Вечер. Муж приходит усталым с работы и хочет поговорить с женой о произошедших обстоятельствах.
Очередной серый и ничем не примечательный день. Главный герой возвращается с работы и размышляет о том, как же его жизнь однообразна. Он шёл через парк, как вдруг его накрывает странное чувство. Лишь потом он понимает, что жизнь – странная штука.
Капитана в живых держали письма его возлюбленной. Но чувства меняются и не всегда о них возможно говорить. А война идёт не первый, не второй год. Кажется, что столетие, кажется, что час. А буран за окном так и метёт, Андрей всё ещё воюет.
Слишком короткий роман, чтобы называться книгой. Однако в наше время шаблоны и правила нередко подвергаются изменениями, а порой и разрушениям. Эта недетская история о детях, которые любили играть в игры своих родителей. Стоит сказать, что все описанное – выдумка, кроме самого пожара. Хотя кто-то может встретить себя в этой истории. Как и в любой другой. Содержит нецензурную брань.
After You’ve Gone in paperback, it is a moving, sublime love story set in the cataclysmic decades around the turn of the twentieth century. Henry Dorn has spent years building a family, but it only takes a single afternoon for it to fall apart. Abruptly widowed of the love of his life, Henry buys a steamer ticket for Amsterdam, the city of his heritage, hoping to start life anew. But nothing could have prepared him for the woman he meets on the ship: the fiery, self-sufficient Lydia Pearce, one of a new generation of women. Before long the two have fallen into an affair of a depth and significance for which neither was prepared. But the memory of his wife and the vexed relationship he had with their son haunt Henry in the midst of his new beginning. Jeffrey Lent is one of our finest novelists, and After You’ve Gone delivers a tale that beautifully charts the sweep of a life, the grim reach of a war, and the discovery—and loss—of life-defining love
Она притворилась леди, чтобы попасть на турнир Императора, но теперь ее разоблачили. Император готов подписать смертный приговор, а его советник просит и вовсе отдать права на ее жизнь в его полное распоряжение. Одна надежда – послы из дружественного государства, предложившие ей свое покровительство взамен на победу в турнире. Ее мотивы и прошлое неизвестны. Впрочем, никто и не интересуется… Содержит нецензурную брань.
As the boat set sail, in search of the mysterious Island, Maria gazed out into the water's horizon, lost in thought of what was sure to be an amazing adventure. A woman's journey into the deepest depths of her own Ocean. "There are hidden secrets that lie deep within ourselves. How far are you willing to go to release them?"
Some decisions are choiceless… But it wasn't enough, none of it was. Not giving up her well paid job and risking everything to follow her heart and paint. Not defiantly testifying against her predator boss. Not being there for her family and friends whenever they needed her. Because, you see, it's one thing to find yourself; but it's something else entirely to keep yourself. And Mira found herself yet again wrapped up in a tangled web of good intensions that was slowly choking her. Would she ever be truly free? There wasn't really anything to complain about though. She had a good job at the deli, which allowed her time to paint, and all her family and friends were well and happy. And she had the most adoring, kind, cashed-up, easy-on-the-eye boyfriend. So what on Earth was wrong with Mira? Why couldn't she just be more grateful? …Because sometimes you know exactly what you need, you just pretend like you don't want it.
Its 1996. A heartbroken, 18 year old Karen Faris sits crying on a bench beside a payphone at the Jersey shore. All she wants is to hear David's voice, but it's a different voice that pulls her away from her past and leads her to happiness. Or so she thought. What Karen thinks is love at first sight turns out to be lies at first sight. From the day they met, all Ramsey does is spew lies to Karen about his past, only telling her minimal truths to keep her close to him. When Ramsey gets too caught up in his own lies, he turns to suicide as his only escape. Ramsey's death leads a devastated Karen to uncover unfathomable truths about his secret life. Tormented by the letter that sits in the sealed envelope in her nightstand, Karen finally decides to read it months after it is given to her. It isn't until then that she finally gets a glimpse into what Ramsey's life was like on the other side of the lies.