Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

Reintroduction Biology. Integrating Science and Management

Kevin Parker A.

This book aims to further advance the field of reintroduction biology beyond the considerable progress made since the formation of the IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group. Using an issue-based framework that purposely avoids a structure based on case studies the book's central theme is advocating a strategic approach to reintroduction where all actions are guided by explicit theoretical frameworks based on clearly defined objectives. Issues covered include husbandry and intensive management, monitoring, and genetic and health management. Although taxonomically neutral there is a recognised dominance of bird and mammal studies that reflects the published research in this field. The structure and content are designed for use by people wanting to bridge the research-management gap, such as conservation managers wanting to expand their thinking about reintroduction-related decisions, or researchers who seek to make useful applied contributions to reintroduction.

Leading School Turnaround. How Successful Leaders Transform Low-Performing Schools

Alma Harris

Praise for Leading School Turnaround «Going beyond their previous considerable work on the study of leadership, Kenneth Leithwood, Alma Harris, and Tiiu Strauss now get up-close and detailed. They use their powerful framework for how school leaders influence student learning, but this time they get inside the 'how.' Practical, powerful, interesting, and insightful— an indispensible resource for turnaround leaders.» —MICHAEL FULLAN, professor emeritus, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto «The problem of bringing about change in those schools where it is needed most remains one of the most intractable challenges in school leadership. This book is written by international scholars who understand the complexities of this challenge. Unlike other volumes based on a single person's experience or a reading of the literature, these authors offer useful specific insights based on data about what leaders in schools that accomplish fundamental change actually do.» —PHILIP HALLINGER, Chair Professor of Leadership and Change, Hong Kong Institute of Education

Cultivating the Spirit. How College Can Enhance Students' Inner Lives

Jennifer Lindholm A.

Praise for Cultivating the Spirit «A groundbreaking study of the spiritual growth of college students.... The spiritual dimension of higher education has been explored from a variety of angles for the past twenty years, but not until now have we had a competent and comprehensive body of data organized around well-defined dimensions of this complex phenomenon. This is an essential book for anyone in academia who cares about the education of the whole person.» —Parker J. Palmer, author, The Heart of Higher Education, A Hidden Wholeness, Let Your Life Speak, and The Courage to Teach «An extremely important book for layperson and professional alike. A stunning wake-up call for higher education—highly recommended!» —Ken Wilber, author, The Integral Vision «Cultivating the Spirit makes a unique and important contribution to one of the least examined yet most fundamental questions about undergraduate education: how students acquire the values and convictions that help to give meaning and purpose to their lives.... The authors provide a wealth of valuable findings about this vital process and its effects on student achievement, well-being, and personal growth in college.» —Derek Bok, former president, Harvard University, and author, The Politics of Happiness «The fruit of a decade of elegantly designed and compelling research, Cultivating the Spirit provides timely and significant data for reorienting the conversation about the relationships among intellectual inquiry, traditional academic values, and the formation of the inner life. Informative, clearly written, essential, and evocative reading for today's faculty across all institutions—public and private, secular and religious.» —Sharon Daloz Parks, author, Big Questions, Worthy Dreams and Leadership Can Be Taught

Sieben und Siebmaschinen. Grundlagen und Anwedung

Paul Schmidt

Nach der Gewinnung bzw. Erzeugung von mineralischen, synthetischen oder organischen Roh- und Zwischenprodukten liegt in den meisten Fallen ein Schuttgut mit Kornern unterschiedlicher Gro?e und Form vor. Fur das Endprodukt wird durch Klassieren eine geforderte Korngro?enverteilung erreicht. Das einfachste mechanische Verfahren ist hier das Sieben. Auf der Grundlage aktueller Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten sowie Konstruktions- und Betriebserfahrungen werden im vorliegenden Buch ausfuhrlich die Grundlagen der Siebtechnik und deren verfahrenstechnische Anwendung bei Siebmaschinen und Siebanalysegeraten behandelt. Ingenieure und Verfahrenstechniker vieler Industriezweige, u.a. Chemie, Metall, Pharmazie, Farben, Kohle, Erz, Zement, Kalk, Gips, Dunge-, Nahrungs- und Futtermittel, finden in diesem Handbuch Anleitung und Unterstutzung bei der Losung ihrer 'Siebprobleme' und konnen sich uber den neusten Entwicklungstand der Siebtechnik informieren.

Molekulare Diagnostik. Grundlagen der Molekularbiologie, Genetik und Analytik

Frank Thiemann

Endlich in zweiter Auflage: das erste deutschsprachige Lehrbuch, das sich umfassend mit der modernen Molekulardiagnostik im medizinischen Labor beschaftigt. Speziell fur medizinisch-technische Assistenten entwickelt, gibt das Buch nicht nur eine praxisnahe Einfuhrung in die Diagnostik, sondern vermittelt auch einen hervorragenden Einstieg in die Molekularbiologie und Genetik. Damit nimmt das Buch einen zentralen Platz in der MTA-Ausbildung ein. Beibehalten wurde der Uberblick uber die derzeit gangigen Methoden, deren theoretische Grundlagen sowie ihre Anwendungsgebiete in der taglichen Praxis. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Vor- und Nachteile der jeweiligen Untersuchungsmethoden bei Praktikabilitat, Sensitivitat und Spezifitat gelegt. Abgerundet wird der praxisnah geschriebene Leitfaden durch ein Glossar sowie eine Ubersicht der gesetzlichen Regelungen zur molekularen Labordiagnostik im deutschsprachigen Raum.

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Genes, Clinical Features and Therapeutics

Vicky Whittemore Holets

The only comprehensive overview of the molecular basis and clinical features of the genetic disorder tuberous sclerosis, which affects approximately 50,000 people in the US alone. Special focus is placed on novel insights into the signal transduction pathways affected by the disease as well as genotype phenotype correlations, while existing and potential therapies are also discussed in depth. The editors are leading experts in research and treatment of the disease as well as the Vice President of the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance, the only voluntary health organization for TSC in the US.

Genetik. für Biologen, Biochemiker, Pharmazeuten und Mediziner

Hugh Fletcher

Kompakt und »verdammt clever« auf den Punkt gebracht – vermittelt Genetik das unverzichtbare molekulare Grundwissen sowie alles Wichtige zu den Themen Genome, Mechanismen der Vererbung, Humangenetik, Populationsgenetik und Evolution sowie zu den Anwendungen der modernen Genetik. Das ideale Einsteiger-Buch – verständlicher Text, einprägsame Abbildungen und präzise Kapitelzusammenfassungen sind echte Pluspunkte, wenn es um einen schnellen Start in dieses spannende Fach geht. • Das perfekte Kurzlehrbuch! Optimal für eine Einführung in die molekulare Genetik – die wirklich wichtigen Themen werden mit ihren Kernaussagen kurz und knapp behandelt. • Verständliche Darstellung! Jedes Kapitel enthält eine Zusammenfassung der wesentlichen Fakten und Begriffe, klare und leicht erfassbare Abbildungen illustrieren die Inhalte. • Ohne Angst in die Prüfung! Der Textaufbau ermöglicht strukturiertes Lernen und schnelles Wiederholen – zusätzlich mit über 70 Fragen und Antworten zum Üben.

Calorimetry. Fundamentals, Instrumentation and Applications

Wolfgang Hemminger

Clearly divided into three parts, this practical book begins by dealing with all fundamental aspects of calorimetry. The second part looks at the equipment used and new developments. The third and final section provides measurement guidelines in order to obtain the best results. The result is optimized knowledge for users of this technique, supplemented with practical tips and tricks.

Bioelectrochemistry. Fundamentals, Applications and Recent Developments

Jacek Lipkowski

Bioelectrochemistry is a fast growing field at the interface between electrochemistry and other sciences such as biochemistry, analytical chemistry and medicinal chemistry. In the recent years, the methods and the understanding of the fundamentals have seen significant progress, which has led to rapid development in the field. Here, the expert editors have carefully selected contributions to best reflect the latest developments in this hot and rapidly growing interdisciplinary topic. The resulting excellent and timely overview of this multifaceted field covers recent methodological advances, as well as a range of new applications for analytical detection, drug screening, tumor therapy, and for energy conversion in biofuel cells. This book is a must-have for all Electrochemists, Biochemists, Analytical Chemists, and Medicinal Chemists.

Supported Ionic Liquids. Fundamentals and Applications

Rasmus Fehrmann

This unique book gives a timely overview about the fundamentals and applications of supported ionic liquids in modern organic synthesis. It introduces the concept and synthesis of SILP materials and presents important applications in the field of catalysis (e.g. hydroformylation, hydrogenation, coupling reactions, fine chemical synthesis) as well as energy technology and gas separation. Written by pioneers in the field, this book is an invaluable reference book for organic chemists in academia or industry.