
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

A Practical Guide to Working with Reluctant Clients in Health and Social Care

Maggie Kindred

Practitioners in health and social care are often required to work with clients who do not want to work with them, and these 'reluctant' clients can often be the most challenging, but most rewarding, to work with. This practical, jargon-free book covers all the issues that practitioners are likely to encounter in the course of working with reluctant clients. The emphasis is on making theory easy to use, and the book is written in an easily digestible and lively style. Topics covered include staying safe, verbal and non-verbal communication, making initial contact with a client, crisis situations, recording, and how to end work with a client. Activities to work through are included at the end of each topic and illustrations feature throughout. This is an essential book for students, practitioners, voluntary sector workers and trainers in the fields of health, social care and social work.

The Passionate Mind

Wendy Lawson

In her new book, Wendy Lawson examines traditional theories about the autism spectrum (AS) and reveals their gaps and shortcomings. Showing that a completely different way of thinking about AS is needed, she sets forward the theory of Single Attention and Associated Cognition in Autism (SAACA), an approach that explains autism in terms of the unique learning style of AS individuals. The SAACA approach suggests that whereas neurotypical people can easily shift their attention from one task to another, those on the autism spectrum tend to use just one sense at a time, leading to a deep, intense attention. From the perspective of this new approach, Wendy describes practical outcomes for individuals, families, and places of education and employment, and shows that when the unique learning style of AS is understood, valued, and accommodated, AS individuals can be empowered to achieve their fullest potential. This is a fascinating read for anyone with a personal or professional interest in the autism spectrum, including clinical practitioners, educators, researchers, individuals on the spectrum and their families, teachers, occupational therapists, and other professionals.

The Creative Arts in Dementia Care

Jill Hayes

The physical care of people with dementia is of vital importance, but so too is their emotional, social, mental and spiritual wellbeing. The creative arts are gaining increasing recognition not only as a tool for delivering effective person-centred dementia care, but also for attending to soul as well as body. Encouraging those who care for people with dementia to develop their own creative skills, this book provides a creative map of care with easy-to-follow examples and detailed case studies. After explaining why adopting a creative approach is central to effective dementia care, the authors go on to discuss meditation, singing, movement and storytelling, describing the therapeutic benefits of each and giving practical examples of how they can be used with individuals or groups. They also look at the importance of creative supervision in promoting creativity and creating a safe space for honest interpersonal connection: an essential foundation for effective teamwork. This book will be an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the care of a person with dementia, including professional staff in residential and nursing homes, hospitals and day centres, families and other non-professional carers.

Ready, Set, Potty!

Brenda Batts

Potty training a child with developmental disorders can be a real challenge, and sometimes the extra difficulties make you feel as though you've tried everything, and failed. In this book, Brenda Batts shows how you can overcome problems, big and small, and provides tried and tested methods that really work, tailored to each individual child. Bursting with ideas on how to see past conventional strategies and adapt toilet training to suit your child, this book outlines methods that have helped even the most despairing of parents and caregivers. Examples of success stories range from two-year-olds to adults aged 20, and show that no matter how difficult it may seem, a little creativity and adaptation can get anyone toilet trained, however many previous attempts have failed. The program itself is supported by plenty of helpful hints and tips, as Brenda covers all you need to get your child past the diaper stage and help them to achieve a big step towards independence. This book is a must for anybody looking to toilet train someone with developmental disorders.

Connecting With Your Asperger Partner

Louise Weston

Communication and intimacy can feel like a constant struggle in relationships where one partner has Asperger Syndrome (AS). For the neuro-typical partner (NT) in particular, this can be an endless source of frustration, misunderstandings, and tears. Drawing on her own experience of being married to a man with AS, Louise Weston shows that the road to intimacy begins with letting go of expectations and looking after your own physical and emotional needs. She provides tried-and-tested strategies for relating to and connecting with your AS partner, as well as useful tips for coping with hurtful words and meltdowns, helping your partner to interpret emotions, and finding further sources of help and support. Above all, she shows that although your AS/NT relationship will challenge you beyond what you ever thought possible, by letting go of expectations and respecting each others' differences, this unique partnership really can be both happy and successful. Brimming with stories and advice from other NT partners, this practical book will help NTs take positive steps towards connecting with their AS partners. It will also be a useful resource for counsellors and other professionals who wish to deepen their understanding of AS/NT relationships.

Meridians and Acupoints

Группа авторов

An in-depth understanding of the meridians and acupoints lies at the heart of effective practice in traditional Chinese medicine. This book outlines everything that practitioners and students need to know. The book explains how meridians relate to the major organs, where they are located in the body, and how they are linked to the healthy flow of Qi and blood. A large section of the book is devoted to descriptions of specific acupoints – their names, how to locate them, an introduction to the symptoms they can be used to treat, and how. Also included is a thorough introduction to the basics of acupuncture practice, including how to prepare a patient prior to treatment, how to insert and manipulate acupuncture needles, how and when to use moxibustion and cupping techniques, and what to do if treatment goes wrong. This useful and authoritative textbook, compiled by the China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Centre (CBIATC), under the editorial direction of leading Chinese clinicians Zhu Bing and Wang Hongcai, is essential reading for students of traditional Chinese medicine, and an excellent reference for acupuncture practitioners at all levels.

Child Development for Child Care and Protection Workers

Brigid Daniel

Child Development for Child Care and Protection Workers is a classic text for students and practitioners in the child care and protection field which summarises important current thinking on child development and applies it directly to practice. The book covers key issues such as resilience and vulnerability and the impact of protective or adverse environments. Different stages of development (infancy, school age and adolescence) are discussed, and attachment theory is used to offer insights into the impact of abuse and neglect on development. A key feature is the inclusion of case studies and activities to allow the reader to improve their understanding and reflect on good practice. This second edition is fully updated to reflect the new policy context and multi-disciplinary practice, and contains updated practice examples to take into account contemporary issues affecting children and young people. This book encourages practitioners to consider each child as an individual with unique circumstances, and links theory and practice in an imaginative and sympathetic way. It will be essential reading for all child care and protection workers.

Life at the Edge and Beyond

Jan Greenman

Parenting a child with Asperger's syndrome is never easy, and adding ADHD to the psychological mix makes life even more difficult. In this searingly honest account of bringing up her son, Luke, Jan Greenman challenges common perceptions of a 'life with labels', and recalls her family's 18 year journey to the edge and back. Writing frankly about the medical issues of Luke's early years, including the impact of MMR and Ritalin, Jan recalls how Luke's diagnoses came about, and how life at The Edge, their aptly named family home, changed as a result. She describes the causes and effects of the behaviours associated with Luke's conditions, and the impact they had on each family member, including his younger sister, Abbi. The only predictable thing about Luke is his unpredictability, and Jan also takes a light-hearted look at some of his more unusual habits and obsessions. The book includes tips and advice from Jan, Abbi, and Luke himself, and the final chapters go beyond Luke's early years to look at his life as a teenager – his solo trip to Dubai, and subsequent encounter with customs, his expulsion from school, and the inspirational Headteacher who helped him to turn his life around. Life at the Edge and Beyond is a must for anyone involved in bringing up a child with Asperger's syndrome, ADHD – or both. Parents will take from the family's successes, learn from their mistakes, and realize that, no matter how close to the edge they may feel, they are never alone.

Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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The principles and practice of diagnostics are key to administering effective treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. The ability to recognise and diagnose symptoms and complaints correctly is fundamental to deciding on appropriate remedies, and this book provides a comprehensive introduction to all the principles that students and practitioners need to know. The authors outline the key methods used in diagnosis, and describe the eight basic categories of ailment and disease: yin and yang, exterior and interior, cold and heat, and deficiency and excess. They provide detailed instructions on how to identify and rebalance the relative strengths of pathogens and Qi in the body, and how to differentiate between syndromes that might look the same, using traditional Chinese medicine methods. The book concludes with useful forms for completion in taking a diagnosis. Combining practical instruction with detailed theory, this authoritative textbook, compiled by the China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center (CBIATC), under the editorial direction of leading Chinese clinicians Zhu Bing and Wang Hongcai, is an excellent reference for students and practitioners at all levels.

Cranial Intelligence

Ged Sumner

At the deepest level of our physiology, all living tissues and fluids expand and contract with the 'breath of life'. Through gentle touch, the skilled practitioner can interact with these subtle rhythms to address physical aches and pains, acute or chronic disease, emotional or psychological disturbances, or simply to promote enduring health and vitality. This new and important textbook demystifies the biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy and shows how and why it can be so effective at bringing about a natural realignment towards optimal health. The authors describe how to 'listen' and respond appropriately to each client's system, how to create a safe space for working with different kinds of trauma, and how to address specific states of imbalance to support deep-felt and lasting change. Throughout the book, experiential exercises encourage the reader to practice their newly-acquired skills, and refine their knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. A final chapter on practice development covers issues pertinent to practitioners trying to set up and maintain a successful practice. This intensely practical textbook will transform the practice of craniosacral therapists, and contains much that bodyworkers of all kinds will find useful.