
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

A Multidisciplinary Handbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health for Front-line Professionals

Andrew Parkin

This fully updated edition of A Multidisciplinary Handbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health for Front-line Professionals is an accessible introduction to child mental health, covering the nature, prevalence, treatment and management of mental health problems in children and young people. The authors explore issues such as assessing and meeting the mental health needs of young people, specific mental health problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning difficulties, and legal aspects of working with child mental health. They also assess diversity issues as an integral part of practice, and highlight practice issues for readers. The book contains illustrative case studies and self-directed exercises, and outlines the services available to children with mental health problems. This second edition also includes additional material on working with culture and diversity, plus the latest clinical guidelines and current medication. This handbook is an invaluable resource for students, trainers and professionals working with children with mental health problems in a medical and non-medical environment as well as parents wanting to know more about the subject.

Bulimics on Bulimia

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Thousands suffer from bulimia secretly and in silence. They are never diagnosed and their story goes untold. Bulimics on Bulimia is a collection of accounts by people who are living with the disorder, shedding new light on the day-to-day struggle of coping with bulimia. This book challenges the stereotypical image of the bulimic teenage girl, revealing that bulimia affects a far wider range of people, and dispelling the myth that bingeing involves only food and purging involves only vomiting. The powerful stories in this book provide new perspectives on the experience of bulimia, revealing the complex realities of the illness and the different ways in which different people view themselves and the disorder that has become a part of their lives. This book is a must-read for counselors, psychologists, and mental health professionals and will strike a chord with anyone who is suffering or has suffered from an eating disorder, as well as their friends and families.

Music Therapy and Traumatic Brain Injury

David Aldridge

Musical improvisation is an increasingly recognised rehabilitative therapy for people who have experienced traumatic brain injury initially thought to be `unreachable' or `non-responsive'. Music Therapy and Traumatic Brain Injury demonstrates how music therapy can be used to attend to the holistic, rather than purely functional, needs of people affected by severe head trauma. Divided into three parts, the first section provides an introduction to the effects brain injury has on a person's livelihood. The second is a comprehensive review of available literature on the use of music therapy in the neurorehabilitative setting. The final section examines three case studies designed according to `therapeutic narrative analysis', an adaptive research method that uses interviewing and video, which focuses on the unique relationship between the professional and the patient. This book will give clinicians key notes for practice and a vision of the integral role music therapy can have in the successful rehabilitation from brain injury.

Making Sense of Children's Thinking and Behavior

Leslie Holzhauser-Peters

Making Sense of Children's Thinking and Behavior offers parents and professionals a tool for understanding children with neurological differences. These children have an atypical view of the world, unique to their particular disability, which can make their behavior confusing and, at times, challenging. Often, the child's actions are misunderstood and, consequently, they are unfairly punished. An individualized approach to understanding a child's thought processes can help to resolve these problems. The authors' Systematic Tool for Analyzing Thinking (STAT) offers such an approach. It provides a step-by-step method for understanding a child's behavior by revealing the thought processes behind it. By viewing a situation from the child's perspective, the root of the problem can be identified and one can then effectively address the difficult behavior. Case studies are used to describe the twelve common deficit areas, demonstrating to the reader how to apply the STAT in everyday situations. This practical book is an invaluable resource for parents and professionals working with children with NLD, Asperger's, HFA, PDD-NOS, and other neurological differences.

Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol

Matthew Tinsley

Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol exposes the unexplored problem of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) using alcohol as a coping mechanism to deal with everyday life. Alcohol can relieve the anxiety of social situations and make those with ASDs feel as though they can fit in. Ultimately, however, reliance on alcohol can lead the user down a path of self-destruction and exacerbate existing problems. Utilising their professional and personal experience, the authors provide an overview of ASDs and of alcohol abuse, and explore current knowledge about where the two overlap. Tinsley explores his own personal history as someone with an ASD who has experienced and beaten alcohol addiction. He discusses how the impact of his diagnosis and his understanding of the condition played a huge part in his recovery, and how by viewing his life through the prism of autism, his confusion has been replaced by a greater understanding of himself and the world around him. This inspiring book on an under-researched area will be of interest to professionals working with people with ASDs, as well as individuals with ASDs who may be dealing with alcohol or substance misuse, and their families.

The Creative Arts in Palliative Care

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Use of the arts in palliative care settings is a powerful and effective way of addressing the practical, psychological, social and spiritual issues faced by service users in end-of-life care. The Creative Arts in Palliative Care uncovers the possibilities for using the creative arts and provides guidance on how to implement arts projects successfully. Part 1 focuses on designing objectives for the creative arts in palliative care – such as self-fulfilment, social participation, diversion from pain and other common symptoms – and managing creative arts services. Part 2 demonstrates the theory and principles in practice, with detailed case studies: each chapter draws on a real-life project, the approaches it employed and the outcomes achieved. This book will be essential reading for healthcare professionals, arts practitioners and all those involved in providing palliative care services.

Music Therapy with Children and their Families

Amelia Oldfield

In the past, music therapy work with children typically took place in special schools without the family being present. More recently, music therapy has become a widespread practice, and this book reflects the variety of settings within which music therapists are now working with children together with their families. The contributors are music therapists with experience of working with children and their families in a range of different environments, such as schools, hospices, psychiatric units, child development centres and in the community. They describe their approaches to family work with client groups including children with autism, learning disabled toddlers, adopted children and looked after teenagers. Their experiences demonstrate that involving the family in a child's music therapy can be beneficial for everyone, and that it is possible to address relationship issues within the family as part of the treatment. This book will provide useful insight into the growing area of music therapy with children and their families, and will be valuable for music therapy professionals and students, as well as other medical and teaching professionals who work with families.

The Art of Helping Others

Heather Smith

When searching for someone to help them reflect upon and improve their lives, people tend to be drawn towards those who are compassionate, committed and wise. This book is aimed at those who recognise these qualities in themselves and wish to develop their capacity to engage with and help others. The authors argue for ways of approaching helping and counselling that are rooted in care and commitment, drawing upon the experiences and practice wisdom of youth workers, housing support and hostel workers, the clergy and those working in a religious setting, educators and settlement and community workers. They explore the key characteristics of those who counsel and teach and examine aspects of the helping process, focusing on living life well, knowing and being oneself, relating to others and working to make change possible. This book will be essential reading for students on professional training programmes in youth work, community education, ministry, social care and counselling.

Promoting Social Interaction for Individuals with Communicative Impairments

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All humans have an innate need and ability to communicate with others, and this book presents successful approaches to nurturing communicative abilities in people who have some type of communication impairment. The contributors look at a wide range of approaches, including intensive interaction, co-creative communication, sensory integration and music therapy, for a variety of impairments, including autism, profound learning disabilities, deafblindness, severe early neglect and dementia. This wide perspective provides insight into what it feels like to struggle with a communicative impairment, and how those who work with and care about such individuals can and should think more creatively about how to make contact with them. Covering both the theory and practical implementation of different interventions, this book will be invaluable for health and social work professionals, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, speech and language therapists, as well as researchers, teachers and students in these fields.

Play Therapy with Abused Children

Ann Cattanach

Praise for the first edition: 'Ann Cattanach writes with enormous empathy and warmth, and with a refreshing lack of sentimentality… [This] is an unpretentious and optimistic book, and a very positive addition to recent publications.' – British Association of Play Therapists 'I would recommend the book to anyone working in this field. This is a well presented, clear and easy-to-read book, providing a balanced mixture of factual information and case material.' – British Journal of Occupational Therapy 'What impressed me so much about this work was Cattanach's knowledge of children and their inherent strengths as well as their vulnerabilities. This practical and easy to apply book is recommended for anyone who works with abused children and would like further insight as well as practical and informative advice on healing the traumatized child.' – Trauma and Loss: Research and Interventions 'Her accounts of the way in which play is used to make sense of traumatic experiences are full of insight and often moving. All aspects of the work are covered. This is an exceptional volume – goes far beyond a mere text book.' – Therapy Weekly This second edition of Ann Cattanach's highly commended book explores the use of play therapy with abused children as a way of helping them heal their distress and make sense of their experiences through expanding their own creativity in play. The book provides practical ways of starting play therapy with abused children and explains how the child can use this process for healing. Models of intervention are described with consideration given to the particular needs of the child and the work setting of the therapist. Suggestions include short and medium term interventions, individual/group and sibling work. This edition provides new case study material, up-to-date information on relevant legislation on children's rights and welfare and recent developments in research in the field. This book is essential reading for professionals working with abused children, as well as those interested in the use of creative therapies.