Компьютеры: прочее

Различные книги в жанре Компьютеры: прочее

Adobe Creative Cloud All-in-One For Dummies

Christopher Smith

Get ready to jump into the Creative Cloud Adobe Creative Cloud is the most popular suite of tools among creative professionals, and a valuable resource you can use to fulfill all of your design goals. Ready to get started? The only book on the market of its kind, Adobe Creative Cloud All-in-One For Dummies is written by designers for designers. It will provide you with expert instruction that spans seven mini-books, with helpful information that can grant insight regardless of your current level of knowledge. Experience with Adobe Creative Cloud is a marketable skill, and this all-in-one reference guide will help you add InDesign CC, Illustrator CC, Photoshop CC, Acrobat Pro, Adobe Bridge, and Adobe Experience Design to your resume. With more than 800 pages of content, this detailed guide will give you confidence you need to use Adobe photography and graphic design tools to edit photos, make original designs and layouts, and let your creativity shine with Adobe Creative Cloud. Learn design basics and utilize more advanced features Protect your documents with Acrobat Pro Find tips and tricks to make each program work better From 3D images and vivid illustrations to dynamic web pages and interactive effects, Adobe Creative Cloud All-in-One For Dummies shows you how to do it all!

How to Do Systems Analysis

William Scherer T.

This book focuses on systems analysis, broadly defined to also include problem formulation and interpretation of proposed alternatives in terms of the value systems of stakeholders. Therefore, the book is a complement, not a substitute to other books when teaching systems engineering and systems analysis. The nature of problem solving discussed in this book is appropriate to a wide range of systems analyses. Thus the book can be used as a stand-alone book for teaching the analysis of systems. Also unique is the inclusion of broad case studies to stress problem solving issues, making How to Do Systems Analysis a complement to the many fine works in systems engineering available today.

Cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure on the Internet

Группа авторов

A practical guide to Cryptography and its use in the Internet and other communication networks. This overview takes the reader through basic issues and on to more advanced concepts, to cover all levels of interest. Coverage includes all key mathematical concepts, standardisation, authentication, elliptic curve cryptography, and algorithm modes and protocols (including SSL, TLS, IPSec, SMIME, & PGP protocols). * Details what the risks on the internet are and how cryptography can help * Includes a chapter on interception which is unique amongst competing books in this field * Explains Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) – currently the most important issue when using cryptography in a large organisation * Includes up-to-date referencing of people, organisations, books and Web sites and the latest information about recent acts and standards affecting encryption practice * Tackles the practical issues such as the difference between SSL and IPSec, which companies are active on the market and where to get further information

Hardware-based Computer Security Techniques to Defeat Hackers

Roger Dube R.

Presents primary hardware-based computer security approaches in an easy-to-read toolbox format Protecting valuable personal information against theft is a mission-critical component of today's electronic business community. In an effort to combat this serious and growing problem, the Intelligence and Defense communities have successfully employed the use of hardware-based security devices. This book provides a road map of the hardware-based security devices that can defeat—and prevent—attacks by hackers. Beginning with an overview of the basic elements of computer security, the book covers: Cryptography Key generation and distribution The qualities of security solutions Secure co-processors Secure bootstrap loading Secure memory management and trusted execution technology Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) Hardware-based authentification Biometrics Tokens Location technologies Hardware-Based Computer Security Techniques to Defeat Hackers includes a chapter devoted entirely to showing readers how they can implement the strategies and technologies discussed. Finally, it concludes with two examples of security systems put into practice. The information and critical analysis techniques provided in this user-friendly book are invaluable for a range of professionals, including IT personnel, computer engineers, computer security specialists, electrical engineers, software engineers, and industry analysts.

Предоставление сведений из ЕГРН в электронном виде

А. А. Шадура

Издание представляет собой сборник инструкций по предоставлению сведений из Единого государственного реестра недвижимости (ЕГРН) в электронном виде. Сведения из ЕГРН можно запросить через личный кабинет портала Росреестра и посредством сервиса сайта Федеральной кадастровой палаты. Данное пособие направлено на эффективное использование сервисов по предоставлению сведений ЕГРН.

Инвестиции в криптовалюты от А до Я. Практическое руководство начинающего инвестора

Алексей Гольшев

Если вы давно задумывались о вложении собственных средств в криптовалюту, но не знали, с чего начать, то эта книга станет для вас практическим руководством к действию. Автор расскажет о возможных способах покупки, о том, как хранить и обменивать криптовалюту, как определять рыночный тренд, а также даст обзор самых перспективных инвестиционных стратегий. Полученные знания помогут вам сделать первый шаг в инвестировании и разработать стратегию для получения прибыли и приумножения своего капитала.

Adversarial Machine Learning

Yevgeniy Vorobeychik

The increasing abundance of large high-quality datasets, combined with significant technical advances over the last several decades have made machine learning into a major tool employed across a broad array of tasks including vision, language, finance, and security. However, success has been accompanied with important new challenges: many applications of machine learning are adversarial in nature. Some are adversarial because they are safety critical, such as autonomous driving. An adversary in these applications can be a malicious party aimed at causing congestion or accidents, or may even model unusual situations that expose vulnerabilities in the prediction engine. Other applications are adversarial because their task and/or the data they use are. For example, an important class of problems in security involves detection, such as malware, spam, and intrusion detection. The use of machine learning for detecting malicious entities creates an incentive among adversaries to evade detection by changing their behavior or the content of malicius objects they develop. The field of adversarial machine learning has emerged to study vulnerabilities of machine learning approaches in adversarial settings and to develop techniques to make learning robust to adversarial manipulation. This book provides a technical overview of this field. After reviewing machine learning concepts and approaches, as well as common use cases of these in adversarial settings, we present a general categorization of attacks on machine learning. We then address two major categories of attacks and associated defenses: decision-time attacks, in which an adversary changes the nature of instances seen by a learned model at the time of prediction in order to cause errors, and poisoning or training time attacks, in which the actual training dataset is maliciously modified. In our final chapter devoted to technical content, we discuss recent techniques for attacks on deep learning, as well as approaches for improving robustness of deep neural networks. We conclude with a discussion of several important issues in the area of adversarial learning that in our view warrant further research. Given the increasing interest in the area of adversarial machine learning, we hope this book provides readers with the tools necessary to successfully engage in research and practice of machine learning in adversarial settings.

An Introduction to Quantum Communication Networks

Mohsen Razavi

With the fast pace of developments in quantum technologies, it is more than ever necessary to make the new generation of students in science and engineering familiar with the key ideas behind such disruptive systems. This book intends to fill such a gap between experts and non-experts in the field by providing the reader with the basic tools needed to understand the latest developments in quantum communications and its future directions. This is not only to expand the audience knowledge but also to attract new talents to this flourishing field. To that end, the book as a whole does not delve into much detail and most often suffices to provide some insight into the problem in hand. The primary users of the book will then be students in science and engineering in their final year of undergraduate studies or early years of their post-graduate programmes.

The Continuing Arms Race

Группа авторов

As human activities moved to the digital domain, so did all the well-known malicious behaviors including fraud, theft, and other trickery. There is no silver bullet, and each security threat calls for a specific answer. One specific threat is that applications accept malformed inputs, and in many cases it is possible to craft inputs that let an intruder take full control over the target computer system. The nature of systems programming languages lies at the heart of the problem. Rather than rewriting decades of well-tested functionality, this book examines ways to live with the (programming) sins of the past while shoring up security in the most efficient manner possible. We explore a range of different options, each making significant progress towards securing legacy programs from malicious inputs. The solutions explored include enforcement-type defenses, which excludes certain program executions because they never arise during normal operation. Another strand explores the idea of presenting adversaries with a moving target that unpredictably changes its attack surface thanks to randomization. We also cover tandem execution ideas where the compromise of one executing clone causes it to diverge from another thus revealing adversarial activities. The main purpose of this book is to provide readers with some of the most influential works on run-time exploits and defenses. We hope that the material in this book will inspire readers and generate new ideas and paradigms.

Blocks and Chains

Edgar Weippl

The new field of cryptographic currencies and consensus ledgers, commonly referred to as <i>blockchains</i>, is receiving increasing interest from various different communities. These communities are very diverse and amongst others include: technical enthusiasts, activist groups, researchers from various disciplines, start ups, large enterprises, public authorities, banks, financial regulators, business men, investors, and also criminals. The scientific community adapted relatively slowly to this emerging and fast-moving field of cryptographic currencies and consensus ledgers. This was one reason that, for quite a while,the only resources available have been the Bitcoin source code, blog and forum posts, mailing lists, and other online publications. Also the original Bitcoin paper which initiated the hype was published online without any prior peer review. Following the original publication spirit of the Bitcoin paper, a lot of innovation in this field has repeatedly come from the community itself in the form of online publications and online conversations instead of established peer-reviewed scientific publishing. On the one side, this spirit of fast free software development, combined with the business aspects of cryptographic currencies, as well as the interests of today's time-to-market focused industry, produced a flood of publications, whitepapers, and prototypes. On the other side, this has led to deficits in systematization and a gap between practice and the theoretical understanding of this new field. This book aims to further close this gap and presentsa well-structured overview of this broad field from a technical viewpoint. The archetype for modern cryptographic currencies and consensus ledgers is Bitcoin and its underlying Nakamoto consensus. Therefore we describe the inner workings of this protocol in great detail and discuss its relations to other derived systems.