Короткие любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Короткие любовные романы


Ксения Медведева

Действие романа происходит в авторской Северной Америке. Мошенница Моди Триплетт, спасаясь от полиции, бежит к своему бывшему подельнику на курорт миллионеров. На этом острове, куда каждое лето съезжаются самые богатые джентльмены Америки, Моди намерена отыскать себе мужа. Только она не подозревает, что по ее следам идет талантливый инспектор полиции, в которого, кстати, очень легко влюбиться.

Когда зацветёт жасмин

Мелани Кобер

Он писал это письмо, практически ни на что не надеясь… Но получил ответ. Она давно уже не ждала от него вестей… Зачем же откликнулась? Возможно ли это – отыскать счастье на пепелище давней любви? Может, ответ в следующем письме?


Максим Илюхов

Короткий рассказ о девушке, которой уже нет с нами, короткий отдых, кусочек лета…

Addy's Redemption: A Novel

Juliana Ormsby

Addison Blake is thoroughly convinced there is no gray area when it comes to luck – either you’re born with it or you’re not. She frequently notices the happy, fortunate people and wonders why she was not destined to be one of them. Orphaned after a tragic accident killed her parents, Addy is left with no one to raise her except two maiden aunts, both humorless and fanatically devout Catholics. A bright star in Addy’s life is a spunky schoolmate, Helena, of whom the aunts completely disapprove because Helena’s mother is divorced. By pulling their niece away from all that they perceive to be sinful and tainted, the aunts map out Addy’s future as a dutiful wife to Lionel, a man they are convinced will make the perfect Catholic husband. Rather than finding peace and comfort in Catholicism, Addy silently rages at what she perceives to be a sadistic, unfair God, who has left us to our own devices and allows horrific suffering for some people. Highly intelligent and sensitive, Addy escapes from her grim reality into a rich world of fantasy. Her tendency to daydream often gets her into trouble, particularly with her verbally and physically abusive “perfect” husband. Little does the cruel, boorish Lionel know that he is the very reason Addy wants to escape. After moving away at a young age, Helena, the once “forbidden fruit” returns to town for her mother’s funeral. Now, Helena is wealthy and well-known. Addy never dreams that Helena would want to associate with her, but Lionel has ulterior motives and forces Addy to foster the friendship. Astute and sophisticated, Helena sees right through the situation but secretly chooses to rekindle her friendship with Addy on her own terms while convincing Lionel he is the hero he wants to be. Helena and Addy are complete opposites, yet they are sisters of the heart. Each has an appreciation for the other’s qualities. The brazen, worldly Helena can’t bear to see her soul mate suffer at the hands of such a loutish husband and schemes to murder him. However, even the best laid plans often go awry. Not even Helena could foresee how deceit, decadence, and death would change their lives forever. About the Author: Dr. Juliana Ormsby was born in New England into a large working-class immigrant family. While Juliana was growing up, opportunities for women were limited, particularly those from her socio-economic background. Juliana defied the odds and won a scholarship to a prestigious women’s college. During her undergraduate years, the author came across people and things very different from her upbringing. To quench her thirst for wider knowledge, she went on to pursue advanced degrees as well as live and work in different cultures in many parts of the world. A good listener with a keen memory, Dr. Ormsby gathered stories wherever she went. Her first novel, Addy’s Redemption, is fictional but based upon the experiences of people Dr. Ormsby has encountered throughout her life’s journey.

Dreaming of Tomorrow

Susan Kohler

Emily thought she had to solve all her problems before she could live life to the fullest, and boy did she have problems: She needed to lose a lot of weight, and she was the sole caregiver for her parents who both had serious health problems. Emily loved them both dearly, but sometimes she felt trapped. The only way out seemed to be losing her parents and that was something she couldn’t face. She told herself that someday, in the future, she would lose the weight, finish school, find a good job, a great guy to love and be happy. She put her faith in God that the future would not come too soon. Fate, luck, or the hand of God stepped in, when Kate talks Emily into working behind the scenes at a charity horse show. She was scared of the horses, but she met the most gorgeous man she had ever seen, and he wasn’t only gorgeous but also considerate and very interested in Emily. Emily bloomed around David: slimming down, learning to ride, and gaining confidence. David helped her find the fun, confident woman Emily had hidden inside herself. He even helped her with her parents. She learned that you can’t wait for the perfect time and place to fall in love. You have to grab life with both hands and live it to the fullest. That’s what it takes to really live a life filled with passion and love. About the Author: Susan Kohler lives in Southern California with her Boston Terrier, Oreo. She’s semi-retired, and writes in her spare time. This is her seventh published book, and she’s had one of her previous books translated into Spanish. This is her fourth romance. The first, The Heart of The Beast, is a dark historical romance, but the other three, Working Romance, Who’s Taming Who? and Dreaming of Tomorrow are contemporary.

Иней поздним летом

юлия рассказова

У всех нас есть свои тайны. Светлые или темные. Думать о которых – словно гладить пушистый мех или ходить босыми ногами по острым ножам. Которые прогоняют прочь сон или заставляют на несколько мгновений забыть, где находишься. Неведомые другим. Но оттого они и тайны. Была такая и у Инны… Сказка для Золушек, которым давно за тридцать…

Человек, который боялся прыгнуть в воду с трамплина

Мария Снадина

Из ежедневных сомнений состоит вся наша жизнь. А что если бы я?.. А что если бы он или она?.. В настоящем есть только один вариант реальности, который мы проживаем. Вместе с нашими страхами, надеждами, радостями и горестями. Не стоит откладывать на завтра возможность, которая уже перед вами. Вдруг, это то, что принесёт долгожданное счастье.


Виталий Александрович Кириллов

Асилия мечтала о славе и получила ее. Ее любят толпы поклонников. Но недаром говорят, бойтесь своих желаний. Теперь ей хочется или Дон Кихота, или на крайний случай Мастера. Игорь мечтал лишь об одном —увидеть свою возлюбленную. Мы боимся своих желаний, но именно желания превратят нашу реальность в вожделенную мечту. На пути к мечте герои истории обязательно столкнутся с преградами судьбы и осознают, что они не знали своих желаний. Потому что любая мечта больше того, что мы себе представляем о ней. В этой истории вы переживёте не только истинные чувства, но и пробудитесь ото сна Вселенной. Вы готовы? Тогда два безумца ждут вас, чтобы рассказать свои истории. И, возможно, Вселенная будет к ним благосклонна и исполнит их желания.