Offering a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of the field, A Companion to Modernist Poetry provides readers with detailed discussions of individual poets, ‘schools’ and ‘movements’ within modernist poetry, and the cultural and historical context of the modernist period. Provides an in-depth and accessible summary of the latest trends in the study of modernist poetry Balances discussion of individual poets, ‘schools’, and ‘movements’ with in-depth literary and historical context Brings recent scholarship to bear on the subject of modernist poetry while also providing guidance on poets who are historically important Edited by highly respected and notable critics in the field who have a broad knowledge of current debates and of rising and senior scholars in the field
A Handbook to the Reception of Ovid presents more than 30 original essays written by leading scholars revealing the rich diversity of critical engagement with Ovid’s poetry that spans the Western tradition from antiquity to the present day. Offers innovative perspectives on Ovid’s poetry and its reception from antiquity to the present day Features contributions from more than 30 leading scholars in the Humanities. Introduces familiar and unfamiliar figures in the history of Ovidian reception. Demonstrates the enduring and transformative power of Ovid’s poetry into modern times.
Виссарион Григорьевич Белинский
Перу Белинского принадлежит свыше 100 статей, рецензий и заметок о театре. Он подчеркивал: «Театральная хроника» необходима в журнале как дополнение к «Библиографической хронике». Считая театр «источником народного образования», так как он позволяет «видеть на сцене всю Русь с ее добром и злом, с ее высоким и смешным». Белинский дает, по сути дела, общую характеристику русской драматургии 1840-х гг.
Reflecting the profound impact of critical theory on the study of the humanities, this collection of original essays examines the texts and artifacts of the Anglo-Saxon period through key theoretical terms such as ‘ethnicity’ and ‘gender’. Explores the interplay between critical theory and Anglo-Saxon studies Theoretical framework will appeal to specialist scholars as well as those new to the field Includes an afterword on the value of the dialogue between Anglo-Saxon studies and critical theory
A comprehensive collection of essays by leading scholars in the field that address, in a single volume, several key issues in interpreting Terence offering a detailed study of Terence’s plays and situating them in their socio-historical context, as well as documenting their reception through to present day • The first comprehensive collection of essays on Terence in English, by leading scholars in the field • Covers a range of topics, including both traditional and modern concerns of gender, race, and reception • Features a wide-ranging but interconnected series of essays that offer new perspectives in interpreting Terence • Includes an introduction discussing the life of Terence, its impact on subsequent studies of the poet, and the question of his ethnicity
Studying Shakespeare’s Contemporaries is an accessible guide to non-Shakespearian English drama of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Featuring works of prestigious playwrights such as Kyd, Marlowe, Jonson, Webster, and Middleton, Lars Engle describes the conditions under which Renaissance plays were commissioned, written, licensed, staged, and published. Plays are organized by theme and explored individually, creating a text that can be read as a complete overview of English Renaissance drama or used as an indexed reference resource.
A Companion to American Literary Studies addresses the most provocative questions, subjects, and issues animating the field. Essays provide readers with the knowledge and conceptual tools for understanding American literary studies as it is practiced today, and chart new directions for the future of the subject. Offers up-to-date accounts of major new critical approaches to American literary studies Presents state-of-the-art essays on a full range of topics central to the field Essays explore critical and institutional genealogies of the field, increasingly diverse conceptions of American literary study, and unprecedented material changes such as the digital revolution A unique anthology in the field, and an essential resource for libraries, faculty, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates
A comprehensive introduction to Old English, combining simple, clear philology with the best literary works to provide a compelling and accessible beginners’ guide. Provides a comprehensive introduction to Old English Uses a practical approach suited to the needs of the beginning student Features selections from the greatest works of Old English literature, organized from simple to more challenging texts to keep pace with the reader Includes a discussion of Anglo-Saxon literature, history, and culture, and a bibliography directing readers to useful publications on the subject Updated throughout with new material including the first 25 lines from Beowulf with detailed annotation and an explanation of Grimm’s and Verner’s laws
Эта книга, с одной стороны, нефилософская, с другой – исключительно философская. Ее можно рассматривать как исследовательскую работу, но в определенных концептуальных рамках. Автор попытался понять вселенную Тарантино так, как понимает ее режиссер, и обращался к жанровому своеобразию тарантиновских фильмов, чтобы доказать его уникальность. Творчество Тарантино автор разделил на три периода, каждому из которых посвящена отдельная часть книги: первый период – условно криминальное кино, Pulp Fiction; второй период – вторжение режиссера на территорию грайндхауса; третий – утверждение режиссера на территории грайндхауса. Последний период творчества Тарантино отмечен «историческим поворотом», обусловленным желанием режиссера снять Nazisploitation и подорвать конвенции спагетти-вестерна.
А. К. Шеллер (псевд. – Михайлов) – один из популярных беллетристов 60–70-х годов, посвящавший свои произведения преимущественно теме «новых людей». Салтыков внимательно следил за творческой эволюцией писателя, видя в ней яркую иллюстрацию несостоятельности утилитарной эстетики, которую отстаивал журнал «Дело». По мнению Салтыкова, противопоставляя чистую тенденциозность глубокому знанию жизни, подлинной художественности, теоретики и беллетристы из журнала «Дело» чрезвычайно суживают возможности литературы, обрекая ее на поверхностное, «разговорное негодование», на «махание картонным мечом», на примитивность и однообразие. Задача литературы – «анализировать и исследовать» действительность, а не отделываться «каким-нибудь общим местом».