Личностный рост

Различные книги в жанре Личностный рост


Juan Moisés De La Serna

У житті трапляються події, позитивні і негативні, які впливатимуть на наш спосіб мислення та поведінку, а також на те, як ми себе почуваємо. Почуття смутку зазвичай виникає через втрату або подію, яку ми переживаємо як негативну, або просто через те, що наші очікування не справдились. Цей смуток може бути тимчасовим, тривати декілька годин, днів, а то й тижнів, але коли це почуття подовжується у часі і змінює те, як ми відчуваємо, думаємо та діємо, ми можемо зіткнутися з більш серйозною проблемою – Депресією.

150 คำคม เปลี่ยนชีวิตให้ประสบความสำเร็จ

Wael El-Manzalawy

“ความล้มเหลวสามารถทำลายคุณได้หากคุณอ่อนแอ แต่หากคุณแข็งแกร่งคุณจะทำลายความล้มเหลวได้” – เอล อัล-มานซาลาวี่ เพียงคำคมเดียวนี้ก็สามารถสรุปใจความทั้งหมดของหนังสือ หนังสือเล่มนี้ประกอบไปด้วย 150 คำคมจากนักคิดทั่วโลก

150 De Citate Despre Succes Și Viață

Wael El-Manzalawy

„Eșecul te poate distruge dacă ești slab, dar dacă ești puternic, poți distruge eșecul.” –  Wael El-Manzalawy Puteți salva mult timp citind un citat. Această carte conține aproximativ 150 citate ale unor gânditori internaționali.


Juan Moisés De La Serna

Viață este plină de evenimente, lucruri pozitive și negative, ce ne influențează modul în care gândim și ne comportăm, dar, de asemenea, și ce simțim. Tristețea provine de obicei dintr-o pierdere sau un eveniment negativ, sau pur și simplu pentru că așteptările noastre nu au fost îndeplinite. Această tristețe poate fi temporară, durând ore, zile sau chiar săptămâni, dar când această tristețe se prelungește și schimbă modul în care ne simțim, gândim și acționăm, ne putem confrunt cu o problemă mai gravă, Depresia.

Don’t Blow Up Just Yet

Portia Cruise

Anxiety can be tough for anyone to deal with, more so when the person is either a girl or a woman. If anxiety is creating a menace in the life of a person, it can have dire consequences, the good news is that there are ways to confront anxiety and even better is the fact that there are natural ways of also doing this. Understanding the telltale signs of anxiety and where they come from, is perhaps one of the first steps towards knowing how to deal with it. Also, anxiety tends to lose its power as soon as you begin to unravel its mystery and unpredictability. Also, knowing what your stressors are and things that you do that triggering it is a very important step towards managing anxiety. This book, provides various prevailing solutions towards treating and managing anxiety, but provides alternative solutions of confronting anxiety. Although it is sometimes believed that anxiety management is a recent event, the ancient Greeks and Japanese have always know about anxiety since the middle ages and have always had herbs, activities and therapy for managing and controlling anxiety, it is some of these approaches that this books has taken time to investigate and lay bared before anyone who cares to know.


Juan Moisés De La Serna

U životu se dešavaju različiti događaji, pozitivni i negativni, koji će utjecati na način razmišljanja i ponašanja, ali i na to kako se osjećamo. Tuga obično proizlazi iz gubitka ili događaja koji osjećamo negativno, ili jednostavno zato što naša očekivanja nisu ispunjena. Ova tuga može biti privremena, trajati satima, danima ili čak tjednima, ali kada se ta tuga produži s vremenom i promijeni način na koji se osjećamo, razmišljamo i djelujemo, možemo se suočiti s ozbiljnijim problemom, depresijom.


Julie Whelan

Cocaine poses interesting problems for neurophysiologists and neuropharmacologists and there is important new data on the effects of cocaine on the brain (its initial site of action at the cellular level now appearing to be the dopamine transporter). Includes chapters on the far-reaching toxic effects of cocaine, on the epidemiology and the economics of drug addiction, on the past and present use of cocaine in the U.S. and in South America, and on the moral issues raised by drug use and abuse.


Nigel Barlow May

What does it take to re-think anything in your life? Sometimes nothing short of turning your whole world upside down. Slow down your thinking for a moment. What is your brain doing? Almost certainly trying to come up with a single right answer because then you can stop thinking about the problem. All too often we are not really thinking, but sleepwalking through life. Fresh angles on familiar problems elude us. Re-thinking is the opposite: it means seeing better or different solutions. In other words, thinking as unusual. Rethink shows you why and how. What if today you were to . . . Buy a new newspaper? Take a different route home? Say ‘yes’ to everything your partner asks? Invent new rituals for your family? Surround yourself with beauty? Try a first take at the creative fantasy sleeping in the attic of your mind? Find a new hero? Discover more about your upbringing? Act as if anything were possible rather than yes-butting the new? You’d be a re-thinker. Why not? There’s always a better or different solution to the way you lead your personal or professional life. Rethink will help you to stop living on autopilot and reawaken your sense of wonder, curiosity, and creativity.

Getting Older

Bloomberg News

AARP Falling Upward

Richard Rohr

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