Научная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Научная фантастика

A Place in Time

Gary Blinco

Ian Lane is fifty-seven years old and he thinks his country is about to be invaded by force of arms and have its lifestyle and culture changed forever. So he leaves his executive corporate position and decides to rely on his suddenly budding career as a novelist to support himself, his wife and ten-year-old daughter. They set out on a long dreamed of caravan trip around Australia while the country&#39;s northern neighbours become more and more determined that Australia should join the powerful Northern Alliance voluntarily – or risk being compelled to do so by force of arms. Australia&#39;s allies adopt a wait-and-see attitude while the country bubbles with internal and external conflict and turmoil. When the invasion begins Ian and his wife and daughter are camped at an isolated lagoon deep in the northern outback &ndash; prisoners in their own land watching the invaders swarm down the centre of the continent. A Vietnam Veteran – Ian longs to play a part in defending his land. But what can he do when he is stranded in the middle of nowhere?<br><br>By chance or destiny he finds a fissure through a wall of desert rock that takes him 252 years into the future. There he finds an ally and access to technology that will help him in his quest to serve his country, and he gains a glimpse at the future that gives him hope for the present. He also finds a new but impossible romantic relationship that inspires and confuses at the same time.


Krystyna Faroe

In 2026 the Devastation destroyed almost everything; buildings toppled, forests fell, animals died, humanity was nearly wiped out. Only children survived, aged twelve years and under. Those that were not crushed by the falling buildings wandered through dust filled streets finding the others. Bonding together they formed their own clans and watched the world regrow from death to a morphed and mutated form.<br><br>For six years they have lived their new life, fought to survive the new terrors that science had created and inadvertently set free. Now aged eighteen the elders have created laws and rules, guidelines for all within their clans to follow, but one clan will change everything.<br><br>Alongside the good grows evil and evil has to spread, it has to hold power and control, has to destroy the good. A selected few from each of the clans must join together, as they are pulled by the evil that draws them to the unknown hell where it resides. As the clans fight amongst themselves and their differences, two leaders strive to rise above when they realise only together can they fight to continue their survival.

Rockets Aren’t Human

E.C. Tubb

Classic science fiction from the creator of the Dumarest saga, this early tale by E.C. Tubb has not been seen since its first appearance in 1952.

And Mongo Was His Name-O

A.R. Morlan

Sometimes it's more than mere luck that brings cats and humans together…

Crypt-City of the Deathless One

Henry Kuttner

Only once could a man defy the deathless guardians of the Ancient's tomb-city deep in Ganymede's hell-forest and expect to live. Yet Ed Garth had to return, had to lead men to certain doom—to keep a promise to a girl he would never see again.

Stepping Through The Stargate

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Explore the Stargate SG-1 universe as never before with the expertise and insight of noted professionals from a diverse range of fields: from archaeology to parasitology to science fiction, <I.STEPPING EM Stargateis a fascinating collection of essays that delve into every aspect of Stargate with the same humor and intellectual curiosity of the show itself.

Five Seasons Of Angel

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The constellation of characters and themes created in&#160;Angel, the popular&#160;Buffy the Vampire Slayer&#160;spin-off, are explored in this collection of essays. A vampire author, a sex expert, a TV critic, a science fiction novelist, and Buffy&#160;writer Nancy Holder provide essays examining the different issues relating to the series, including Angelus as the prototypical high school bully, Angel as victim, Wesley's many transformations, how Spike fits into&#160;Angel, the takeover of Wolfram & Hart, and Lindsey's moral center.


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When Anne McCaffrey passed in November 2011, it was not only those closest to her who mourned her death; legions of readers also felt the loss deeply. The pioneering science fiction author behind the Dragonriders of Pern&#174; series crafted intricate stories, enthralling worlds, and strong heroines that profoundly impacted the science fiction community and genre.In Dragonwriter, Anne&#8217;s son and Pern writer Todd McCaffrey collects memories and stories about the beloved author, along with insights into her writing and legacy, from those who knew her best. Nebula Award&#150;winner Elizabeth Moon relates the lessons she learned from Pern&#8217;s Lessa (and from Lessa&#8217;s creator); Hugo Award&#150;winner David Brin recalls Anne&#8217;s steadfast belief that the world to come will be better than the one before; legendary SFF artist Michael Whelan shares (and tells stories about) never-before-published Pern sketches from his archives; and more.Join Anne&#8217;s co-writers, fellow science fiction authors, family, and friends in remembering her life, and exploring how her mind and pen shaped not only the Weyrs of Pern, but also the literary landscape as we know it.Contributors include:&#149; Angelina Adams&#149; David Brin&#149; David Gerrold&#149; John Goodwin&#149; Janis Ian&#149; Alec Johnson&#149; Georgeanne Kennedy&#149; Mercedes Lackey&#149; Sharon Lee and Steve Miller&#149; Lois McMaster Bujold&#149; Elizabeth Moon&#149; Charlotte Moore&#149; Robert Neilson&#149; Jody Lynn Nye and Bill Fawcett&#149; Robin Roberts&#149; Elizabeth Ann Scarborough&#149; Wen Spencer&#149; Michael Whelan&#149; Richard J. Woods&#149; Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Conspiracy on Callisto

Frederik Pohl

Revolt was flaring on Callisto, and Peter Duane held the secret that would make the uprising a success or failure. Yet he could make no move, could favor no side—his memory was gone—he didn't know for whom he fought.

Ahead of His Time

Ray Cummings

Sanjan Thome, the radioactive man, seals his own doom by striving to save the world from ultimate disaster!