
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

The Nurses Are Innocent

Gavin Hamilton

Gavin Hamilton’s research shows that a toxin found in natural rubber might well have been the culprit in the 43 babies’ deaths at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children in 1980–81. In 1980-81, 43 babies died at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children from a supposed digoxin overdose. Serial murder was suspected, leading to the arrest of nurse Susan Nelles. In order to clear Nelles’s name, an investigation was launched to find an alternate explanation. No one on the Grange Royal Commission of Inquiry had expertise in diagnosis. The post-mortem diagnosis of digoxin poisoning was based on a single biochemical test without knowledge of the normal values. Gavin Hamilton’s extensive research shows that a toxin found in natural rubber, a digoxin-like substance, might well have been the culprit in the babies’ deaths. He clearly demonstrates that explanations other than serial murder account for the cluster of infant deaths at HSC. What can be learned from this black stain on Canada’s judicial system? One lesson certainly stands out: we can’t ever again allow a group of unqualified amateur diagnosticians make life-and-death decisions about such important matters as potential serial murders.

The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Three Volume Set, Third Edition

Foad Nahai

The ultimate guide to aesthetic surgery from world famous aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Principles and Techniques, Third Edition by internationally revered aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai, five distinguished co-editors, and more than 100 new contributors is an encyclopedic, three-volume masterwork. Considered the quintessential resource on cosmetic surgery since its inception, the new edition features an e-book and access to online videos for the first time. The updated text and videos reflect significant and numerous exciting developments in aesthetic medicine and surgery. An impressive group of renowned global experts contribute valuable insights, pearls, and considerable expertise. Twenty new chapters feature a wealth of diverse state-of-the-art topics, while other chapters have been updated and greatly expanded. New areas of focus include practice management, volume enhancement in periorbital and facial rejuvenation, minimally invasive neck techniques, and body contouring procedures such as umbilicoplasty. Patient safety is prominent, with a major chapter on safety considerations in aesthetic surgery, as well as discussion of complications in different anatomic regions. Key Highlights A state-of-the-art review of facial aesthetic surgery, with detailed coverage of all the key techniques needed to achieve facial rejuvenationThe latest primary and revision breast surgery techniques for augmentation, reduction, mastopexy, fat grafting, and asymmetry managementSignificant new chapters on minimally invasive treatments reflect enormous changes in this field since the last editionThe addition of two new dedicated sections on genital rejuvenation and gender affirming surgeryAbout 6,000 beautiful illustrations enhance understanding of state-of-the-art approachesAn expanded video library featuring 14 new clips and the addition of pre- and post-op patient images provides expert procedural guidance This quintessential resource provides trainees and experienced practitioners with a solid foundation for learning basic principles and techniques in aesthetic surgery, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes, developing innovations, and advancing the specialty.

X & Y Chromosomal Variations

Carole A. Samango-Sprouse

This is the first book on X and Y chromosomal disorders to address these common but rarely diagnosed conditions. This book seeks to present the latest in research and clinical care addressing neuroimaging, the interaction between hormones, brain development, and neurodevelopmental progression. This book will primarily focus on 47, XXY (Klinefelter syndrome, or KS), 47, XYY (Jacobs' syndrome), and 47, XXX (Triple X). More variant disorders such as 48, XXXX, 48, XXXY and 49, XXXXY will be discussed. Topics of interest include neurological functioning, neuroimaging, social language, and the evolving perspectives of these XY chromosomal disorders. The effects of testosterone supplementation in males with 47, XXY will also be examined.

Skin Photoaging

Rui Yin

This book focuses on skin photoaging, the premature aging of skin due to environmental effects such as exposure to UV (UVA, UVB) radiation from the sun. Slowing the aging process and rejuvenation have been one of the major goals of medicine and are in high

The Practice of Medicine as Being in Time

Raymond C. Barfield

This is an exciting, but difficult, season for the practice of medicine. The effects of corporate transformation on the practice are part of a larger cultural crisis. The arena of medicine is a proving ground for our responses to this crisis, because it is so intimately and immediately related to our bodies. Our answers to contemporary challenges in the practice of medicine will depend on, and probably shape, our answers to philosophical questions at the core of our existence: How do we inhabit our unpredictable and limited lives in a way that allows us to flourish, and how can the deep practice of medicine help?

Time is the condition for all human experience, but for mortals like us, time is limited. This limit gives our lives the arc of a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. Unfortunately, many of us in the modern world avoid thinking about limits in our lives—especially the limit on our time called death. The practice of medicine serves people who are facing limits in their lives brought on by the threats of disease and death. Because good doctoring is so intimately related to the complex impact these threats have on our limited lives, this book argues that the significance and meaning of the practice of medicine is inextricably bound to existence in time.

Онкопросвет: что такое рак, скрининг и как работает профилактика рака

Илья Фоминцев

Как современная медицина борется против онкологических заболеваний? Какие существуют возможности профилактики рака? Что такое скрининг и каков баланс вреда и пользы от него? Полезно ли делать МРТ всего тела раз в год? Нужно ли постоянно сдавать анализы? Рассказывает Илья Фоминцев – хирург-онколог, выпускник медицинского факультета Мордовского государственного университета имени Н. П. Огарёва и кафедры онкологии Санкт-Петербургской медицинской академии последипломного образования, исполнительный директор Фонда профилактики рака «Не напрасно!» наука, научпоп, илья фоминцев, онкология, онкопросвет, онколог, рак, метастазы, скрининг, мрт, медицина, современная медицина, онкологическое заболевание, профилактика рака, анализы, анализы рак, анализы онкология, хирург онколог, кафедра онкологии, фонд профилактики рака, фонд профилактики рака не напрасно, матчасть, биология, раковая клетка, опухоль, злокачественная опухоль, доброкачественная опухоль, онкологический институт, раковая опухоль

Зачем нужна антропология?

Станислав Дробышевский

“Людям очень хочется знать, от кого они произошли – от бобров, от волков, от слонов – или, все-таки, от обезьян. И многие люди с неприятием говорят: «Как это от обезьян? Я не хочу от обезьян!» Не хочешь, а куда деваться? Какие предки есть, такие есть. И то, что ты так эмоции проявляешь, уже доказательство, что ты от обезьян и произошёл. И, может быть, ещё не очень произошёл”. Зачем нужна наука антропология? Из каких областей она состоит? Какое теоретическое, культурное и практическое применение находят разные области антропологии? Почему антропология полезна для каждого человека? Рассказывает Станислав Дробышевский, антрополог, кандидат биологических наук, доцент кафедры антропологии биологического факультета МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова, научный редактор ANTROPOGENEZ.RU. Спасибо, что слушаете нас! Друзья, если Вы хотите, чтобы наши видеоролики появлялись чаще, с лучшим качеством и с новыми интересными лекторами поддержите наш некоммерческий проект! Волонтёры, желающие помочь проекту НаукаPRO (предложить интересных лекторов, оказать организационную или информационную помощь, помочь оборудованием,..) – пишите нам: [email protected] или обращайтесь через соцсети (ВКонтакте, FaceBook) и наш канал в Telegram! ; Биология; Медицина; Антропология; Зачем нужна наука? наука, научпоп, антропология, антропогенез, зачем нужна антропология, каменный век, палеолит, савельев, профессор савельев, учёные скрывают, запретная археология, археология, этнография, спортивная антропология, этнология, кроманьонцы, неандертальцы, мгу, биология, история, биологический факультет, биофак, биофак мгу, кафедра антропологии, учёные против мифов, елена сударикова, олег добровольский, вадим титов, постнаука, пост наука

Contradicting Maternity

Carol Long

Drawing on rich and poignant interviews with mothers who have been diagnosed HIV-positive, Contradicting Maternity provides a rare perspective of motherhood from the mother’s point of view. Whereas motherhood is often assumed to be a secondary identity compared to the central figure of the child, this book reverses the focus, arguing that maternal experience is important in its own right. The book explores the situation in which two very powerful identities, those of motherhood and of being HIVpositive, collide in the same moment. This collision takes place at the interface of complex, and often split, social and personal meanings concerning the sanctity of motherhood and the anxieties of HIV. The book offers an interpretation of how these personal and social meanings resonate with, and also fail to encompass, the experiences surrounding HIV positive mothers. Photographs, academic literature and the accounts of real women are read with both a psychodynamic and discursive eye, highlighting the contradictions within maternal experience, but also between maternal experience and the social imagination. Contradicting Maternity will appeal to scholars, students and practitioners in psychology, the social sciences and the health professions. The sensitive and readable analysis will also be of interest to mothers, whether HIV-positive or not.

Cuban Health Care

Don Fitz

Quiet as it’s kept inside the United States, the Cuban revolution has achieved some phenomenal goals, reclaiming Cuba’s agriculture, advancing its literacy rate to nearly 100 percent – and remaking its medical system. Cuba has transformed its health care to the extent that this “third-world” country has been able to maintain a first-world medical system, whose health indicators surpass those of the United States at a fraction of the cost. Don Fitz combines his deep knowledge of Cuban history with his decades of on-the-ground experience in Cuba to bring us the story of how Cuba’s health care system evolved and how Cuba is tackling the daunting challenges to its revolution in this century.Fitz weaves together complex themes in Cuban history, moving the reader from one fascinating story to another. He describes how Cuba was able to create a unified system of clinics, and evolved the family doctor-nurse teams that became a model for poor countries throughout the world. How, in the 1980s and ‘90s, Cuba survived the encroachment of AIDS and increasing suffering that came with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and then went on to establish the Latin American School of Medicine, which still brings thousands of international students to the island. Deeply researched, recounted with compassion, Cuban Health Care tells a story you won’t find anywhere else, of how, in terms of caring for everyday people, Cuba’s revolution continues.