Полицейские детективы

Различные книги в жанре Полицейские детективы

Gladyss of the Hunt

Arthur Nersesian

Grizzled homicide detective Bernie “Burnout” Farrell heads the hunt for a serial killer who is murdering call girls around Times Square. Hoping to set up a stakeout, Farrell recruits tall, blonde, ambitious rookie cop Gladyss Chronou for the investigation. But Gladyss believes her mystical yoga practice can give her an intuitive edge in solving the crimes and sees mythological patterns in the suspects and events they’re investigating. Bernie thinks she’s nuts, but then, he's a little too grounded. In fact, he's on a steady downward spiral: his wife is divorcing him, his longtime partner just died of AIDS, and he's developed a nagging cough since working down at Ground Zero.Gladyss of the Hunt oscillates between chilly street realism and new age mysticism. As their investigation takes Bernie and Gladyss from arty society gatherings to shabby hotels and SROs, the narrative offers a suspenseful, often wittily satirical account of a city that is flashy and glamorous one moment, dark and violent the next.

A Bad Bad Thing

Elena Forbes

Особо важное дело

Николай Леонов

Когда давит начальство, работать трудно. Полковника Гурова подстегивают – нападение на знаменитого журналиста Бурдашова должно быть расследовано в кратчайшие сроки. Гуров недоволен – инцидент незначительный, а мороки много. Надо опрашивать его знакомых. Но Гурову скучать не придется – на квартире подруги журналиста обнаружен труп мужчины. А это уже серьезно. Значит, преступники охотятся совсем не за Бурдашовым. Им нужна именно его подруга. Только вот зачем?..

Some Choose Darkness

Charlie Donlea

Forensic reconstructionist Rory Moore sheds light on cold-case homicides by piecing together crime scene details others fail to see. Cleaning out her late father’s law office after his burial, she receives a call that plunges her into a decades-old case . . .   In the summer of 1979, five Chicago women went missing. The predator, nicknamed The Thief, left no bodies or clues behind—until police received a package from a mysterious woman named Angela Mitchell, whose unorthodox investigations appeared to unmask the killer. Then Angela disappeared without a trace. Forty years later, The Thief is about to be paroled for Angela’s murder. But the cryptic file Rory finds in her father’s law office suggests there is more to the case.   Making one startling discovery after another, Rory becomes helplessly entangled in the enigma of Angela Mitchell and what happened to her. As she continues to dig, even Rory can’t be prepared for the full, terrifying truth that is emerging . . .  

Селфи с монстром

Павел Павезло

Социальные сети в наши дни – инструмент пиара и рекламы. А что, если преступники станут использовать их для своих ужасных целей, выкладывая страшные посты деяний всем на обозрение. Сможет ли старая и неподвижная полицейская система в лице оперативника по борьбе с маньяками разгадать их истинный смысл. Сможет ли опытный сотрудник разобраться в происшествиях и самом себе. Сможете ли вы сами это сделать? Содержит нецензурную брань.

Искусство самообмана

Валерий Аркадьевич Ильичев

Главными персонажами повести «Искусство самообмана» являются недавние выпускники школы, втянутые волей обстоятельств в череду криминальных событий. Каждый из них, нарушая закон, пытается убедить себя, что совершаемое им зло вызвано благородными мотивами. Ставшие привычными и удобными оправдания неприглядных поступков приводят молодых людей к жизненному краху.

Sagebrush Sedition

Warren J. Stucki

With world-class scenery, a brand-new National Monument and the rosy prospect of fat tourist dollars, you’d think the citizens of Southern Utah would be happy. But they’re mad! Damn mad. To them the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument is nothing more than the political equivalent to a football end run—a blatant land grab. Then when the Bureau of Land Management appoints a dedicated conservationist as the rookie Monument manager, things quickly shift from simmer to boil. Coal miner Angus Macdonald and fur trapper Bucky Lee Eakins will be put out of business but if the environmentalists have their way, and it appears they will, it is also quite probable cattle ranchers Roper Rehnquist and girlfriend, Ruby Nez, will soon follow. Before the BLM can buy back his Monument coal leases, Macdonald is brutally murdered, then Roper’s line cabin is burned to the ground and Assistant Monument Manager Ron Sparks is shot in the head and killed. This is a crime spree unprecedented in the history of U.S. National Monuments. Some think it’s eco-terrorists, but the ranchers are convinced it is a rogue BLM ranger and Monument management strongly suspects a newly formed, covert coalition of disgruntled ranchers. Even though battle lines are quickly drawn, an uneasy unspoken truce settles over the vast new Monument. This fragile peace, however, is instantly shattered when the BLM suddenly revokes Roper and Ruby’s grazing leases. Roper realizes if he doesn’t do something fast, this little local imbroglio could quickly fan into a raging wildfire. It has all the makings of a 20th century range war, the likes of which have not been seen in the West since New Mexico’s Lincoln County war of the late 1800s. Growing up in a farming/ranching family in southern Utah, WARREN STUCKI is familiar with the ranching lifestyle and the ongoing feud between ranchers and the BLM, land stewards of a large portion of the American west. After leaving southern Utah, Dr. Stucki graduated from the University of Utah Medical School, eventually specializing in urology. He still practices medicine and lives on a small horse ranch just outside of St. George, Utah. Stucki writes in two distinct genres: historical fiction and medical mysteries. His two previous books, “Boy’s Pond” and “Hunting for Hippocrates,” were also published by Sunstone Press.