Мифы. Легенды. Эпос

Различные книги в жанре Мифы. Легенды. Эпос

Ведьмины круги. Сказания и легенды народов Европы о витязях, великанах, феях, гномах и эльфах

Вилья Мария

Предлагаем читателям круг легенд европейских народов о героях и их возлюбленных, о принцах и принцессах, о гоблинах, феях и эльфах, словом, всё то, что в наши дни превратилось в популярнейший жанр фэнтэзи.

The History of Sigismund, Prince of Poland

Oscar Mandel

Otherwise Fables gives new wit and depth to the beloved mode of the fableWritten by respected Belgian scholar and professor emeritus of literature at prestigious CaltechAuthor has published widely in the fields of poetry, drama, fiction, art history, literary theory, and translations from French and GermanBook will be supported by a generous marketing and advertising budget

Gobble-Up Stories

Oscar Mandel

Otherwise Fables gives new wit and depth to the beloved mode of the fableWritten by respected Belgian scholar and professor emeritus of literature at prestigious CaltechAuthor has published widely in the fields of poetry, drama, fiction, art history, literary theory, and translations from French and GermanBook will be supported by a generous marketing and advertising budget