Общая психология

Различные книги в жанре Общая психология

Целевая Аура

Александр Агесах

Здравствуйте – это не обычная книга, а книга-аффирмация. На создание ауры успешного человека. Эта незримая аура состоит из четырех сфер жизни, без которых жизнь похожа на существование. Это «ЧтиВо» для тех, кто умеет произносить мантры и аффирмации или проговаривать действенные убеждения. Для тех, кто знает, как работает сила убеждения. Или для тех, кто верит, в простую силу убеждения. Ведь убеждать придётся себя. Читай её про себя или в слух и подпитывай осуществление своей мечты.

52 Positive Quotes for 52 Successful Weeks / 52 Pensées Positives pour 52 Semaines Réussies

Natacha Daciné

This bilingual (French and English) book of weekly thoughts is intended to serve you as a meditation tool that will help you enjoy all that life has to offer, being grateful to those who had laid you a hand and to have a positive life attitude throughout the 52 weeks of this year. These thoughts, inspired by what happens in our daily life, aim to allow you, among other things to:<br><br>– Start your weeks positively;<br>– Catch the opportunities that each of them offer;<br>– See the positive side in everything;<br>– Be ready to transform the difficult in possible;<br>– Cultivate and maintain confidence in yourselves;<br>– Dare to conquer your fears;<br>– Rise up after each fall;<br>– Stay motivated;<br>– Dream big;<br>– Be happy.<br><br>I hope that this collection, designed especially for you, can help you discover your power to turn the negative into positive and stay optimistic throughout your entire life.<br><br>&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;&ndash;-<br><br>Ce recueil de pens&eacute;es hebdomadaires bilingue (francais et anglais) se veut un outil de m&eacute;ditations qui vous aidera àappr&eacute;cier tout ce que la vie vous offre, àêtre reconnaissants envers vos bienfaiteurs et àavoir une attitude de vie positive tout au long des 52 semaines de l&#39;ann&eacute;e. Ces pens&eacute;es inspir&eacute;es de ce qui se passe dans notre quotidien, vous permettront entre autres de :<br><br>– D&eacute;marrer positivement vos semaines ;<br>– Saisir les opportunit&eacute;s qu&#39;offre chacune d&#39;elles ; <br>– Voir le côt&eacute; positif en tout ; <br>– Transformer le difficile en possible ; <br>– Cultiver et maintenir la confiance en vous-mêmes; <br>– Oser vaincre vos peurs ; <br>– Savoir vous relever après chaque chute ;<br>– Demeurer motiv&eacute;s ;<br>– Rêver grand ;<br>– Etre heureux. <br><br>Je souhaite que ce recueil, conçu sp&eacute;cialement pour vous, puisse vous aider àd&eacute;couvrir votre pouvoir de transformer le n&eacute;gatif en positif et de rester optimistes.

Your Best Life: Pathways to Happiness

Judith PhD Coche PhD

Do you want to live your best life?<br><br>Do you know how to create the happiest marriage in the world?<br><br>Would you like to be able to evaluate your psychotherapy?<br><br>What are marital guts?<br><br>Judith Coche takes on big questions in this little book, weaving stories from her practice in clinical psychology to illustrate how to create your own pathways to happiness.<br><br>Learn how to apply proven benefits from positive psychology to living an optimal life: Enjoy brief chapters on positive emotions and how to enjoy them, how to create happiness by loving someone skillfully, how to develop marital guts. <br><br>Stories from Clinical Practice illuminate psychotherapy. Tamara uses her adaptability skills to build resilience and to heal from a smashed ankle from an accident biking down a steep Hawaiian mountain. Lila, who lacks core identity needed to set boundaries with her daughter, is encouraged by her group to set take better care of herself and to develop her internal strength. <br><br>Other stories illustrate Dr. Coche&#39;s deep love of animals and unique sense of humor. In Penelope&#39;s Water Walk, we chuckle over the dedication of a cat owner who subjects his beloved Penelope to the misery of being submerged in bubbling water because he hopes the therapy will extend her life. In The Heart Beneath That Hard Shell, we are drawn into a love triangle in which tiny Rocky tries to steal the heart of his beloved Gracie from her macho boyfriend, Bart. <br><br>Dr. Coche&#39;s work with couples is renowned and her handling of marital love is both insightful and entertaining.In How Happy Is Your Marriage, we learn that loving someone is the greatest human need. In The Happiest Marriage in the World, we find a tongue in cheek recipe with thought-provoking ingredients that serve the couple but nurture all their children and grandchildren. <br><br>These stories bring home the message of positive psychology in an easy to read and personal statement by one of the distinguished psychotherapists for women, couples, and families. They allow you to absorb these important lessons so that you too can live your best life.


Мария Сергеева

Психолог Онна со своими друзьями проводит своеобразный эксперимент. Целый месяц её друзья, решая свои жизненные задачи, всегда будут опираться на одно универсальное правило НАМАВА, которое они выбрали для себя. Что будет происходить за этот месяц с главными героями, вы узнаете, прочитав эту книгу.

Discover How to Control Ideas, Decisions and Affirmations

Perry Inc. Ritthaler

This e-book is full of beautiful color illustrations of animals and landscapes. &quot;Discover How to Control Ideas, Decisions and Affirmations&quot; is a training manual which can help you move your life in a steadily positive successful direction. The affirmations and ideas presented here in pictures and text format are designed to enrich your life by opening the doors to the abundance of the Universe. Perry Ritthaler proceeds beyond the limitations and borders set by others and help us explore truth and ourselves. Designed to promote inner peace, personal growth and development, this e-book will take you to higher dimensions in your inner happiness, positive attitude and thinking. This unique publication offers specialized information and ideas which will help you to quickly make positive, effective and lasting changes in your life, leading to personal empowerment, and greater wealth, health and happiness.

Raising Able

Susan Tordella

Give your children the gift of self-esteem, self-confidence and skills to succeed in life.<br><br>Learn to empower children to make good decisions when they become teenagers and they&#39;re 60 miles away, going 60 miles an hour. <br><br>Start when they are young by learning the Raising Able Family Management System based on:<br><br>– family meetings, family chores, family dinner; <br>– the triple e – encouragement, entitlement, empowerment; and <br>– natural and logical consequences.<br><br>Parents will be calmer and happier and be able to retire from being the house servant.<br>Children will learn skills, time management, and responsibility. <br><br>They will experience being part of a team and greater self-esteem and self-confidence. <br><br>Chores counteract entitlement because it&#39;s impossible to feel entitled when youngsters clean toilets, sweep floors and rake leaves. <br><br>Chores cure boredom immediately because there&#39;s always more work to be done in a home.<br><br>This easy-to-read book offers time-tested advice by the mother of four children who has taught many parents the Raising Able Family Management System.<br><br>The system is useful for typical children AND for special needs children. ADD recommend the Raising Able Family Management system for use with young people with ADD and ADHD.

#Жизнь и #Человек. Ежедневник

Елена Дьячкова

В ежедневнике представлены цитаты отечественных и зарубежных психологов, философов, писателей, актеров о жизни и человеке – его пути, предназначении, его мечтах, мыслях, снах, целях и ценностях.Ежедневник будет полезен для всех, кто любит жизнь, продолжает искать и по крупицам находит себя, кто увлечён психологией жизненного пути, а также для тех, кому нравитсявникать в жизнеутверждающие и остроумные цитаты и постигать силу слова именитых личностей прошлого и настоящего.