides a friendly, unintimidating overview of the material covered in a typical college-level biophysics course A one-stop reference, course supplement and exam preparation tool for university students currently enrolled in an introductory biophysics courses An indispensable resource for those studying the natural sciences, biological sciences, and physics, as well as math, statistics,computer science, pharmacology and many other disciplines The current job market for people well versed in biophysics is very strong, and biophysics is currently listed as one of the fast-growing occupations in the North America
A plain-English guide to genetics Want to know more about genetics? This non-intimidating guide gets you up to speed on all the fundamentals and the most recent discoveries. Now with 25% new and revised material, Genetics For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you clear and accessible coverage of this rapidly advancing field. From dominant and recessive inherited traits to the DNA double-helix, you get clear explanations in easy-to-understand terms. Plus, you'll see how people are applying genetic science to fight disease, develop new products, solve crimes . . . and even clone cats. Covers topics in a straightforward and effective manner Includes coverage of stem cell research, molecular genetics, behavioral genetics, genetic engineering, and more Explores ethical issues as they pertain to the study of genetics Whether you?re currently enrolled in a genetics course or are just looking for a refresher, Genetics For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides science lovers of all skill levels with easy-to-follow information on this fascinating subject.