Короткие любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Короткие любовные романы

Merciful Law

Darby Sr. Rae

Lawrence Davenport lives a fortunate life. He has a brilliant career, an enviable home, a devoted wife, and so much more. But Lawrence Davenport also has a brutal secret. After three years, Emmet Navar is still grieving the death of his wife. Month by month he puts more pieces of his outwardly simple world back together, dedicating himself to his boys first and his firm second. The woman they both know is battling demons from her past, demons in the present, and demons she is sure will rear in her future…and the future of those now close to her. Many days she allows herself to be fooled to believe her life is normal…even happy. <br><br>Full of suspense, adventure and humor, you&#39;ll fall in love with the characters at every twist and turn in Merciful Law. It is the perfect blend of male and female, action and romance. As the story unfolds, you will wonder who will win, who will lose, who will live and who will die.<br><br>Merciful Law…they had a marriage to die for…and someone will.

I Love You, Goodbye

Prentiss Sr. Grant

Harrison Michaels is the president of a large internation bank. Success and power came quickly to Harrison and he thrives on both. Married to the perfect wife, Harrison seems to have it all. Harrison&#39;s only concern is an investigation by the F.B.I. for alleged illegal money transfers of millions of dollars of corporate funds held by the bank. Even this does not bother Harrison much as he consider the F.B.I. only a mild irritant. Nor is Harrion bothered by the fact the corporate funds are owned by the mob. Harrison is in control and no one can touch him.<br><br>Harrison&#39;s live takes a dramatic turn during a &quot;business&quot; trip to the Cayman Islands when he is notified that his wife has died. Her death, first appearing to be an accident, turns out to be murder. Harrison&#39;s problems increase when his secretary, Elizabeth Blaine, is arrested and placed on trial for the murder. Harrison, while suffering the loss of his wife, now faces a District Attorney who is determined to prove Harrison was involved with his wife&#39;s murder, an F.B.I. agent trying to make &quot;grade&quot; on Harrison&#39;s arrest, and the syndicate impatiently wanting return of their money before Harrison&#39;s world crumbles.<br><br>&quot;I Love You, Goodbye&quot; is an exciting story with a multitude of twists. Its nonstop action will keep you riveted to every page as you witness Harrison Michaels&#39; live unravel seemingly out of control. &#39;I Love You, Goodbye&quot; has love, deceit, greed, betrayal and an ending you will not forget!

Last Flight Out

Jennifer Psy.D. Vaughn

Ella Sheridan has failed them again. One shortcoming after another, this is just the latest disappointment in what Ella sees as a lifetime spent not measuring up. Her family&#39;s pristine image about to be shattered when the nation learns the vice president&#39;s daughter has cancer. Ignoring her mother&#39;s strict security mandates against commercial travel, Ella books herself on a flight bound for Los Angeles to share her difficult diagnosis first with a trusted friend. She has no idea that someone with evil intentions has other plans for her.<br><br>Dezi has just landed the job of his career. Ruggedly handsome and entirely focused on himself, he has made his photography work priority number one. As he heads to L.A. for the shoot, he has absolutely no interest in a new relationship, until one literally falls into his lap. His clumsy introduction to Ella leads to the deepest, most intense encounter either of them has ever had.<br><br>Ahmed is the son of an Iraqi woman and a British man, doctors who cherished their brilliant boy until they died in the bombing of a Baghdad hospital. As he watches a rising star in American politics tell her nation the dead citizens are an acceptable loss in the pursuit of a greater good, Ahmed focuses singularly on her as the perpetrator of his personal tragedy. Guided by an obsessive need for vengeance, Ahmed builds the skills he will need to punish her for taking away all that he loved.<br><br>Unwittingly, Ella becomes his pawn as he infiltrates her life to lure her mother out. Will a woman who has sacrificed and clawed her way to the White House follow protocol, or her heart, when she learns her daughter is in mortal danger?<br><br>Can Ella and Dezi&#39;s fragile new passion survive both a maniac&#39;s wicked vendetta, and a potentially deadly disease that could take one of them out for good?<br><br>&quot;Last Flight Out&quot; is the story of being true to who you are, facing your own regrets, and maybe having the opportunity to set things right before it&#39;s too late.<br><br>A portion of the proceeds will be donated to organizations dedicated to fighting breast cancer across New Hampshire.


Алиса Фомина

День, когда ты возвращаешься в город, можно назвать кошмарным, благодаря двум вещам. Первая: наглый мужчина облил меня кофе, из-за того, что я случайно толкнула его. Второе: отец привёл в дом другую женщину, которая напоминает мне животное. Эрривэйс – небольшой городок, находящийся возле леса, в Канаде. И именно там начнётся моя история.

Мозаика Любви

Александр Куделин

Можно ли принять взросление твоего партнёра? Может это сексуальная блажь, усталость тел или кривая улыбка расстояния пройденного пути, которое материализовалось в постоянного собеседника? По-любому столь долгое сосуществование не может не менять сознания, не вести к переоценке и обретению собственных горизонтов… Один вопрос – какие они эти Его горизонты?! Теперь, когда смотрю в себя – всё что во мне – всё от тебя!!!

The Bluewater Wraith

T.R. Boone's Sullivan

Lacy and David Taylor buy a houseboat at a charity auction, although neither of them knows the first thing about boating. Lacy feels that &quot;it&#39;ll be a brand new adventure for us &ndash; owning a boat. We&#39;ll have a wonderful time.&quot;<br><br>When they find a harbor to moor their boat, they also meet the boat&#39;s previous owner and his new wife, Frank and J.J. Patterson. The four of them soon become fast friends, even though Lacy is a little concerned about the attraction between her husband and the previous owner&#39;s new wife.<br><br>As they learn about their boat and the harbor they&#39;re in, Lacy and David also learn something else: their boat is haunted, and their lives are in jeopardy.<br><br>…&quot;A ghost haunting the claustrophobic confines of a houseboat is a frightening idea…and Sullivan writes well enough to make sure you believe it.&quot; (aBumpInTheNight review)

One Week Gig

Rufus Jr. Curry Jr.

Fiction / Romance / Adult <br><br>Caught in the crossfire between justification and knowing, Chapman Sweet, Jr. works to untangle the present mess he finds his life in. Surrounded by a smorgasbord of feminine opportunities and advisors, the leader of the Chapman Sweet Band stands in the middle of the crossroads to Heaven and Hell. Three beautiful women tarry in the hall of his desire, waiting for his decision. Desperate measures rise as the sole option, in the quest for a One Week Gig. Music, friends, food, laughs laced with tears, combined to pave the way to what could be. <br><br>* Can a husband and wife have their dreams and be happy in marriage at the same time?<br>* She is supposed to make me happy!<br>* He is supposed to make me happy!<br>* If she won&#39;t, I know somebody else will.<br>* God said…?

Waiting For Michael

Kathy Sr. Sampson

The circumstances are right, the opportunity has presented itself. Now, all she needs is a plan and she can be free of the humiliation, the abuse, and of him. She simply has to play the dutiful wife and tread softly – very softly – because Michael is not a forgiving man.<br><br>But there are things Estelle doesn&#39;t know, not yet. They will come to her soon, a piece at a time. And as they do, the night will grow darker, the fear greater and her determination will crumble. She will want to stop it, to go back to the way things were, only it is far too late.<br><br>Suddenly, she finds herself alone, terrified and running in fear! And waiting for Michael has become a matter of life and death!

Юность в стране застоя, или Повесть о первой любви

Константин Кураленя

Повесть рассказывает о молодёжи конца семидесятых, начала восьмидесятых годов прошлого века. Как на самом деле складывалась пора взросления и первой любви того самого потерянного советского поколения? Бывает ли первая любовь счастливой?

The Fixer Upper

Maggie Mae Gallagher

Abby Callier is more in love with Shakespearean heroes than any real man, and she&rsquo;s beginning to wonder if there is life for her outside the pages of a book. It doesn&rsquo;t help that her esteemed parents tend to view her as they would one of their science experiments gone wrong. On the eve of finishing her dissertation, she escapes her staid existence to live in the house she inherited from her Great Aunt Evie in the small town of Echo Springs, Colorado. Because, let&rsquo;s face it, when a woman starts comparing her life to horror films, it might be time for a break. Sheriff Nate Barnes believes in law and order and carefully building the life you want. In his spare time, he has been remodeling his house in the hope that one day it will be filled with the family he makes. But Nate doesn&rsquo;t like drama or complications and tends to avoid them at all costs. And yet, when Miss Abigail Callier, his newest neighbor, beans him with a nine iron, he can&rsquo;t help but wonder if she might just be the complication he&rsquo;s been searching for all along. It doesn&rsquo;t hurt that he&rsquo;s discovered a journal hidden away by the previous tenant, and decides to use Old Man Turner&rsquo;s advice to romance Abby into his life. Abby never expected her next-door neighbor, the newly dubbed Sheriff Stud Muffin, to be just the distraction her world needed. The problem is she doesn&rsquo;t know whether she should make Echo Springs her home, or if this town is just a stopover point in her life&rsquo;s trajectory. And she doesn&rsquo;t want to tell Nate that she might not be sticking around &ndash; even though she should, because it&rsquo;s the right thing to do, the honest thing &ndash; because then all the scintillatingly hot kisses with the Sheriff will come to an abrupt halt. Did she mention that he&rsquo;s a really great kisser?